fork download
  1. import Control.Monad
  2. import Data.Ratio
  3. import Data.List
  5. data Type
  6. = Normal
  7. | Fighting
  8. | Flying
  9. | Poison
  10. | Ground
  11. | Rock
  12. | Bug
  13. | Ghost
  14. | Steel
  15. | Fire
  16. | Water
  17. | Grass
  18. | Electric
  19. | Psychic
  20. | Ice
  21. | Dragon
  22. | Dark
  23. | Fairy
  24. deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord)
  26. everyType :: [Type]
  27. everyType = enumFrom Normal
  29. everyTypeCombo :: [[Type]]
  30. everyTypeCombo = filter (not . null) rawPairs
  31. where
  32. rawPairs = liftM2 makePair everyType everyType
  33. makePair t1 t2
  34. | t1 == t2 = [t1]
  35. | t1 < t2 = [t1, t2]
  36. | otherwise = []
  38. weightTypes :: [[Type]] -> [(Float, [Type])]
  39. weightTypes ts = map (\ts -> (typeDefRank ts, ts)) ts
  41. bestTypes :: [(Float, [Type])]
  42. bestTypes = sortBy (\a b -> fst b `compare` fst a) $ weightTypes everyTypeCombo
  44. multiTypeEff :: Type -> [Type] -> Rational
  45. multiTypeEff attack defendList =
  46. foldr effMul 1 defendList
  47. where effMul ty r = typeEff attack ty * r
  49. typeDefRank :: [Type] -> Float
  50. typeDefRank ts =
  51. rankList everyType
  52. where
  53. rankList ots =
  54. sum $ map (\t -> typeEffRank (multiTypeEff t ts) * offensiveTypeRank t) ots
  56. main :: IO ()
  57. main = mapM_ print bestTypes
  59. -- This determines how resistances and weaknesses are weighted.
  60. typeEffRank :: Rational -> Float
  61. typeEffRank r
  62. | r == 0 = 3.3
  63. | r == 1 = 0.0
  64. | r < 1 = 0.7 / fromRational r
  65. | r > 1 = negate ((fromRational r + 1.0) ^^ 2) / 16.0
  67. -- Weighting of attacking types. Use this to specify what you're
  68. -- defending from.
  69. offensiveTypeRank :: Type -> Float
  70. offensiveTypeRank Normal = 40.0
  71. offensiveTypeRank Fighting = 30.0
  72. offensiveTypeRank Flying = 80.0
  73. offensiveTypeRank Poison = 0.0
  74. offensiveTypeRank Ground = 20.0
  75. offensiveTypeRank Rock = 0.0
  76. offensiveTypeRank Bug = 10.0
  77. offensiveTypeRank Ghost = 0.0
  78. offensiveTypeRank Steel = 0.0
  79. offensiveTypeRank Fire = 40.0
  80. offensiveTypeRank Water = 0.0
  81. offensiveTypeRank Grass = 0.0
  82. offensiveTypeRank Electric = 0.0
  83. offensiveTypeRank Psychic = 0.0
  84. offensiveTypeRank Ice = 0.0
  85. offensiveTypeRank Dragon = 0.0
  86. offensiveTypeRank Dark = 0.0
  87. offensiveTypeRank Fairy = 0.0
  89. typeEff :: Type -> Type -> Rational
  90. typeEff Normal Rock = 1 % 2
  91. typeEff Normal Steel = 1 % 2
  92. typeEff Normal Ghost = 0
  93. typeEff Fighting Normal = 2
  94. typeEff Fighting Rock = 2
  95. typeEff Fighting Steel = 2
  96. typeEff Fighting Ice = 2
  97. typeEff Fighting Dark = 2
  98. typeEff Fighting Flying = 1 % 2
  99. typeEff Fighting Poison = 1 % 2
  100. typeEff Fighting Bug = 1 % 2
  101. typeEff Fighting Psychic = 1 % 2
  102. typeEff Fighting Fairy = 1 % 2
  103. typeEff Fighting Ghost = 0
  104. typeEff Flying Fighting = 2
  105. typeEff Flying Bug = 2
  106. typeEff Flying Grass = 2
  107. typeEff Flying Rock = 1 % 2
  108. typeEff Flying Steel = 1 % 2
  109. typeEff Flying Electric = 1 % 2
  110. typeEff Poison Grass = 2
  111. typeEff Poison Fairy = 2
  112. typeEff Poison Poison = 1 % 2
  113. typeEff Poison Ground = 1 % 2
  114. typeEff Poison Rock = 1 % 2
  115. typeEff Poison Ghost = 1 % 2
  116. typeEff Poison Steel = 0
  117. typeEff Ground Poison = 2
  118. typeEff Ground Rock = 2
  119. typeEff Ground Steel = 2
  120. typeEff Ground Fire = 2
  121. typeEff Ground Electric = 2
  122. typeEff Ground Bug = 1 % 2
  123. typeEff Ground Grass = 1 % 2
  124. typeEff Ground Flying = 0
  125. typeEff Rock Flying = 2
  126. typeEff Rock Bug = 2
  127. typeEff Rock Fire = 2
  128. typeEff Rock Ice = 2
  129. typeEff Rock Fighting = 1 % 2
  130. typeEff Rock Ground = 1 % 2
  131. typeEff Rock Steel = 1 % 2
  132. typeEff Bug Grass = 2
  133. typeEff Bug Psychic = 2
  134. typeEff Bug Dark = 2
  135. typeEff Bug Fighting = 1 % 2
  136. typeEff Bug Flying = 1 % 2
  137. typeEff Bug Poison = 1 % 2
  138. typeEff Bug Ghost = 1 % 2
  139. typeEff Bug Steel = 1 % 2
  140. typeEff Bug Fire = 1 % 2
  141. typeEff Bug Fairy = 1 % 2
  142. typeEff Ghost Ghost = 2
  143. typeEff Ghost Psychic = 2
  144. typeEff Ghost Dark = 1 % 2
  145. typeEff Ghost Normal = 0
  146. typeEff Steel Rock = 2
  147. typeEff Steel Ice = 2
  148. typeEff Steel Fairy = 2
  149. typeEff Steel Steel = 1 % 2
  150. typeEff Steel Fire = 1 % 2
  151. typeEff Steel Water = 1 % 2
  152. typeEff Steel Electric = 1 % 2
  153. typeEff Fire Bug = 2
  154. typeEff Fire Steel = 2
  155. typeEff Fire Grass = 2
  156. typeEff Fire Ice = 2
  157. typeEff Fire Rock = 1 % 2
  158. typeEff Fire Fire = 1 % 2
  159. typeEff Fire Water = 1 % 2
  160. typeEff Fire Dragon = 1 % 2
  161. typeEff Water Ground = 2
  162. typeEff Water Rock = 2
  163. typeEff Water Fire = 2
  164. typeEff Water Water = 1 % 2
  165. typeEff Water Grass = 1 % 2
  166. typeEff Water Dragon = 1 % 2
  167. typeEff Grass Ground = 2
  168. typeEff Grass Rock = 2
  169. typeEff Grass Water = 2
  170. typeEff Grass Flying = 1 % 2
  171. typeEff Grass Poison = 1 % 2
  172. typeEff Grass Bug = 1 % 2
  173. typeEff Grass Steel = 1 % 2
  174. typeEff Grass Fire = 1 % 2
  175. typeEff Grass Grass = 1 % 2
  176. typeEff Grass Dragon = 1 % 2
  177. typeEff Electric Flying = 2
  178. typeEff Electric Water = 2
  179. typeEff Electric Grass = 1 % 2
  180. typeEff Electric Electric = 1 % 2
  181. typeEff Electric Dragon = 1 % 2
  182. typeEff Electric Ground = 0
  183. typeEff Psychic Fighting = 2
  184. typeEff Psychic Poison = 2
  185. typeEff Psychic Steel = 1 % 2
  186. typeEff Psychic Psychic = 1 % 2
  187. typeEff Psychic Dark = 0
  188. typeEff Ice Flying = 2
  189. typeEff Ice Ground = 2
  190. typeEff Ice Grass = 2
  191. typeEff Ice Dragon = 2
  192. typeEff Ice Steel = 1 % 2
  193. typeEff Ice Fire = 1 % 2
  194. typeEff Ice Water = 1 % 2
  195. typeEff Ice Ice = 1 % 2
  196. typeEff Dragon Dragon = 2
  197. typeEff Dragon Steel = 1 % 2
  198. typeEff Dragon Fairy = 0
  199. typeEff Dark Ghost = 2
  200. typeEff Dark Psychic = 2
  201. typeEff Dark Fighting = 1 % 2
  202. typeEff Dark Dark = 1 % 2
  203. typeEff Dark Fairy = 1 % 2
  204. typeEff Fairy Fighting = 2
  205. typeEff Fairy Dragon = 2
  206. typeEff Fairy Dark = 2
  207. typeEff Fairy Poison = 1 % 2
  208. typeEff Fairy Steel = 1 % 2
  209. typeEff Fairy Fire = 1 % 2
  210. typeEff _ _ = 1
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