using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace PMS.Common.Collections
// Abstract Suffix Tree class. Defines interface for different implementations of
// suffix tree construction algorithms and internal representations
// Usage example:
// var tree = SuffixTree.Build("cacao", SuffixTreeAlgorithm.UkkonenLinear);
// var matches = tree.Match("ca").ToArray();
// Console.WriteLine(tree.ToDotNotation());
// Dot notation can be rendered here:
public abstract class SuffixTree
#region Fields
protected static char TerminationCharacter = '$';
#region Api
public abstract bool IsMatch(string substring);
public abstract IEnumerable<int> Match(string substring);
public abstract string ToDotNotation();
#region Construction
public static SuffixTree Build(string text, SuffixTreeAlgorithm algorithm)
if (text == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
if (text.Contains(TerminationCharacter))
throw new ArgumentException("Input contains termination character", nameof(text));
switch (algorithm)
case SuffixTreeAlgorithm.UkkonenLinear: // O(n)
return new SuffixTreeUkkonenLinear(text);
throw new NotImplementedException($"No implementation for algoritm {algorithm}");
public enum SuffixTreeAlgorithm
/// <summary>
/// Ukkonen linear time O(n) algorithm
/// As described in the book by D. Gusfield, Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences
/// </summary>
public class SuffixTreeUkkonenLinear : SuffixTree
#region Fields
private static readonly int currentPosition = int.MinValue;
private readonly Node root;
private readonly string text;
#region Constructor
public SuffixTreeUkkonenLinear(string inputText)
text = inputText + TerminationCharacter;
root = Build(text);
#region Api
public override bool IsMatch(string substring)
return Match(substring).Any();
public override IEnumerable<int> Match(string substring)
var node = Navigate(root, 0, substring.Length, substring, text, false);
if (!node.isFound)
yield break;
var stack = new Stack<Node>();
if (node.childIndex < 0)
while (stack.Count > 0)
var current = stack.Pop();
if (HasChildren(current))
foreach (var child in current.children)
yield return current.pos;
#region Methods
private static Location Navigate(Node parent, int from, int to, string substring, string text, bool useSkipCount)
var node = parent;
if (from == to)
return new Location(true, node, from, 0, -1);
// Navigate to the end of substring
var k = from;
while (true)
var childIndex = FindChild(substring[k], node, text);
if (childIndex < 0)
return new Location(false, node, k, 0, -1);
var child = node.children[childIndex];
var m = 0;
if (useSkipCount)
var skip = Math.Min(to - k, end(child, to + 1) - child.start);
m += skip;
k += skip;
while (child.start + m < end(child, to + 1) &&
k < to &&
text[child.start + m] == substring[k])
if (k == to)
return new Location(true, node, k, m, childIndex);
else if (child.start + m == end(child, to + 1))
if (!HasChildren(child))
return new Location(false, node, k, m, childIndex);
node = child;
return new Location(false, node, k, m, childIndex);
private static int end(Node node, int pos)
if (node.end == currentPosition)
return pos - 1;
return node.end;
private static int FindChild(char c, Node node, string text)
if (node.children == null)
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < node.children.Count; ++i)
var child = node.children[i];
if (text[child.start] == c)
return i;
return -1;
private static bool HasChildren(Node node)
return node.children != null;
#region Construction
private Node Build(string text)
var builder = new UkkonenBuilder(text);
return builder.Build();
private class UkkonenBuilder
private readonly string text;
private readonly Node root;
private Node activeLeaf;
private Node nodeThatRequireSuffixLink;
public UkkonenBuilder(string text)
this.text = text;
this.root = new Node
children = new List<Node>()
public Node Build()
activeLeaf = ConstructT(0);
var next = new Next(root, 1, 1, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; ++i)
nodeThatRequireSuffixLink = null;
// Phase i+1
// So the first extension of any phase is special and only takes constant time since the algorithm
// has a pointer to the end of the current full string
// I.e. when j = 0
ApplyRule1(activeLeaf, i + 1);
while (next.j < i)
var location = Navigate(next.node, next.from, i, text, text, true);
next = ApplyRule(location, next.j, i);
if (next.rule == 3)
// Rule 3 stops current phase
// Do not put TerminationCharacter to the tree
if (i < text.Length - 1)
// Extend empty suffix, by putting the next character to the tree
foreach (var node in Visit(root))
if (node.end == currentPosition)
node.end = text.Length;
return root;
private struct Next
public Node node;
public int j;
public int from;
public int rule;
public Next(Node node, int j, int from, int rule)
this.node = node;
this.j = j;
this.from = from;
this.rule = rule;
private Next ApplyRule(Location location, int j, int i)
if (location.childIndex == -1)
ApplyRule2(location.parent, -1, location.offsetInEdge, location.offsetInString, j);
if (location.parent.suffixLink == null)
return new Next(root, j + 1, j + 1, 2);
return new Next(location.parent.suffixLink, j + 1, i, 2);
if (location.offsetInString != i)
throw new Exception("What?");
var child = location.parent.children[location.childIndex];
if (child.start + location.offsetInEdge == end(child, i + 1))
if (HasChildren(child))
if (FindChild(child.children, text[i]) >= 0)
return new Next(location.parent,
i - location.offsetInEdge,
ApplyRule2(child, -1, 0, location.offsetInString, j);
if (child.suffixLink != null)
return new Next(child.suffixLink.parent,
j + 1,
i - (end(child.suffixLink, i + 1) - child.suffixLink.start),
else if (location.parent.suffixLink == null)
return new Next(root, j + 1, j + 1, 2);
return new Next(location.parent.suffixLink,
j + 1,
i - (end(child, i + 1) - child.start),
ApplyRule1(child, i + 1);
if (location.parent.suffixLink == null)
return new Next(root, j + 1, j + 1, 1);
return new Next(location.parent.suffixLink,
j + 1,
i - location.offsetInEdge,
if (text[child.start + location.offsetInEdge] == text[i])
return new Next(location.parent,
i - location.offsetInEdge,
ApplyRule2(location.parent, location.childIndex, location.offsetInEdge, location.offsetInString, j);
if (location.parent.suffixLink == null)
if (location.parent.parent != null && location.parent.parent.suffixLink != null)
return new Next(location.parent.parent.suffixLink,
j + 1,
i - location.offsetInEdge - (end(location.parent, i + 1) - location.parent.start),
return new Next(root, j + 1, j + 1, 2);
return new Next(location.parent.suffixLink,
j + 1,
i - location.offsetInEdge,
private Node ConstructT(int t)
var childIndex = FindChild(root.children, text[t]);
if (childIndex >= 0)
return root.children[childIndex];
var newNode = new Node
start = t,
end = currentPosition,
pos = t,
parent = root
return newNode;
private int FindChild(IList<Node> children, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
if (text[children[i].start] == c)
return i;
return -1;
private void ApplyRule1(Node leaf, int newEnd)
//Rule 1. Path ends at a leaf. Extend implicitly
private void ApplyRule2(Node parent, int childIndex, int m, int k, int pos)
var newParent = default(Node);
if (childIndex >= 0)
//Rule 2. Split label and add new leaf
var child = parent.children[childIndex];
// 1) replace child with internal node
newParent = new Node
start = child.start,
end = child.start + m,
parent = parent,
suffixLink = null,
children = new List<Node>()
parent.children[childIndex] = newParent;
// 2) adjust start position of the child and add it to the new internal node as a child
child.start += m;
child.parent = newParent;
// Assign suffix link
// Corollary 6.1.1. In Ukkonen’s algorithm, any newly created internal node will have a
// suffix link from it by the end of the next extension.
// I.e. if an edge is split, which means a new node was created, and if that was not the first
// node created during the current phase, then connect the previously inserted node and the new node
// through a suffix link.
if (nodeThatRequireSuffixLink != null)
if (nodeThatRequireSuffixLink.suffixLink != null)
throw new Exception("What?");
nodeThatRequireSuffixLink.suffixLink = newParent;
nodeThatRequireSuffixLink = newParent;
newParent = parent;
// 3) add the rest of the suffix as a new child
if (newParent.children == null)
newParent.children = new List<Node>();
newParent.children.Add(new Node
start = k,
end = currentPosition,
parent = newParent,
pos = pos
private void ApplyRule3()
//Rule 3. Suffix is already in the tree
// Do nothing
#region Visualization
public override string ToDotNotation()
var dotText = new StringBuilder();
dotText.AppendLine("digraph g {");
dotText.AppendLine("node[shape = circle];");
var labels = new Dictionary<Node, int>();
// Nodes
foreach (var node in Visit(root))
int index = GetLabelIndex(labels, node);
if (!HasChildren(node))
dotText.AppendLine($"node{index} [label=\"{node.pos}\"]");
dotText.AppendLine($"node{index} [label=\"\"]");
foreach (var child in node.children.OrderBy(c => text[c.start]))
int childIndex = GetLabelIndex(labels, child);
dotText.AppendLine($"node{index} -> node{childIndex} [label=\"{text.Substring(child.start, end(child, text.Length + 1) - child.start)}\"]");
if (node.suffixLink != null && node.suffixLink != root)
int suffixIndex = GetLabelIndex(labels, node.suffixLink);
dotText.AppendLine($"node{index} -> node{suffixIndex} [style=\"dashed\", constraint=false, color=silver]");
return dotText.ToString();
private static int GetLabelIndex(Dictionary<Node, int> labels, Node node)
int index;
if (!labels.TryGetValue(node, out index))
index = labels.Count + 1;
labels.Add(node, index);
return index;
private static IEnumerable<Node> Visit(Node root)
var stack = new Stack<Node>();
while (stack.Count > 0)
var current = stack.Pop();
if (HasChildren(current))
foreach (var child in current.children)
yield return current;
#region Types
class Node
public int start;
public int end;
public Node parent;
// Leaf
public int pos;
// Internal
public Node suffixLink;
public IList<Node> children;
struct Location
public bool isFound;
public Node parent;
public int offsetInString;
public int offsetInEdge;
public int childIndex;
public Location(bool isFound, Node parent, int offsetInString, int offsetInEdge, int childIndex)
this.isFound = isFound;
this.parent = parent;
this.offsetInString = offsetInString;
this.offsetInEdge = offsetInEdge;
this.childIndex = childIndex;
public class Test
public static void Main()
var tree = SuffixTree.Build(Console.ReadLine(), SuffixTreeAlgorithm.UkkonenLinear);
Console.WriteLine("Use to render the tree:");