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  1. import java.util.*;
  2. import java.lang.*;
  3. import*;
  4. import java.math.*;
  6. class Ideone
  7. {
  8. //check common interval existence
  9. public static boolean segmentsOverlap(long l1, long r1, long l2, long r2){
  10. //segments [l1, r1], [l2, r2] (segment borders may not be sorted)
  11. //there is an intersection iff segments are neither located
  12. //this way [l1, r1] ... [l2, r2] nor this [l2, r2] ... [l1, r1]
  13. return !(Math.max(l2, r2) < Math.min(l1, r1) || Math.max(l1, r1) < Math.min(l2, r2));
  14. }
  15. public static int sign(long n){
  16. if(n < 0) return -1;
  17. if(n > 0) return 1;
  18. return 0;
  19. }
  20. public static boolean segmentsIntersect(long A, long tA, long B, long tB, long C, long tC, long D, long tD){
  21. //find out the equations of the lines segments lie on
  22. //if segments intersect, both endpoints of one are located at
  23. //different half-planes relatively to second line
  24. //a1*X + b1*tX + c1 == 0 //a2*X + b1*tX + c2 == 0
  25. long a1 = tA-tB; long a2 = tC-tD;
  26. long b1 = B-A; long b2 = D-C;
  27. long c1 = A*tB-B*tA; long c2 = C*tD-D*tC;
  28. long r1 = a1*C+b1*tC+c1; long r3 = a2*A+b2*tA+c2;
  29. long r2 = a1*D+b1*tD+c1; long r4 = a2*B+b2*tB+c2;
  30. return sign(r1)*sign(r2) <= 0 && sign(r3)*sign(r4) <= 0;
  31. }
  32. public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
  33. {
  34. Scanner in = new Scanner(;
  35. long A = in.nextLong(); long tA = in.nextLong();
  36. long B = in.nextLong(); long tB = in.nextLong();
  37. long C = in.nextLong(); long tC = in.nextLong();
  38. long D = in.nextLong(); long tD = in.nextLong();
  39. if(segmentsOverlap(A, B, C, D) == true){
  40. //bots dots either lie in different half-planes or
  41. //at least one of them lies on the segment
  42. boolean r1 = segmentsIntersect(A, tA, B, tB, C, tC, D, tD); //[(A,tA), (B,tB)] and [(C, tC), (D, tD)]
  43. boolean r2 = segmentsIntersect(A, tA, B, tB, C, 0, C, tC); //[(A,tA), (B,tB)] and [(C, 0), (C, tC)]
  44. boolean r3 = segmentsIntersect(A, tA, B, tB, D, tD, D, tD+tB); //[(A,tA), (B,tB)] and [(D, tD), (D, tD+tB)]
  45. boolean r4 = segmentsIntersect(C, tC, D, tD, A, 0, A, tA); //[(C,tC), (D,tD)] and [(A, 0), (A, tA)]
  46. boolean r5 = segmentsIntersect(C, tC, D, tD, B, tB, B, tB+tD); //[(C,tC), (D,tD)] and [(B, tB), (B, tB+tD)]
  47. if(r1 || r2 || r3 || r4 || r5)
  48. System.out.println("Yes");
  49. else
  50. System.out.println("No");
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }
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