fork(11) download
  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <vector>
  4. using namespace std;
  6. const int WINNING_POSITION = 10;
  7. const int NEUTRAL_POSITION = 0;
  8. const int LOSING_POSITION = -10;
  13. enum playerT{Human,Computer};
  15. typedef int moveT;
  17. struct stateT
  18. {
  19. vector< vector<char> >board;
  20. playerT whoseTurn;
  21. int turnsTaken;
  23. };
  25. const int MAX_DEPTH = 10000;
  27. const playerT FIRST_PLAYER = Human;
  30. int min_move(stateT state, int depth , int &bestMove);
  32. int max_move(stateT state, int depth , int &bestMove);
  34. moveT MiniMax(stateT state);
  36. int MaxMove(stateT state,moveT &bestMove);
  38. int MinMove(stateT state,moveT &bestMove);
  40. int min_value(stateT state, int alpha , int beta, int depth, int & bestMove );
  42. int max_value(stateT state, int alpha , int beta, int depth, int & bestMove );
  44. int min(int a, int b);
  46. int max(int a , int b);
  48. moveT AlphaBetaMove(stateT state, int depth);
  50. void GiveInstructions();
  52. moveT FindBestMove(stateT state, int depth , int &pRating);
  54. int EvaluatePosition(stateT state, int depth);
  56. stateT NewGame();
  58. void DisplayGame(stateT state);
  60. void DisplayMove(moveT move);
  62. char PlayerMark(playerT player);
  64. moveT GetUserMove(stateT state);
  66. moveT ChooseComputerMove(stateT state);
  68. void GenerateMoveList(stateT , vector<moveT> & moveList);
  70. bool MoveIsLegal(moveT move, stateT state);
  72. void MakeMove(stateT &state, moveT move);
  74. void RetractMove(stateT & state, moveT move);
  76. bool GameIsOver(stateT state);
  78. void AnnounceResult(stateT state);
  80. playerT WhoseTurn(stateT state);
  82. playerT Opponent(playerT player);
  84. int EvaluateStaticPosition(stateT state);
  86. bool CheckForWin(stateT state, playerT player);
  88. bool CheckForWin(vector< vector<char> > &board, char mark);
  90. bool CheckLine(vector< vector<char> > &board,char mark, int row, int col, int dRow, int dCol);
  94. stateT NewGame() {
  96. stateT state;
  98. //state.board.resize(3, 3);
  100. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  102. vector<char> ch;
  104. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
  106. ch.push_back(' ');
  107. }
  109. state.board.push_back(ch);
  110. }
  112. state.whoseTurn = FIRST_PLAYER;
  114. state.turnsTaken = 0;
  116. return state;
  117. }
  121. //Display the state of the game
  123. void DisplayGame(stateT state) {
  125. if (GameIsOver(state)) {
  127. cout << "The final position looks like this:" << endl << endl;
  129. } else {
  131. cout << "The game now looks like this:" << endl << endl;
  133. }
  135. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  137. if (i != 0) cout << "---+---+---" << endl;
  139. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
  141. if (j != 0) cout << "|";
  143. cout << " " << state.board[i][j] << " ";
  145. }
  146. cout << endl;
  148. }
  149. cout << endl;
  150. }
  153. //The place , that is the square to move to
  155. void DisplayMove(moveT move)
  156. {
  157. cout<<"I'll move to "<<move<<endl;
  159. }
  165. //Getting the move of the user , the square it will move to
  167. moveT GetUserMove(stateT state)
  168. {
  170. cout<<"Your move."<<endl;
  172. moveT move;
  174. while(true)
  175. {
  176. cout<<"What square? ";
  178. cin >> move;
  180. if(MoveIsLegal(move,state)) break;
  182. cout<<"That move is illegal . Try again."<<endl;
  185. }
  187. return move;
  188. }
  192. //Getting the move of the computer
  195. moveT MiniMax(stateT state)
  196. {
  197. moveT bestMove;
  200. int i = MaxMove(state,bestMove);
  202. cout<<"i is "<<i<<endl;
  204. return bestMove;
  205. }
  207. int MaxMove(stateT state, moveT &bestMove)
  208. {
  209. if(GameIsOver(state))
  210. {
  211. return EvaluateStaticPosition(state);
  212. }
  215. vector<moveT> moveList;
  217. GenerateMoveList(state, moveList);
  219. int nMoves = moveList.size();
  221. int v = -1000;
  223. for(int i = 0 ;i<nMoves; i++)
  224. {
  226. moveT move = moveList[i];
  228. MakeMove(state, move);
  230. int curRating = MinMove(state,bestMove);
  232. if (curRating > v)
  233. {
  234. v = curRating;
  236. bestMove = move;
  238. }
  240. RetractMove(state, move);
  242. }
  244. return v;
  246. }
  247. int MinMove(stateT state, moveT &bestMove)
  248. {
  250. if(GameIsOver(state))
  251. {
  253. return EvaluateStaticPosition(state);
  254. }
  256. vector<moveT>moveList;
  258. GenerateMoveList(state, moveList);
  260. int nMoves = moveList.size();
  262. int v = 1000;
  264. for(int i = 0 ; i<nMoves; i++)
  265. {
  266. moveT move = moveList[i];
  268. MakeMove(state , move);
  270. int curRating = MaxMove(state,bestMove);
  272. if(curRating < v)
  273. {
  275. v = curRating;
  277. }
  279. RetractMove(state, move);
  281. }
  283. return v;
  285. }
  289. moveT ChooseComputerMove(stateT state)
  290. {
  291. int rating ;
  293. cout<<"My move ."<<endl;
  295. return MiniMax(state);
  298. }
  301. void GenerateMoveList(stateT state, vector<moveT> & moveList)
  302. {
  303. for(int i = 1; i <=9 ; i++)
  304. {
  305. moveT move = moveT(i);
  307. if(MoveIsLegal(move, state))
  308. {
  309. moveList.push_back(moveT(i));
  310. }
  312. }
  314. }
  316. /*Testing whether the given move of the user is legal ,
  317. whether it falls with in the board , or whether the
  318. number that the user has given has not been already
  319. filled up.*/
  321. bool MoveIsLegal(moveT move, stateT state)
  322. {
  323. if(move < 1 || move > 9) return false;
  325. int row = (move - 1) /3;
  327. int col = (move -1) %3;
  329. return state.board[row][col] == ' ';
  331. }
  333. //Returning the move of the player in character form
  335. char PlayerMark(playerT player)
  336. {
  337. if(player == FIRST_PLAYER)
  338. {
  339. return 'X';
  341. }
  342. else
  343. {
  344. return 'O';
  346. }
  348. }
  351. playerT Opponent(playerT player)
  352. {
  354. return (player == Human) ? Computer : Human;
  357. }
  359. //If a human
  360. void MakeMove(stateT &state, moveT move)
  361. {
  362. int row = (move - 1) / 3;
  364. int col = (move - 1) %3;
  366. state.board[row][col] = PlayerMark(state.whoseTurn);
  368. state.whoseTurn = Opponent(state.whoseTurn);
  370. state.turnsTaken++;
  372. }
  375. void RetractMove(stateT & state, moveT move)
  376. {
  377. int row = (move - 1) /3;
  379. int col = (move -1) % 3;
  381. state.board[row][col] = ' ';
  383. state.whoseTurn = Opponent(state.whoseTurn);
  385. state.turnsTaken--;
  386. }
  388. bool GameIsOver(stateT state)
  389. {
  391. return (state.turnsTaken == 9 || CheckForWin(state, state.whoseTurn)|| CheckForWin(state, Opponent(state.whoseTurn)));
  393. }
  394. playerT WhoseTurn(stateT state)
  395. {
  396. return state.whoseTurn;
  398. }
  402. int EvaluateStaticPosition(stateT state)
  403. {
  406. if(CheckForWin(state, state.whoseTurn))
  407. {
  408. return WINNING_POSITION;
  409. }
  411. if(CheckForWin(state, Opponent(state.whoseTurn)))
  412. {
  413. return LOSING_POSITION;
  414. }
  416. return NEUTRAL_POSITION;
  419. }
  422. bool CheckForWin(stateT state, playerT player)
  423. {
  424. if(state.turnsTaken < 5) return false;
  426. return CheckForWin(state.board, PlayerMark(player));
  427. }
  429. //Checking for win
  431. bool CheckForWin(vector< vector<char> > & board, char mark)
  432. {
  434. for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
  435. {
  436. if(CheckLine(board, mark, i,0,0,1)) return true;
  438. if(CheckLine(board, mark, 0,i,1,0)) return true;
  440. }
  441. if(CheckLine(board, mark, 0,0,1,1)) return true;
  443. return CheckLine(board, mark, 2, 0, -1, 1);
  446. }
  448. //Checking for win
  450. bool CheckLine(vector<vector<char> > & board, char mark , int row , int col,int dRow, int dCol)
  451. {
  452. for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
  453. {
  454. if(board[row][col] != mark) return false;
  456. row += dRow;
  458. col += dCol;
  461. }
  463. return true;
  466. }
  469. //Announce the result of the game
  471. void AnnounceResult(stateT state) {
  473. DisplayGame(state);
  475. if (CheckForWin(state, Human)) {
  477. cout << "You win." << endl;
  479. } else if (CheckForWin(state, Computer)) {
  481. cout << "I win." << endl;
  483. } else {
  485. cout << "Cat's game." << endl;
  487. }
  488. }
  491. //Give instructions to the player
  493. void GiveInstructions()
  494. {
  495. cout<<"Welcome to tic-tac-toe . The object of the game"<<endl;
  497. cout<<"is to line up three symbols in a row"<<endl;
  499. cout<<"vertically , horizontally , or diagonally"<<endl;
  501. cout<<"You'll be "<<PlayerMark(Human)<<" and I'll be "<<PlayerMark(Computer)<<"."<<endl;
  503. }
  507. int main()
  508. {
  510. GiveInstructions();
  512. stateT state = NewGame();
  514. moveT move;
  516. while(!GameIsOver(state))
  517. {
  518. DisplayGame(state);
  520. switch(WhoseTurn(state))
  521. {
  522. case Human:
  524. move = GetUserMove(state);
  526. break;
  528. case Computer:
  530. move = ChooseComputerMove(state);
  532. DisplayMove(move);
  534. break;
  536. }
  538. MakeMove(state, move);
  540. }
  542. AnnounceResult(state);
  544. return 0;
  546. }
Runtime error #stdin #stdout 0.02s 2884KB
Standard input is empty
Welcome to tic-tac-toe . The object of the game
is to line up three symbols in a row
vertically , horizontally , or diagonally
You'll be X and I'll be O.
The game now looks like this:

   |   |   
   |   |   
   |   |   

Your move.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
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What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try again.
What square? That move is illegal . Try aga