fork(2) download
  1. ; highly abundant numbers
  3. (define (range . args)
  4. (case (length args)
  5. ((1) (range 0 (car args) (if (negative? (car args)) -1 1)))
  6. ((2) (range (car args) (cadr args) (if (< (car args) (cadr args)) 1 -1)))
  7. ((3) (let ((le? (if (negative? (caddr args)) >= <=)))
  8. (let loop ((x(car args)) (xs '()))
  9. (if (le? (cadr args) x)
  10. (reverse xs)
  11. (loop (+ x (caddr args)) (cons x xs))))))
  12. (else (error 'range "unrecognized arguments"))))
  14. (define (add1 n) (+ n 1))
  16. (define (factors n) ; factors of n in increasing order by 2,3,5-wheel
  17. (define (last-pair xs) (if (null? (cdr xs)) xs (last-pair (cdr xs))))
  18. (define (cycle . xs) (set-cdr! (last-pair xs) xs) xs)
  19. (define wheel (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 2 (cycle 4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6)))))
  20. (let loop ((n n) (f 2) (wheel wheel) (fs (list)))
  21. (if (< n (* f f)) (reverse (cons n fs))
  22. (if (zero? (modulo n f)) (loop (/ n f) f wheel (cons f fs))
  23. (loop n (+ f (car wheel)) (cdr wheel) fs)))))
  25. (define (sigma n) ; sum of divisors of n
  26. (if (= n 1) 1
  27. (let ((fs (factors n)))
  28. (let loop ((fs (cdr fs)) (f (car fs)) (prod (car fs)) (sum 1))
  29. (if (null? fs) (* sum (/ (- (* prod f) 1) (- f 1)))
  30. (if (= (car fs) f) (loop (cdr fs) f (* prod f) sum)
  31. (loop (cdr fs) (car fs) (car fs)
  32. (* sum (/ (- (* prod f) 1) (- f 1))))))))))
  34. (define (records lt? xs) ; index and value at each new maximum
  35. (if (null? xs) (error 'records "no data")
  36. (let loop ((xs (cdr xs)) (k 1) (recs (list (cons 0 (car xs)))))
  37. (if (null? xs) (reverse recs)
  38. (if (lt? (cdar recs) (car xs))
  39. (loop (cdr xs) (+ k 1) (cons (cons k (car xs)) recs))
  40. (loop (cdr xs) (+ k 1) recs))))))
  42. (define (hans n)
  43. (map add1 (map car (records < (map sigma (range 1 (+ n 1)))))))
  45. (display (hans 2100)) (newline)
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