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  1. ; programming with prime numbers
  3. (define (primes n)
  4. (if (or (not (integer? n)) (< n 2))
  5. (error 'primes "must be integer greater than one")
  6. (let* ((len (quotient (- n 1) 2))
  7. (bits (make-vector len #t)))
  8. (let loop ((i 0) (p 3) (ps (list 2)))
  9. (cond ((< n (* p p))
  10. (do ((i i (+ i 1)) (p p (+ p 2))
  11. (ps ps (if (vector-ref bits i) (cons p ps) ps)))
  12. ((= i len) (reverse ps))))
  13. ((vector-ref bits i)
  14. (do ((j (+ (* 2 i i) (* 6 i) 3) (+ j p)))
  15. ((<= len j) (loop (+ i 1) (+ p 2) (cons p ps)))
  16. (vector-set! bits j #f)))
  17. (else (loop (+ i 1) (+ p 2) ps)))))))
  19. (define (td-prime? n . args)
  20. (if (or (not (integer? n)) (< n 2))
  21. (error 'td-prime? "must be integer greater than one")
  22. (let ((limit (if (pair? args) (car args) 1000000)))
  23. (if (even? n) (= n 2)
  24. (let loop ((d 3))
  25. (cond ((< limit d)
  26. (error 'td-prime? "limit exceeded"))
  27. ((< n (* d d)) #t)
  28. ((zero? (modulo n d)) #f)
  29. (else (loop (+ d 2)))))))))
  31. (define (td-factors n . args)
  32. (if (or (not (integer? n)) (< n 2))
  33. (error 'td-factors "must be integer greater than one")
  34. (let ((limit (if (pair? args) (car args) 1000000)))
  35. (let twos ((n n) (fs '()))
  36. (if (even? n)
  37. (twos (/ n 2) (cons 2 fs))
  38. (let odds ((n n) (d 3) (fs fs))
  39. (cond ((< limit d)
  40. (error 'td-factors "limit exceeded"))
  41. ((< n (* d d))
  42. (reverse (cons n fs)))
  43. ((zero? (modulo n d))
  44. (odds (/ n d) d (cons d fs)))
  45. (else (odds n (+ d 2) fs)))))))))
  47. (define prime?
  48. (let ((seed 3141592654))
  49. (lambda (n)
  50. (define (rand)
  51. (set! seed (modulo (+ (* 69069 seed) 1234567) 4294967296))
  52. (+ (quotient (* seed (- n 2)) 4294967296) 2))
  53. (define (expm b e m)
  54. (define (times x y) (modulo (* x y) m))
  55. (let loop ((b b) (e e) (r 1))
  56. (if (zero? e) r
  57. (loop (times b b) (quotient e 2)
  58. (if (odd? e) (times b r) r)))))
  59. (define (spsp? n a)
  60. (do ((d (- n 1) (/ d 2)) (s 0 (+ s 1)))
  61. ((odd? d)
  62. (let ((t (expm a d n)))
  63. (if (or (= t 1) (= t (- n 1))) #t
  64. (do ((s (- s 1) (- s 1))
  65. (t (expm t 2 n) (expm t 2 n)))
  66. ((or (zero? s) (= t (- n 1)))
  67. (positive? s))))))))
  68. (if (not (integer? n))
  69. (error 'prime? "must be integer")
  70. (if (< n 2) #f
  71. (do ((a (rand) (rand)) (k 25 (- k 1)))
  72. ((or (zero? k) (not (spsp? n a)))
  73. (zero? k))))))))
  75. (define (rho-factors n . args)
  76. (define (cons< x xs)
  77. (cond ((null? xs) (list x))
  78. ((< x (car xs)) (cons x xs))
  79. (else (cons (car xs) (cons< x (cdr xs))))))
  80. (define (rho n limit)
  81. (let loop ((t 2) (h 2) (d 1) (c 1) (limit limit))
  82. (define (f x) (modulo (+ (* x x) c) n))
  83. (cond ((zero? limit) (error 'rho-factors "limit exceeded"))
  84. ((= d 1) (let ((t (f t)) (h (f (f h))))
  85. (loop t h (gcd (- t h) n) c (- limit 1))))
  86. ((= d n) (loop 2 2 1 (+ c 1) (- limit 1)))
  87. ((prime? d) d)
  88. (else (rho d (- limit 1))))))
  89. (if (not (integer? n))
  90. (error 'rho-factors "must be integer")
  91. (let ((limit (if (pair? args) (car args) 1000)))
  92. (cond ((<= -1 n 1) (list n))
  93. ((negative? n) (cons -1 (rho-factors (- n) limit)))
  94. ((even? n)
  95. (if (= n 2) (list 2)
  96. (cons 2 (rho-factors (/ n 2) limit))))
  97. (else (let loop ((n n) (fs '()))
  98. (if (prime? n)
  99. (cons< n fs)
  100. (let ((f (rho n limit)))
  101. (loop (/ n f) (cons< f fs))))))))))
  103. (display (primes 100)) (newline)
  104. (display (length (primes 1000000))) (newline)
  105. (display (td-prime? 600851475143)) (newline)
  106. (display (td-factors 600851475143)) (newline)
  107. (display (prime? 600851475143)) (newline)
  108. (display (prime? 2305843009213693951)) (newline)
  109. (display (rho-factors 600851475143)) (newline)
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