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  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  3. namespace SegmentTreeLazy {
  5. /*******************************************************************************
  6.   * SegmentTree<Value, Extra, Traits> - segment tree class with lazy propagation, 0-indexed
  7.   * Default operations: minimal value on segment and addition on segment for int64_t type
  8.   * Use Traits<Value,Extra> for definition of:
  9.   * 1) neutral element for `Value`;
  10.   * 2) neutral element for `Extra`;
  11.   * 3) how should combine `Extra` with `Value`;
  12.   * 4) how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root);
  13.   * 5) how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`;
  14.   * See examples below: TraitsMinAdd<Value, Extra>
  15.   ******************************************************************************/
  17. /*******************************************************************************
  18.   * Traits for minimal value on segment.
  19.   * Get-query: get minimal value in segment [l, r]
  20.   * Update-query: add const to each value in segment [l, r]
  21.   ******************************************************************************/
  22. template<typename Value, typename Extra>
  23. struct TraitsMinAdd {
  24. // Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
  25. static Value valueNeutral() { return std::numeric_limits<Value>::max(); }
  26. // Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
  27. static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(0); }
  28. // Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
  29. template<typename Node>
  30. static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
  31. return src.value() + src.extra();
  32. }
  33. // Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
  34. template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
  35. static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
  36. root.value() = std::min(getValue(lt), getValue(rt));
  37. }
  38. // Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
  39. template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
  40. static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
  41. dst.extra() += src.extra();
  42. }
  43. };
  45. /*******************************************************************************
  46.   * Additional traits, implemented below
  47.   ******************************************************************************/
  48. template<typename Value, typename Extra> struct TraitsMaxAdd;
  50. /*******************************************************************************
  51.   * SegmentTree, see description above
  52.   ******************************************************************************/
  53. template<typename Value = int64_t, typename Extra = int64_t, typename Traits = TraitsMinAdd<Value, Extra> >
  54. struct SegmentTree {
  56. /*******************************************************************************
  57.   * Node class
  58.   ******************************************************************************/
  59. struct Node {
  60. Value value;
  62. Extra extra;
  64. Node(Value value_ = Traits::valueNeutral(), Extra extra_ = Traits::extraNeutral())
  65. : value(value_), extra(extra_) { }
  67. Value getValue(int l, int r) const { return Traits::getValue(NodeWrapper<Node>(l, r, *this)); }
  68. };
  70. /*******************************************************************************
  71.   * NodeWrapper class
  72.   ******************************************************************************/
  73. template<typename NodeType>
  74. struct NodeWrapper {
  75. int l, r;
  76. NodeType node;
  77. NodeWrapper(int l_, int r_, NodeType node_)
  78. : l(l_), r(r_), node(node_) { }
  79. int left() const { return l; }
  80. int right() const { return r; }
  81. int mid() const { return (l+r)/2; }
  82. int len() const { return r - l + 1; }
  83. Value& value() { return node.value; }
  84. Extra& extra() { return node.extra; }
  85. const Value& value() const { return node.value; }
  86. const Extra& extra() const { return node.extra; }
  87. };
  89. /*******************************************************************************
  90.   * SegmentTree public data: n - number of items, data - vector for nodes
  91.   ******************************************************************************/
  92. int n; std::vector<Node> data;
  95. /*******************************************************************************
  96.   * Resize segment tree data to needed size
  97.   ******************************************************************************/
  98. void resize(int n_) {
  99. n = n_;
  100. int pow = 1;
  101. while (pow < n) { pow *= 2; }
  102. data.assign(2 * pow, Node());
  103. }
  105. /*******************************************************************************
  106.   * Lazy propagation from node to its children
  107.   ******************************************************************************/
  108. void push(int v, int l, int r, int m) {
  109. if (data[v].extra != Traits::extraNeutral()) {
  110. Traits::push(
  111. NodeWrapper<Node&>(l, m, data[2*v+1]),
  112. NodeWrapper<const Node&>(l, r, data[v])
  113. );
  114. Traits::push(
  115. NodeWrapper<Node&>(m+1, r, data[2*v+2]),
  116. NodeWrapper<const Node&>( l, r, data[v])
  117. );
  118. data[v].extra = Traits::extraNeutral();
  119. }
  120. }
  122. /*******************************************************************************
  123.   * Update node using children values
  124.   ******************************************************************************/
  125. void pull(int v, int l, int r, int m) {
  126. assert(data[v].extra == Traits::extraNeutral());
  127. Traits::pull(
  128. NodeWrapper<Node&>( l, r, data[v]),
  129. NodeWrapper<const Node&>( l, m, data[2*v+1]),
  130. NodeWrapper<const Node&>(m+1, r, data[2*v+2])
  131. );
  132. }
  134. /*******************************************************************************
  135.   * Build segtree from array with given values
  136.   ******************************************************************************/
  137. template<typename T>
  138. void build(const std::vector<T>& arr, const int v, const int tl, const int tr) {
  139. if (tl == tr) {
  140. data[v] = Node(arr[tl]);
  141. } else {
  142. const int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
  143. build(arr, 2*v+1, tl, tm);
  144. build(arr, 2*v+2, tm+1, tr);
  145. pull(v, tl, tr, tm);
  146. }
  147. }
  149. template<typename T>
  150. void build(const std::vector<T>& arr) {
  151. resize((int)arr.size());
  152. build(arr, 0, 0, n-1);
  153. }
  155. /*******************************************************************************
  156.   * Get-query on range [ql, qr]
  157.   ******************************************************************************/
  158. Node get(int ql, int qr, const int v, const int tl, const int tr) {
  159. if (ql == tl && qr == tr) {
  160. return data[v];
  161. } else {
  162. int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
  163. push(v, tl, tr, tm);
  164. Node ret;
  165. if (qr <= tm) {
  166. ret = get(ql, qr, 2*v+1, tl, tm);
  167. } else if (ql > tm) {
  168. ret = get(ql, qr, 2*v+2, tm+1, tr);
  169. } else {
  170. const auto lt = get( ql, tm, 2*v+1, tl, tm);
  171. const auto rt = get(tm+1, qr, 2*v+2, tm+1, tr);
  172. Traits::pull(
  173. NodeWrapper<Node&>( ql, qr, ret),
  174. NodeWrapper<const Node&>( ql, tm, lt),
  175. NodeWrapper<const Node&>(tm+1, qr, rt)
  176. );
  177. }
  178. pull(v, tl, tr, tm);
  179. return ret;
  180. }
  181. }
  183. Value get(const int ql, const int qr) { return get(ql, qr, 0, 0, n-1).getValue(ql, qr); }
  185. /*******************************************************************************
  186.   * Update query on range [ql, qr] by extra
  187.   ******************************************************************************/
  188. void update(const int ql, const int qr, const Extra& extra, const int v, const int tl, const int tr) {
  189. if (ql == tl && tr == qr) {
  190. Traits::push(
  191. NodeWrapper<Node&>(tl, tr, data[v]),
  192. NodeWrapper<Node>(ql, qr, Node(Traits::valueNeutral(), extra))
  193. );
  194. } else {
  195. int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
  196. push(v, tl, tr, tm);
  197. if (qr <= tm) {
  198. update(ql, qr, extra, 2*v+1, tl, tm);
  199. } else if (ql > tm) {
  200. update(ql, qr, extra, 2*v+2,tm+1,tr);
  201. } else {
  202. update(ql, tm, extra, 2*v+1, tl, tm);
  203. update(tm+1, qr, extra, 2*v+2, tm+1, tr);
  204. }
  205. pull(v, tl, tr, tm);
  206. }
  207. }
  209. void update(const int ql, const int qr, const Extra& extra) {
  210. update(ql, qr, extra, 0, 0, n-1);
  211. }
  213. };
  215. /*******************************************************************************
  216.   * Traits for maximal value on segment.
  217.   * Get-query: get maximal value in segment [l, r]
  218.   * Update-query: add const to each value in segment [l, r]
  219.   ******************************************************************************/
  220. template<typename Value, typename Extra>
  221. struct TraitsMaxAdd {
  222. // Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
  223. static Value valueNeutral() { return std::numeric_limits<Value>::min(); }
  224. // Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
  225. static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(0); }
  226. // Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
  227. template<typename Node>
  228. static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
  229. return src.value() + src.extra();
  230. }
  231. // Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
  232. template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
  233. static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
  234. root.value() = std::max(getValue(lt), getValue(rt));
  235. }
  236. // Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
  237. template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
  238. static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
  239. dst.extra() += src.extra();
  240. }
  241. };
  242. }
  244. int main() {
  245. // Creating queries 1) arr[l..r] += x and 2) max(arr[l..r])
  246. const int n = (int)1e6;
  247. const int q = (int)1e6;
  248. std::mt19937 gen;
  249. std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0,n-1);
  250. std::vector<int> arr(n);
  251. for (auto &it : arr) { it = dist(gen); }
  252. std::vector<int> queryType(q), queryLeft(q), queryRight(q), queryExtra(q);
  253. for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
  254. queryType[i] = 1 + dist(gen) % 2;
  255. queryLeft[i] = dist(gen);
  256. queryRight[i] = dist(gen);
  257. if (queryLeft[i] > queryRight[i]) { std::swap(queryLeft[i], queryRight[i]); }
  258. queryExtra[i] = dist(gen) - n / 2;
  259. }
  260. // Create SegmentTree
  261. SegmentTreeLazy::SegmentTree<int64_t, int64_t, SegmentTreeLazy::TraitsMaxAdd<int64_t,int64_t>> segtree;
  263. int64_t checkValue = 0;
  264. for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
  265. if (queryType[i] == 1) {
  266. segtree.update(queryLeft[i], queryRight[i], queryExtra[i]);
  267. } else {
  268. checkValue += segtree.get(queryLeft[i], queryRight[i]);
  269. }
  270. }
  271. std::cout << "checkValue = " << checkValue << std::endl;
  272. return 0;
  273. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.7s 15248KB
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checkValue = 128540600627068