fork download
  1. # obexftp -b A8:06:00:35:34:CA -p /home/pi/python_games/gem1.png
  2. Browsing A8:06:00:35:34:CA ...
  3. Connecting...failed: connect
  4. Tried to connect for 4ms
  5. error on connect(): Invalid argument
  6. Still trying to connect
  7. Connecting...failed: connect
  8. Tried to connect for 3ms
  9. error on connect(): Invalid argument
  10. Still trying to connect
  11. Connecting...failed: connect
  12. Tried to connect for 3ms
  13. error on connect(): Invalid argument
  14. Still trying to connect
Not running #stdin #stdout 0s 0KB
Standard input is empty
Standard output is empty