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  1. # Ref
  2. from itertools import permutations, ifilter
  3. #-----------------------------------------------------------
  4. def inColumn(x,y): # Return true if x,y are in same column.
  5. dxy = abs(x-y)
  6. return dxy == 6 or dxy == 3
  7. #-----------------------------------------------------------
  8. def nextTo(x,y): # Return true if x,y are Manhattan-adjacent.
  9. dxy = abs(x-y)
  10. return dxy == 1 or dxy == 3
  11. #-----------------------------------------------------------
  12. # Test if permutation p satisfies all conditions.
  13. def isGood(p):
  14. B, G, K, L, O, P, R, W, Y = p
  15. # Tests 1 and 2.
  16. # Note, digit 3 is in cell 1 and digit 5 is in cell 0
  17. # 1. nextTo(Y,O); not nextTo(R, B)
  18. # 2. color(number(3)) in {W,G,L,R}; color(number(5)) not in {W,P};
  19. if nextTo(R, B) or not nextTo(Y,O) or \
  20. 1 not in (W,G,L,R) or 0 in (W,P):
  21. return False
  22. # Tests 3 and 4.
  23. # 3. inColumn(P,O); not inColumn(Y,B); not inColumn(G,L)
  24. # 4. abs(number(W)-number(K)) == 1; not nextTo(W,K)
  25. if not inColumn(P,O) or inColumn(Y,B) or inColumn(G,L) or \
  26. abs(number[W]-number[K]) != 1 or nextTo(W,K):
  27. return False
  28. # Tests 5 and 6.
  29. # 5. abs(number(R)-number(Y)) < 3; abs(number(W)-number(L)) < 4
  30. # 6. abs(number(R)-number(L)) > 2
  31. if abs(number[R]-number[Y]) > 2 or abs(number[W]-number[L]) > 3 \
  32. or abs(number[R]-number[L]) < 3:
  33. return False
  34. # Tests 7, 8, 9.
  35. # 7. nextTo(G,K); odd(number(G))
  36. # 8. not inColumn(R,Y)
  37. # 9. number(L) > number(G)
  38. if not nextTo(G,K) or not number[G]&1 or \
  39. inColumn(R,Y) or \
  40. number[L] <= number[G]:
  41. return False
  42. return True
  43. #---------------------------Main program--------------------
  44. cellNums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
  45. digCells = [7, 8, 1, 6, 0, 3, 4, 2, 5]
  46. number = [5, 3, 8, 6, 7, 9, 4, 1, 2]
  47. colors = ['black', 'green', 'pink', 'blue', 'orange', 'purple', 'red', 'white', 'yellow']
  49. for p in ifilter(isGood, permutations(cellNums)):
  50. for cn in digCells:
  51. for j, c in enumerate(p):
  52. if c==cn: print colors[j],
  53. print
Success #stdin #stdout 0.39s 7896KB
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yellow red green orange black purple white pink blue
yellow red green orange black purple pink white blue
green black red purple yellow orange pink white blue