fork download
  1. program uASM; // 2021.06.30. 6:24:22
  2. uses sysutils; // <- strToInt
  4. const
  5. BASE = 64; // memoria merete, byte-ban
  6. DATMAX = (BASE div 4)-2; // Adatszegmens kapacitasa
  7. INITIP = BASE div 4; // Origin (10h)
  9. var
  10. Ch : Char; // bejovo karakter puffere
  11. Token : string; // token puffere
  12. DATCount: integer = 0; // Valtozok szamlaloja
  13. NonDAT : boolean = false;
  14. IP : byte = 1; // mem[0] foglalva a visszateresi cimnek
  15. // igy az elso DATA cime a mem[1]!
  16. MEM : array[0..(BASE-1)]of byte; // Memoria (64, 128 vagy 256 byte)
  17. LBL : array[0..9] of byte; // labels addresses
  19. Procedure Error(s: string); // hiba
  20. begin
  21. writeln(s); halt;
  22. end;
  24. function GetLblAddr(i: byte): byte; // Get
  25. begin
  26. if (i > 9) then Error(' Unknown label or >9? ')
  27. else
  28. GetLblAddr := LBL[i];
  29. end;
  31. procedure SetLblAddr(i: byte); // Set
  32. begin
  33. if (i > 9) or (LBL[i] > 0) then Error(' Duplicated Lbl or >9')
  34. else
  35. LBL[i] := IP;
  36. end;
  38. Procedure GetCh;
  39. begin
  40. Read(Ch);
  41. end;
  43. function AlphaBet(c : char) : boolean;
  44. begin
  45. AlphaBet := UpCase(c) in ['A'..'Z'];
  46. end;
  48. function Numeric(c : char) : boolean;
  49. begin
  50. Numeric := (c in ['0'..'9']);
  51. end;
  53. function Labels(c : char) : boolean;
  54. begin
  55. Labels := (c in ['#']);
  56. end;
  59. procedure DropWhite;
  60. begin
  61. while Ch in [' ',#09] do GetCh;
  62. end;
  64. // -----------------------------------------------
  65. function GetKeyWord : string;
  66. var
  67. i : byte = 0;
  68. begin
  69. GetKeyWord := '';
  70. while AlphaBet(Ch) do
  71. begin
  72. GetKeyWord := GetKeyWord + UpCase(Ch);
  73. GetCh;
  74. inc(i);
  75. end;
  76. if (i <> 3) then error(' Keyword error: '+GetKeyWord );
  77. end;
  79. function GetNumber : string;
  80. var
  81. i : byte = 0;
  82. begin
  83. GetNumber := '';
  84. while Numeric(Ch) do
  85. begin
  86. GetNumber := GetNumber + Ch;
  87. GetCh;
  88. inc(i);
  89. end;
  90. if (i > 3) then error(' Error (number length?)');
  91. end;
  93. function GetLbl : string;
  94. begin
  95. GetLbl := Ch; GetCh;
  96. Getlbl:= Getlbl+Ch; GetCh;
  97. if Ch = ':' then GetLbl := GetLbl + Ch;
  98. end;
  100. function GetToken : string;
  101. begin
  102. DropWhite;
  103. if AlphaBet(Ch) then GetToken := GetKeyWord
  104. else
  105. if Numeric(Ch) then GetToken := GetNumber
  106. else
  107. if Labels(Ch) then GetToken := GetLbl
  108. else
  109. begin
  110. GetToken := Ch;
  111. GetCh;
  112. end;
  113. DropWhite;
  114. end;
  116. procedure MemLoad(key: string);
  117. begin
  118. case Upcase(key) of
  119. 'SUB': MEM[IP]:= $AA;
  120. 'ADD': MEM[IP]:= $AD;
  121. 'CMP': MEM[IP]:= $C0;
  122. 'JMP': MEM[IP]:= $EA;
  123. 'JZR': MEM[IP]:= $E0;
  124. 'LDA': MEM[IP]:= $AB;
  125. 'STA': MEM[IP]:= $BA;
  126. 'RET': MEM[IP]:= $FF;
  127. 'DAT': if (DATCount < DATMAX) then inc(DATCount) else error(' Too much Vars?');
  128. else error('Unknown keyword: '+key);
  129. end; {case}
  131. if UpCase(key) <> 'DAT' then inc(IP);
  132. end;
  134. procedure MemSaveToFile;
  135. var i: byte;
  136. f: file of byte;
  137. begin
  138. Assign(f,paramstr(1)); rewrite(f,1);
  139. for i := 0 to BASE-1 do write(f,MEM[i]);
  140. close(f);
  141. end;
  142. // -----------------
  143. begin
  144. GetCh;
  146. repeat
  147. Token := GetToken;
  149. if (Token = ';') or (Ch = ':') then while (Ch <> #10) do GetCh; // comment szuro
  150. if (Token <> #13) and (Token <> #10) and (token <> ';') then
  151. begin
  152. if Alphabet(Token[1]) then // ha kulcsszo
  153. begin
  154. if (Token[1] <> 'D') then NonDAT := true;
  155. if (NonDAT = true) and (IP < INITIP) then IP := INITIP;
  156. if (IP <= BASE-1) then MemLoad(Token) else error(' program is too big');
  157. end
  159. else
  161. if Numeric(Token[1]) then // ha parameter
  162. begin
  163. if (StrToInt(Token) <= 255) then MEM[IP]:= StrToInt(Token) else error(' BIG integer? ');
  164. inc(IP);
  165. end
  166. else
  167. if Labels(Token[1]) then // ha label
  168. begin
  169. if length(Token) > 2 then SetLblAddr(StrToInt(Token[2]))
  170. else
  171. begin
  172. MEM[IP] := GetLblAddr(StrToInt(Token[2]));
  173. Inc(IP,1);
  174. end;
  175. end
  176. else Error(' Unknown token: '+Token);
  177. end; // if token <> CR
  178. until EOF(input);
  180. MemSaveToFile;
  181. end.
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 5548KB
; label test
; ----------
DAT  2; 
DAT  5;
DAT 32;
JMP 30;
ADD  1;
ADD  2;
STA  8;
add 3;
sta 6;
JMP #2;
JMP #1;
jmp 63;