* Project Euler Problem 4: Largest palindrome product
* A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made
* from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.
* Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
* Problem: https://p...content-available-to-author-only...r.net/problem=4
* Solution: https://g...content-available-to-author-only...b.com/potherca-blog/ProjectEuler/blob/master/src/PHP/Solutions/Problem004.php
* Live code: https://i...content-available-to-author-only...e.com/MwUCwn
namespace Potherca\ProjectEuler\Solutions\Problem004
use Potherca\ProjectEuler\Calculators\PalindromeProductCalculator as Calculator;
$digits = 3;
$solution = (new Calculator())->getHighestPalindromeForProduct($digits);
echo $solution;
namespace Potherca\ProjectEuler\Calculators
class PalindromeProductCalculator
final public function getHighestPalindromeForProduct(int $digits): int
$palindromes = $this->getPalindromesForProduct($digits);
return end($palindromes); }
public function getPalindromesForProduct
$digits): array {
$low = 10 ** ($digits - 1);
$high = (10 ** $digits) - 1;
return $this->getPalindromesForRange($low, $high);
public function getPalindromesForRange
$low, int
$high): array {
$palindromes = [];
$numbers = range($low, $high);
foreach ($numbers as $left) {
foreach ($numbers as $right) {
$number = $left * $right;
$reverse = (int
) strrev($number);
if (
$reverse === $number
) {
$palindromes[] = $number;
return $palindromes;