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  1. import java.util.*;
  2. import java.lang.*;
  3. import*;
  5. /* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
  6. class Ideone
  7. {
  8. public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
  9. {
  10. Float[] array1 = new Float[]{17731f, 8258729f, 1842420f, -7477958f, -5325198f, 7533f, 9311857f, 1227251f, 3774300f, -6514445f, 18841f, -6869139f};
  11. Float[] array2 = new Float[]{1650f, 870f, 443f, -4961846f, -1654021f, 432f, 883f, 13f, -3926118f, 3875184f, 1594f, 521510f};
  12. float gg = 0;
  13. int gi = 0;
  14. for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++){
  15. gg = array1[i] / array2[i];
  16. gi = (int) Math.round(gg);
  17. System.out.printf("%s ",gi);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
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