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  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. using ivector = vector<int>;
  4. using imatrix = vector<ivector>;
  6. inline istream& operator>>(istream& is, ivector& vector) {
  7. for (auto& elem: vector)
  8. is >> elem;
  9. return is; }
  11. inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const ivector& vector) {
  12. for (auto elem: vector)
  13. os << elem << ' ';
  14. return os; }
  16. inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const imatrix& matrix) {
  17. for (auto vector: matrix)
  18. os << vector << '\n';
  19. return os; }
  21. struct accepted_Solution {
  22. struct imap: map<int,int> {
  23. imap(const ivector& nums) {
  24. auto& count = *this;
  25. for (auto num: nums)
  26. ++count[num]; }
  27. void check(imatrix& A, int x, int y) const {
  28. const auto z = -(x+y);
  29. const auto it = lower_bound(z);
  30. if (it == end() or it->first > z)
  31. return;
  32. if (z < y or (z == y and it->second == 1))
  33. return;
  34. A.push_back({x,y,z}); }
  35. void check_1(imatrix& A, int x) const {
  36. for (auto it = lower_bound(x), ie = end(); it != ie; ++it) {
  37. const auto [y,other_count] = *it;
  38. if (y > x or other_count > 1)
  39. check(A,x,y); } }
  40. void check_2(imatrix& A, int x) const {
  41. for (auto it = lower_bound(x), ie = end(); it != ie; ++it)
  42. check(A,x,it->first); } };
  43. imatrix threeSum(ivector& nums) {
  44. imatrix A;
  45. const imap g(nums);
  46. for (auto [x,count]: g)
  47. if (x == 0) {
  48. if (count > 2)
  49. A.emplace_back(3,0); }
  50. else if (count == 1)
  51. g.check_1(A,x);
  52. else
  53. g.check_2(A,x);
  54. return A; } };
  56. class other_Solution {
  57. public:
  58. imatrix threeSum(ivector N) {
  59. sort(N.begin(), N.end());
  60. int n = N.size();
  61. imatrix A;
  62. for (int i = 0; i < n-2; i++) {
  63. if (i > 0 and N[i] == N[i-1])
  64. continue;
  65. int l = i+1, r = n-1;
  66. while (l < r) {
  67. if (N[i] + N[l] + N[r] > 0)
  68. r--;
  69. else if(N[i] + N[l] + N[r] < 0)
  70. l++;
  71. else {
  72. A.push_back({N[i], N[l], N[r]});
  73. int x = N[l];
  74. int y = N[r];
  75. while (x == N[l] and l < n)
  76. l++;
  77. while (y == N[r] and r >= 0)
  78. r--; } } }
  79. return A; } };
  81. int main() {
  82. const auto do_hack = true;
  83. random_device device;
  84. mt19937_64 random(device());
  85. int N;
  86. ivector nums;
  87. if (cin >> N, nums.resize(N), do_hack) {
  88. int max_value, generated_test_cases;
  89. cin >> max_value>> generated_test_cases;
  90. uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform(-max_value,max_value);
  91. while (generated_test_cases--) {
  92. for (auto& num: nums)
  93. num = uniform(random);
  94. auto output = other_Solution().threeSum(nums);
  95. auto expected = accepted_Solution().threeSum(nums);
  96. if (output != expected) {
  97. cout << "Input:" << endl << nums << endl;
  98. cout << "Output:" << endl << output;
  99. cout << "Expected:" << endl << expected; } }
  100. cout << "passed"; }
  101. else
  102. cin >> nums, cout << accepted_Solution().threeSum(nums);
  103. return 0; }
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