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  1. # programming with prime numbers
  3. from fractions import gcd
  5. def primes(n):
  6. if type(n) != int and type(n) != long:
  7. raise TypeError('must be integer')
  8. if n < 2:
  9. raise ValueError('must be greater than one')
  10. m = (n-1) // 2
  11. b = [True] * m
  12. i, p, ps = 0, 3, [2]
  13. while p*p < n:
  14. if b[i]:
  15. ps.append(p)
  16. j = 2*i*i + 6*i + 3
  17. while j < m:
  18. b[j] = False
  19. j = j + 2*i + 3
  20. i += 1; p += 2
  21. while i < m:
  22. if b[i]:
  23. ps.append(p)
  24. i += 1; p += 2
  25. return ps
  27. def td_prime(n, limit=1000000):
  28. if type(n) != int and type(n) != long:
  29. raise TypeError('must be integer')
  30. if n % 2 == 0:
  31. return n == 2
  32. d = 3
  33. while d * d <= n:
  34. if limit < d:
  35. raise OverflowError('limit exceeded')
  36. if n % d == 0:
  37. return False
  38. d += 2
  39. return True
  41. def td_factors(n, limit=1000000):
  42. if type(n) != int and type(n) != long:
  43. raise TypeError('must be integer')
  44. fs = []
  45. while n % 2 == 0:
  46. fs += [2]
  47. n /= 2
  48. if n == 1:
  49. return fs
  50. f = 3
  51. while f * f <= n:
  52. if limit < f:
  53. raise OverflowError('limit exceeded')
  54. if n % f == 0:
  55. fs += [f]
  56. n /= f
  57. else:
  58. f += 2
  59. return fs + [n]
  61. def is_prime(n):
  62. if type(n) != int and type(n) != long:
  63. raise TypeError('must be integer')
  64. if n < 2:
  65. return False
  66. ps = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,
  67. 43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97]
  68. def is_spsp(n, a):
  69. d, s = n-1, 0
  70. while d%2 == 0:
  71. d /= 2; s += 1
  72. t = pow(a,d,n)
  73. if t == 1:
  74. return True
  75. while s > 0:
  76. if t == n-1:
  77. return True
  78. t = (t*t) % n
  79. s -= 1
  80. return False
  81. if n in ps: return True
  82. for p in ps:
  83. if not is_spsp(n,p):
  84. return False
  85. return True
  87. def rho_factors(n, limit=1000000):
  88. if type(n) != int and type(n) != long:
  89. raise TypeError('must be integer')
  90. def gcd(a,b):
  91. while b: a, b = b, a%b
  92. return abs(a)
  93. def rho_factor(n, c, limit):
  94. f = lambda(x): (x*x+c) % n
  95. t, h, d = 2, 2, 1
  96. while d == 1:
  97. if limit == 0:
  98. raise OverflowError('limit exceeded')
  99. t = f(t); h = f(f(h)); d = gcd(t-h, n)
  100. if d == n:
  101. return rho_factor(n, c+1, limit)
  102. if is_prime(d):
  103. return d
  104. return rho_factor(d, c+1, limit)
  105. if -1 <= n <= 1: return [n]
  106. if n < -1: return [-1] + rho_factors(-n, limit)
  107. fs = []
  108. while n % 2 == 0:
  109. n = n // 2; fs = fs + [2]
  110. if n == 1: return fs
  111. while not is_prime(n):
  112. f = rho_factor(n, 1, limit)
  113. n = n / f
  114. fs = fs + [f]
  115. return sorted(fs + [n])
  117. print primes(100)
  118. print len(primes(1000000))
  119. print td_prime(600851475143)
  120. print td_factors(600851475143)
  121. print is_prime(600851475143)
  122. print is_prime(2305843009213693951)
  123. print rho_factors(600851475143)
Success #stdin #stdout 0.43s 5884KB
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[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]
[71, 839, 1471, 6857L]
[71L, 839L, 1471L, 6857L]