// C program to implement the Quick Sort
// Algorithm using MPI
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to swap two numbers
void swap(int* arr, int i, int j)
int t = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = t;
// Function that performs the Quick Sort
// for an array arr[] starting from the
// index start and ending at index end
void quicksort(int* arr, int start, int end)
int pivot, index;
// Base Case
if (end <= 1)
// Pick pivot and swap with first
// element Pivot is middle element
pivot = arr[start + end / 2];
swap(arr, start, start + end / 2);
// Partitioning Steps
index = start;
// Iterate over the range [start, end]
for (int i = start + 1; i < start + end; i++) {
// Swap if the element is less
// than the pivot element
if (arr[i] < pivot) {
swap(arr, i, index);
// Swap the pivot into place
swap(arr, start, index);
// Recursive Call for sorting
// of quick sort function
quicksort(arr, start, index - start);
quicksort(arr, index + 1, start + end - index - 1);
// Function that merges the two arrays
int* merge(int* arr1, int n1, int* arr2, int n2)
int* result
= (int*)malloc((n1
+ n2
) * sizeof(int)); int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k;
for (k = 0; k < n1 + n2; k++) {
if (i >= n1) {
result[k] = arr2[j];
else if (j >= n2) {
result[k] = arr1[i];
// Indices in bounds as i < n1
// && j < n2
else if (arr1[i] < arr2[j]) {
result[k] = arr1[i];
// v2[j] <= v1[i]
else {
result[k] = arr2[j];
return result;
// Driver Code
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int number_of_elements;
int* data = NULL;
int chunk_size, own_chunk_size;
int* chunk;
FILE* file = NULL;
double time_taken;
MPI_Status status;
if (argc != 3) {
printf("Desired number of arguments are not their " "in argv....\n");
printf("2 files required first one input and " "second one output....\n");
int number_of_process, rank_of_process;
int rc = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("Error in creating MPI " "program.\n "
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &number_of_process);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank_of_process);
if (rank_of_process == 0) {
// Opening the file
= fopen(argv
[1], "r");
// Printing Error message if any
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Error in opening file\n"); }
// Reading number of Elements in file ...
// First Value in file is number of Elements
"Reading number of Elements From file ....\n");
, "%d", &number_of_elements
); printf("Number of Elements in the file is %d \n", number_of_elements);
// Computing chunk size
= (number_of_elements % number_of_process == 0)
? (number_of_elements / number_of_process)
: (number_of_elements / number_of_process
- 1);
= (int*)malloc(number_of_process
* chunk_size
* sizeof(int));
// Reading the rest elements in which
// operation is being performed
printf("Reading the array from the file.......\n"); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) {
// Padding data with zero
for (int i = number_of_elements;
i < number_of_process * chunk_size; i++) {
data[i] = 0;
// Printing the array read from file
printf("Elements in the array is : \n"); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) {
file = NULL;
// Blocks all process until reach this point
// Starts Timer
time_taken -= MPI_Wtime();
// BroadCast the Size to all the
// process from root process
MPI_Bcast(&number_of_elements, 1, MPI_INT, 0,
// Computing chunk size
= (number_of_elements % number_of_process == 0)
? (number_of_elements / number_of_process)
: number_of_elements
/ (number_of_process - 1);
// Calculating total size of chunk
// according to bits
= (int*)malloc(chunk_size
* sizeof(int));
// Scatter the chuck size data to all process
MPI_Scatter(data, chunk_size, MPI_INT, chunk,
chunk_size, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
data = NULL;
// Compute size of own chunk and
// then sort them
// using quick sort
own_chunk_size = (number_of_elements
>= chunk_size * (rank_of_process + 1))
? chunk_size
: (number_of_elements
- chunk_size * rank_of_process);
// Sorting array with quick sort for every
// chunk as called by process
quicksort(chunk, 0, own_chunk_size);
for (int step = 1; step < number_of_process;
step = 2 * step) {
if (rank_of_process % (2 * step) != 0) {
MPI_Send(chunk, own_chunk_size, MPI_INT,
rank_of_process - step, 0,
if (rank_of_process + step < number_of_process) {
int received_chunk_size
= (number_of_elements
>= chunk_size
* (rank_of_process + 2 * step))
? (chunk_size * step)
: (number_of_elements
- chunk_size
* (rank_of_process + step));
int* chunk_received;
= (int*)malloc( received_chunk_size * sizeof(int));
MPI_Recv(chunk_received, received_chunk_size,
MPI_INT, rank_of_process + step, 0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
data = merge(chunk, own_chunk_size,
chunk = data;
= own_chunk_size + received_chunk_size;
// Stop the timer
time_taken += MPI_Wtime();
// Opening the other file as taken form input
// and writing it to the file and giving it
// as the output
if (rank_of_process == 0) {
// Opening the file
= fopen(argv
[2], "w");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Error in opening file... \n"); }
// Printing total number of elements
// in the file
"Total number of Elements in the array : %d\n",
// Printing the value of array in the file
for (int i = 0; i < own_chunk_size; i++) {
// Closing the file
printf("\n\n\n\nResult printed in output.txt file " "and shown below: \n");
// For Printing in the terminal
printf("Total number of Elements given as input : " "%d\n",
printf("Sorted array is: \n");
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) {
"\n\nQuicksort %d ints on %d procs: %f secs\n",
number_of_elements, number_of_process,
return 0;