#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 50001; typedef long long ll; int n; int a[ N ]; ll ans[ 2 ][ N ];
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
ll tme; int ner, idx, ls, val, k, it, BITree[ N + 1 ];
/// Updates a node in Binary Index Tree (BITree) at given index
/// in BITree. The given value 'val' is added to BITree[i] and
/// all of its ancestors in tree.
/// Source: https://w...content-available-to-author-only...s.org/binary-indexed-tree-or-fenwick-tree-2/
void BITupdate( int index, int val, int n )
/// index in BITree[] is 1 more than the index in arr[]
/// Traverse all ancestors and add 'val'
while ( index <= n )
/// Add 'val' to current node of BI Tree
BITree[ index ] += val;
/// Update index to that of parent in update View
index += index & (-index);
/// Returns sum of arr[0..index]. This function assumes
/// that the array is preprocessed and partial sums of
/// array elements are stored in BITree[].
int BITquery( int index )
int sum = 0; /// Initialize result
/// index in BITree[] is 1 more than the index in arr[]
/// Traverse ancestors of BITree[index]
while( index > 0 )
/// Add current element of BITree to sum
sum += BITree[ index ];
// Move index to parent node in getSum View
index -= index & (-index);
return sum;
void solution1()
vector<pii> arr;
for( int j = 0, i = 1; i <= n; j = i++ )
arr.pb({a[ j ],i});
/* update the i-th index that it is initially present and the i-th
task has not been completed
1-not completed
BITupdate( i, 1, n );
/// sorting in increasing order
sort( arr.begin() , arr.end() );
for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
val = arr[i].fi;
idx = arr[i].se;
/// ner :- number of elements(tasks) remaining
ner = n-i;
/* find out number of task before current task which are not completed in the original array */
ls = BITquery( idx );
/* iteration required to make the current task zero = value of the task
so if the iteration is not the 1 less than val then we need to make it
come to iteration 1 less than the iteration required
eg:- val - 5 , it = 2 , then we make it = 4 by adding ner*(5-2-1) = ner*4
if( val-1 > it )
tme += (val - 1 - it)*1ll*ner ;
/* in tme add the position of the current element
after considering how many task has been done.
ans[0][idx] = ls + tme;
/* k is for counting how many elements have same value as the current element */
k = 0;
for( int j = i+1 ; j < n ; j++)
if( val == arr[j].fi )
/* if element has same value then it's iteration will be equal
to the iteration of current element
then just add the position of the task in tme to get it's answer
ls = BITquery( arr[j].se );
ans[0][arr[j].se] = tme + ls;
for( int j = i ; j < n ; j++)
if( val != arr[j].fi )
/* updating values to -1 because the task have been completed
and won't be considered in next iteration */
BITupdate( idx, -1, n );
/* make iteration equal to current value , similar update tme
for representing time past till current iteration and update i
tme += ner;
it = val;
i = i+k;
tme = 0, memset( BITree, 0, sizeof BITree ); // reset tme and bit
void solution2()
struct pending_tasks_t: vector< int >
int rank( int i )
return lower_bound( begin(), end(), i ) - begin();
void remove_task( int i )
erase( lower_bound( begin(), end(), i ) );
} p; ll time = n; vector< pair< int, int > > task;
for( int i = 0, j = 1; i < n; i = j++ )
if ( a[ i ] == 1 )
ans[ 1 ][ j ] = j;
task.emplace_back( a[ i ], j ), p.push_back( j );
sort( task.begin(), task.end() );
for( int i = 0, it = 2, k = 0, m = task.size(), remaining = m, t; i < m; i += k, it = t + 1, k = 0 )
time += ( ( t = task[ i ].first ) - it ) * ll( remaining ) + 1;
for( int j = i, q; j < m and task[ j ].first == t; j++, k++ )
q = task[ j ].second, ans[ 1 ][ q ] = time + p.rank( q );
for( int j = 0; j < k; j++ )
p.remove_task( task[ i + j ].second );
time += remaining - 1, remaining -= k;
inline void write_solution( int i )
const string eos = " \n";
for( int j = 1; j <= n; j++ )
cout << ans[ i ][ j ] << eos[ j < n ];
void write_counterexample( uint64_t seed, int test_cases )
cout << endl << test_cases << " random test case(s) generated." << endl;
cout << endl << "random number generator seed: " << seed << endl;
cout << endl << "A counterexample was found with different answers:";
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
cout << ' ' << a[ i ];
cout << endl;
for( int i = 0, j = 1; i < 2; i = j++ )
cout << endl << "solution " << j << ": ", write_solution( i ), cout << endl;
int main()
int random; cin >> random;
if ( random )
int max_time, max_tests; uint64_t seed; cin >> n >> max_time >> max_tests >> seed;
assert( n > 0 and n < N and max_time > 0 and max_tests > 0 );
if ( seed == 0 )
seed = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
bool found = false; int test_cases = 0;
for( mt19937_64 random_number_generator( seed ); not found and test_cases < max_tests; test_cases++ )
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
a[ i ] = 1 + random_number_generator() % max_time;
for( int i = 1; i <= n and not found; i++ )
if ( ans[ 0 ][ i ] != ans[ 1 ][ i ] )
found = true;
if ( found )
write_counterexample( seed, test_cases );
cout << "No counterexample was found";
const function< void() > f[] = { solution1, solution2 };
int solution; cin >> solution >> n;
solution--, assert( ( solution == 0 or solution == 1 ) and ( n > 0 and n < N ) );
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
cin >> a[ i ];
f[ solution ](), write_solution( solution );