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  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  4. vector<string> ans(1000000);
  5. int dp[100][100][100];
  7. int lowest_cost_helper(vector<int> blueCosts, vector<int> greenCosts, vector<int> redCosts, int index, int total, int pos) {
  8. if(index == blueCosts.size())
  9. return pos + abs(total);
  10. if(dp[index][total][pos] != -1)
  11. return dp[index][total][pos];
  12. int r1, r2, r3;
  13. if(blueCosts[index]>0 and index>0 and ans[index]!="b")
  14. r1 = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, index+1, total+blueCosts[index], pos+blueCosts[index]);
  15. else
  16. r1 = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, index+1, total+blueCosts[index], pos);
  17. if(greenCosts[index]>0 and index>0 and ans[index]!="g")
  18. r2 = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, index+1, total+greenCosts[index], pos+greenCosts[index]);
  19. else
  20. r2 = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, index+1, total+greenCosts[index], pos);
  21. if(redCosts[index]>0 and index>0 and ans[index]!="r")
  22. r3 = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, index+1, total+redCosts[index], pos+redCosts[index]);
  23. else
  24. r3 = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, index+1, total+redCosts[index], pos);
  25. if(r1<r2 and r1<r3)
  26. ans[index]="b";
  27. else if(r2<r3 and r2<r1)
  28. ans[index]="g";
  29. else
  30. ans[index]="r";
  31. return dp[index][total][pos] = min(r1, min(r2, r3));
  32. }
  34. vector<string> lowest_cost(vector<int> blueCosts, vector<int> greenCosts, vector<int> redCosts) {
  35. memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
  36. int sum = lowest_cost_helper(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts, 0, 0, 0);
  37. vector<string> color;
  38. int i=0;
  39. while(i<blueCosts.size()) {
  40. color.push_back(ans[i++]);
  41. }
  42. return color;
  43. }
  45. int main() {
  46. int n;cin>>n;
  47. vector<int> blueCosts(n), redCosts(n), greenCosts(n);
  48. for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>blueCosts[i];
  49. for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>greenCosts[i];
  50. for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>redCosts[i];
  51. vector<string> res = lowest_cost(blueCosts, greenCosts, redCosts);
  52. for(auto x : res) cout<<x<<" ";
  53. return 0;
  54. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 38360KB
1 1 1
3 5 7
4 6 4
r b b