fork download
  1. import sys
  2. sys.setrecursionlimit(10**6)
  3. class node:
  4. def __init__(self,s,l,p):
  5. self.child={}
  7. self.le=l
  8. self.parent=p
  9. self.val=0
  10. def sufarr(s):
  11. n=len(s)
  12. o=[0]*n
  13. o[0]=n-1
  14. f=[0]*26
  15. f[0]=1
  16. for i in range(n-1):
  17. f[ord(s[i])-65]+=1
  18. for i in range(1,26):
  19. f[i]+=f[i-1]
  20. for i in range(n-2,-1,-1):
  21. f[ord(s[i])-65]-=1
  22. o[f[ord(s[i])-65]]=i
  23. c=[0]*n
  24. for i in range(1,n):
  25. if(s[o[i]]==s[o[i-1]]):
  26. c[o[i]]=c[o[i-1]]
  27. else:
  28. c[o[i]]=c[o[i-1]]+1
  29. l=1
  30. while(l<n):
  31. f=[0]*n
  32. for i in range(n):
  33. f[c[i]]+=1
  34. for i in range(1,n):
  35. f[i]+=f[i-1]
  36. od=[0]*n
  37. for i in range(n-1,-1,-1):
  38. pt=(o[i]-l)%n
  39. f[c[pt]]-=1
  40. od[f[c[pt]]]=pt
  41. cd=[0]*n
  42. for i in range(1,n):
  43. x1=c[od[i]]
  44. y1=c[(od[i]+l)%n]
  45. x2=c[od[i-1]]
  46. y2=c[(od[i-1]+l)%n]
  47. if(x1==x2 and y1==y2):
  48. cd[od[i]]=cd[od[i-1]]
  49. else:
  50. cd[od[i]]=cd[od[i-1]]+1
  51. o=od[::]
  52. c=cd[::]
  53. l*=2
  54. return o
  55. def LCP(o):
  56. n=len(o)
  57. poso=[0]*n
  58. for i in range(n):
  59. poso[o[i]]=i
  60. lc=0
  61. lcp=[0]*(n-1)
  62. s=o[0]
  63. for i in range(n):
  64. oi=poso[s]
  65. if(oi == n-1):
  66. lc=0
  67. s=(s+1)%n
  68. continue
  69. ns=o[oi+1]
  70. lc=lcpcal(s,ns,lc-1)
  71. lcp[oi]=lc
  72. s=(s+1)%n
  73. return lcp
  74. def lcpcal(i,j,k):
  75. l=max(0,k)
  76. while (i+l < len(st)) and (j+l < len(st)) :
  77. if(st[i+l]==st[j+l]):
  78. l+=1
  79. else:
  80. break
  81. return l
  82. def suftree():
  83. a=node(-1,0,-1)
  84. b=node(o[0],1,a)
  85. a.child[st[o[0]]]=b
  86. t=a
  87. a=b
  88. r=1
  89. for i in range(1,n):
  90. x=lcp[i-1]
  91. y=o[i]
  92. while(r>x):
  93. r-=a.le
  94. a=a.parent
  95. if(r==x):
  96. b=node(y+x,n-(y+x),a)
  97. a.child[st[y+x]]=b
  98. a=b
  99. else:
  100. q=x-r
  101. k=a.child[st[y+r]]
  102. w1=node(,q,a)
  103. w2=node(y+x,n-(x+y),w1)
  105. k.le-=q
  106. k.parent=w1
  107. w1.child[st[]]=k
  108. w1.child[st[]]=w2
  109. del a.child[st[y+r]]
  110. a.child[st[]]=w1
  111. a=w2
  112. r=n-y
  113. return t
  114. def dfs(x):
  115. if(len(x.child)==0):
  116. x.val=x.le-1
  117. else:
  118. x.val=x.le
  119. for i in x.child:
  120. x.val+=dfs(x.child[i])
  121. return x.val
  122. st=list(raw_input())
  123. st.append("$")
  124. n=len(st)
  125. o=sufarr(st)
  126. lcp=LCP(o)
  127. t=suftree() #t stores the address of root node of the suffix tree
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.01s 7208KB
Standard input is empty
Standard output is empty
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 122, in <module>
EOFError: EOF when reading a line