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  1. def recursion_zenik(n,k,path=[],debug=False):
  2. if path and max(path)-min(path)>k:
  3. if debug:
  4. print('Zenik rule fail:',path)
  5. return 0
  6. if n==0:
  7. if debug:
  8. print('Success:',path)
  9. return 1
  10. return sum(recursion_zenik(n-i,k,path+[i]) for i in range(1,n+1))
  12. def matrix_zenik(n,k, debug = False):
  13. matrix = []
  14. for step in range(n+1):
  15. line = [0]*(step+2)
  16. matrix.append([line[:] for _ in range(n+1)])
  17. matrix[step][step][step] = 1 #we have 1 way to step from the land on each step
  19. for step_from in range(1,n):
  20. for step_to in range(step_from+1,n+1):
  21. for min_i in range(1,step_from+2):
  22. for max_i in range(min_i,min(min_i+k,step_from+1)+1):
  23. min_to_write = min(min_i,step_to-step_from)
  24. max_to_write = max(max_i,step_to-step_from)
  25. if max_to_write-min_to_write<=k:
  26. matrix[step_to][min_to_write][max_to_write] += matrix[step_from][min_i][max_i]
  28. if debug:
  29. for step in range(n+1):
  30. print(step,':',',\n'.join(str(line) for line in matrix[step]))
  31. return sum(sum(line) for line in matrix[n])
  33. def check_equal_rec_mat(s):
  34. for n in range(1,s):
  35. for k in range(1,s):
  36. rec = recursion_zenik(n,k)
  37. mat = matrix_zenik(n,k)
  38. if rec!=mat:
  39. print('\nFAIL: n=',n,'k=',k,'rec=',rec,'mat=',mat)
  40. else:
  41. print('OK',end=' ')
  42. print()
  44. #print('Result =',recursion_zenik(4, 2, debug=False))
  45. #print('Result =',matrix_zenik(4,2,debug=True))
  46. #check_equal_rec_mat(15)
  47. import time
  48. t = time.clock()
  49. print(matrix_zenik(100,100))
  50. print('time = ',time.clock()-t)
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time =  2.39042