fork download
  1. var choice: int
  3. loop
  4. put "Please make a selection:"
  5. put "1. Option 1"
  6. put "2. Option 2"
  7. put "3. Option 3"
  8. put "4. Option 4"
  9. put "5. Option 5"
  10. get choice
  12. if choice = 1 then
  13. put "You have chosen Option 1"
  14. elseif choice = 2 then
  15. put "You have chosen Option 2"
  16. elseif choice = 3 then
  17. put "You have chosen Option 3"
  18. elseif choice = 4 then
  19. put "You have chosen Option 4"
  20. elseif choice = 5 then
  21. put "You have chosen Option 5"
  22. else
  23. put "Invalid choice. Please try again."
  24. end if
  25. end loop
Success #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.02s 6900KB
Standard input is empty
Standard output is empty
ERROR: /home/2YHZvs/prog:25:7: Syntax error: Unexpected end of file
ERROR: '$runtoplevel'/0: Undefined procedure: program/0
   Exception: (3) program ? EOF: exit