Solution: polynomial hashes + binary search, O(n * log(n))
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <functional>
typedef unsigned long long ull;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool is_prime(int n) {
for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; ++i) {
if (n % i == 0) {
return false;
return n > 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int next_prime(int number, int steps = 1) {
while (steps--) {
while (!is_prime(++number));
return number;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int solve(const std::string& s, const std::string& t) {
// Constants of hashing:
const int base = next_prime(256, std::rand() % 77 + 33);
const int mod1 = next_prime(1e9, std::rand() % 77 + 33);
const int n = (int)s.size();
const int mxPow = n;
// Calculation powers of base:
std::vector<int> pow1(1+mxPow, 1);
std::vector<ull> pow2(1+mxPow, 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= mxPow; ++i) {
pow1[i] = 1LL * pow1[i-1] * base % mod1;
pow2[i] = pow2[i-1] * base;
// Find hashes on prefixes s and t:
std::vector<int> s_pref1{0}, t_pref1{0};
std::vector<ull> s_pref2{0}, t_pref2{0};
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Hash modulo mod1:
s_pref1.push_back((s_pref1.back() + 1LL * s[i] * pow1[i]) % mod1);
t_pref1.push_back((t_pref1.back() + 1LL * t[i] * pow1[i]) % mod1);
// Hash modulo mod2 = 2^64:
s_pref2.push_back(s_pref2.back() + s[i] * pow2[i]);
t_pref2.push_back(t_pref2.back() + t[i] * pow2[i]);
// Find first not equal symbol:
int f = 0;
while (f < n && s[f] == t[f]) ++f;
std::function<std::pair<int, ull>(int,int,int)> hash_on_prefix_after_swap = [&] (const int r, const int f, const int l) {
// Function for calculating polynomial hash on substring s[0..r] after swap s[f] and s[l]
int hash1 = 0; ull hash2 = 0;
// Add hash on s[0, f);
hash1 += s_pref1[std::min(r+1, f)];
hash2 += s_pref2[std::min(r+1, f)];
if (r < f) return std::make_pair(hash1, hash2);
// Add s[l]:
hash1 = (hash1 + 1LL * s[l] * pow1[f]) % mod1;
hash2 += s[l] * pow2[f];
if (r == f) return std::make_pair(hash1, hash2);
// Add hash on s[f+1, l):
hash1 = (0LL + hash1 + s_pref1[std::min(l, r+1)] - s_pref1[f+1] + mod1) % mod1;
hash2 += s_pref2[std::min(l, r+1)] - s_pref2[f+1];
if (r < l) return std::make_pair(hash1, hash2);
// Add s[f]:
hash1 = (hash1 + 1LL * s[f] * pow1[l]) % mod1;
hash2 += s[f] * pow2[l];
if (r == l) return std::make_pair(hash1, hash2);
// Add s[l+1, r]:
hash1 = (0LL + hash1 + s_pref1[r+1] - s_pref1[l+1] + mod1) % mod1;
hash2 += s_pref2[r+1] - s_pref2[l+1];
return std::make_pair(hash1, hash2);
// Try to change the first unequal symbol with all that stand after:
int answ = f;
for (int l = f+1; l < n; ++l) {
// Binary search: s[0..low] == t[0..low], s[0..high] != t[0..high]
int low = f-1, high = n;
while (high - low > 1) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
auto h1 = hash_on_prefix_after_swap(mid, f, l);
if (h1.first == t_pref1[mid+1] && h1.second == t_pref2[mid+1]) {
low = mid;
} else {
high = mid;
// Update answer:
answ = std::max(answ, low+1);
return answ;
int main() {
std::cin.tie(0); std::cout.tie(0); std::cerr.tie(0);
int n;
std::cin >> n;
std::string s, t;
std::cin >> s >> t;
assert(s.size() == t.size());
std::cout << solve(s, t);
return 0;