fork download
  1. step 1: make a standalone avr development board (client)
  2. and hook up LEDs to both avrs
  3. step 2: hook up the nrf24l01 client avr
  4. step 3: hook up an nrf24l01 to server avr
  5. and hook up a piezzo to it
  6. step 5: hook up the lcd to the server avr
  7. step 6: hook up the joystick to the client avr
  8. step 7: send signals with joystick to show a pwm speed on the screen of the server avr
  9. step 8: hook up the power supply to a servo
  10. step 9: hook up the pwm from the avr into the servo
  11. step 10: see if i can control the servo from the client and how far
  12. step 11: see if I can control several servos
  13. step 12: make the robot stand straight with pwms to all servos
  14. and measure the current used for that
  16. step 13: make standalone avr development board with only avr code
  17. step 14: make everything work on the avr only platform
  18. step 15: re-write libraries so that they are my own (maybe faster)
  20. step 16: hook up the accelerometer to the server avr
  21. step 17: make it change the position of the servo if I tilt it
  22. step 18: clean up the accelerometer source code
  23. step 19: make arms straight and make them move to fix the balance if the accelerometer does not see straight position
Not running #stdin #stdout 0s 0KB
Things to do before I can try moving my humanoid robot.
Standard output is empty