fork download
  1. s = input()
  2. if len(s.split(',')) < 2:
  3. cor = s.count(' or ')
  4. cand = s.count(' and ')
  5. cnor = s.count(' nor ')
  6. if cor + cand + cnor > 1:
  7. ind = -min(min(-s.find(' or '), -s.find(' and ')), -s.find(' nor '))
  8. tmp = s[ind+1:]
  9. tmp = tmp.replace(' or ', ', or ')
  10. tmp = tmp.replace(' nor ', ', nor ')
  11. tmp = tmp.replace(' and ', ', and ')
  12. s = s[:ind+1] + tmp
  13. print(s)
  14. else:
  15. c = 0
  16. p = 0
  17. for i in range(len(s)-5):
  18. if s[i] == ',':
  19. c += 1
  20. p = 0
  21. continue
  22. elif (s[i-1] != ',') and ((s[i:i+4] == ' or ') or (s[i:i+5] == ' nor ') or (s[i:i+5] == ' and ')):
  23. if c > 0 and p == 1:
  24. s = s[:i] + ',' + s[i:]
  25. i += 4*(s[i:i+4] == ' or ') + 5*(s[i:i+5] == ' nor ') + 5*(s[i:i+5] == ' and ')
  26. c = 0
  27. p = 0
  28. elif s[i] == ' ':
  29. p += 1
  30. print(s)
  32. a = 'abcdfsfsadsd'
  33. a = a.replace('d', '7')
  34. print(a, a.find('6'))
Success #stdin #stdout 0.02s 9228KB
Ann played football, tennis and chees, went home, forgot keys and her snack.
Ann played football, tennis, and chees, went home, forgot keys and her snack.
abc7fsfsa7s7 -1