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  1. #include "bits/stdc++.h"
  2. using namespace std;
  3. #define all(x) begin(x),end(x)
  4. template<typename A, typename B> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const pair<A, B> &p) { return os << '(' << p.first << ", " << p.second << ')'; }
  5. template<typename T_container, typename T = typename enable_if<!is_same<T_container, string>::value, typename T_container::value_type>::type> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const T_container &v) { string sep; for (const T &x : v) os << sep << x, sep = " "; return os; }
  6. #define debug(a) cerr << "(" << #a << ": " << a << ")\n";
  7. typedef long long ll;
  8. typedef vector<int> vi;
  9. typedef vector<vi> vvi;
  10. typedef pair<int,int> pi;
  11. const int mxN = 6e6+1, mxM = 1.1e5+10, oo = 1e9;
  12. // mxN is maximum number of persistent treap nodes
  13. const ll MOD = 1e9+7;
  14. struct Node;
  15. int size(Node* a);
  17. struct Node{
  18. // Persistent (functional) treap node, doesn't get changed after creation
  19. array<Node*,2> kids = {};
  20. int sz,data;
  21. Node(int _data) {
  22. data=_data;
  23. sz = 1;
  24. }
  25. Node() {}
  26. int kth(int k, bool reverse) {
  27. int toleft = size(kids[reverse]);
  28. if(toleft==k) {
  29. return data;
  30. } else if(toleft>k) {
  31. return kids[reverse]->kth(k,reverse);
  32. } else {
  33. return kids[!reverse]->kth(k-toleft-1, reverse);
  34. }
  35. }
  36. void recalc() {
  37. sz=1+size(kids[0])+size(kids[1]);
  38. }
  39. void print() {
  40. if(kids[0]) kids[0]->print();
  41. // cout << data << ' ';
  42. if(kids[1]) kids[1]->print();
  43. }
  44. };
  45. int size(Node* a) {
  46. if(!a) return 0;
  47. return a->sz;
  48. }
  50. Node nodes[mxN]; int p=0;
  51. Node* newnode(Node* c) {
  52. assert(p<mxN);
  53. auto& n = nodes[p++];
  54. = c->data;
  55. = c->sz;
  56. = c->kids;
  57. return &n;
  58. }
  59. Node* newnode(int val) {
  60. assert(p<mxN);
  61. auto& n = nodes[p++];
  62. n = Node(val);
  63. return &n;
  64. }
  66. array<Node*,2> split(Node* c, int lastinleft) {
  67. // functional treap split
  68. // doesn't change nodes and makes new nodes when it's needed
  69. if(size(c->kids[0])>=lastinleft) {
  70. if(c->kids[0]==NULL) {
  71. return {NULL,c};
  72. }
  73. auto cc = newnode(c);
  74. auto ans = split(c->kids[0],lastinleft);
  75. cc->kids[0]=ans[1];
  76. cc->recalc();
  77. return {ans[0],cc};
  78. } else {
  79. if(c->kids[1]==NULL) {
  80. return {c,NULL};
  81. }
  82. lastinleft-=size(c->kids[0])+1;
  83. auto ans = split(c->kids[1], lastinleft);
  84. auto cc = newnode(c);
  85. cc->kids[1]=ans[0];
  86. cc->recalc();
  87. return {cc,ans[1]};
  88. }
  89. }
  90. bool isroot(int a, int b) {
  91. return (ll)rand() * (a + b) < (ll)a * RAND_MAX;
  92. }
  93. Node* merge(Node* a, Node* b) {
  94. // functional treap merge, returns root of newly created tree
  95. if(a==NULL) return b;
  96. if(b==NULL) return a;
  97. if(isroot(size(a), size(b))) {
  98. auto aa = newnode(a);
  99. aa->kids[1] = merge(a->kids[1],b);
  100. aa->recalc();
  101. return aa;
  102. } else {
  103. auto bb = newnode(b);
  104. bb->kids[0] = merge(a,b->kids[0]);
  105. bb->recalc();
  106. return bb;
  107. }
  108. }
  110. struct listroot {
  111. Node* left=NULL, *right=NULL;
  112. // left and right persistent treaps that contain the head and tail part of this list
  113. ll sum=0; // sum of current list
  114. bool onetreap=true;
  115. // if list size is less than 2*mxM, the entire list is stored in one treap
  116. listroot() {}
  117. listroot(int val) {
  118. left = newnode(val);
  119. sum = val;
  120. }
  121. };
  122. listroot roots[int(4e5+60)] = {}; int rp=0;
  124. void head(int i) {
  125. auto& c = roots[i];
  126. auto tup = split(c.left,1);
  127. int val = tup[0]->data;
  128. roots[rp++] = listroot(val);
  129. auto& nxt = roots[rp++] = c;
  130. nxt.left = tup[1];
  131. nxt.sum = (MOD+c.sum-val);
  132. while(nxt.sum>=MOD) nxt.sum-=MOD;
  133. }
  134. void tail(int i) {
  135. auto& c = roots[i];
  136. auto& nxt = roots[rp++] = c;
  137. array<Node*,2> tup;
  138. if(c.onetreap) {
  139. tup = split(c.left, size(c.left)-1);
  140. nxt.left = tup[0];
  141. } else {
  142. tup = split(c.right, size(c.right)-1);
  143. nxt.right = tup[0];
  144. }
  146. int val = tup[1]->data;
  147. nxt.sum = (MOD+c.sum-val);
  148. while(nxt.sum>=MOD) nxt.sum-=MOD;
  150. roots[rp++] = listroot(val);
  151. }
  152. void mergelist(int i, int j) {
  153. auto& l = roots[i], &r = roots[j];
  154. auto& nxt = roots[rp++];
  155. nxt.sum = l.sum+r.sum;
  156. while(nxt.sum>=MOD) nxt.sum-=MOD;
  157. nxt.onetreap = l.onetreap and r.onetreap;
  158. if(!l.onetreap) nxt.left = l.left;
  159. if(!r.onetreap) nxt.right = r.right;
  161. if(l.onetreap and r.onetreap) {
  162. // l and r only store one treap each
  163. // merge their treaps
  164. nxt.left = merge(l.left, r.left);
  165. if(size(nxt.left)>=2*mxM) {
  166. // if nxt's treap can be split into two treaps of size mxM, do this
  167. nxt.onetreap= false;
  168. auto tup = split(nxt.left, mxM);
  169. nxt.left = tup[0];
  170. nxt.right = split(tup[1], size(tup[1])-mxM)[1];
  171. }
  172. } else if(l.onetreap) {
  173. nxt.left = split(merge(l.left, r.left), mxM)[0];
  174. } else if(r.onetreap) {
  175. nxt.right = merge(l.right, r.left);
  176. nxt.right = split(nxt.right, size(nxt.right)-mxM)[1];
  177. }
  178. }
  180. int main() {
  181. ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
  182. cin.tie(NULL);
  183. int n; cin >> n;
  184. for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
  185. int cur; cin >> cur;
  186. roots[rp++] = listroot(cur);
  187. }
  188. int m; cin >> m;
  189. for(int ops=0;ops<m;++ops) {
  190. string op; cin >> op;
  191. if(op == "merge") {
  192. int i,j; cin >> i >> j;
  193. --i,--j;
  194. mergelist(i,j);
  195. } else {
  196. int i; cin >> i; --i;
  197. if(op=="head") head(i);
  198. else tail(i);
  199. cout << roots[rp-2].sum << '\n';
  200. }
  201. cout << roots[rp-1].sum << '\n';
  202. }
  203. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.02s 156716KB
1 2 3 4
merge 1 2
merge 3 4
merge 6 5
head 7
tail 9
merge 2 3
merge 1 1