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  1. let inline swap (data:'a[]) a b =
  2. let t = data.[a]
  3. data.[a] <- data.[b]
  4. data.[b] <- t
  6. /// Sort the values from an array. Put the smallest
  7. /// at index a, biggest at c, and median at b.
  8. let inline median_of_three (data:'a[]) a b c =
  9. if data.[b] < data.[a] then
  10. swap data a b
  11. if data.[c] < data.[b] then
  12. swap data c b
  13. if data.[b] < data.[a] then
  14. swap data a b
  17. let inline partition (data:'a[]) a b =
  18. // After this is called, return the new position
  19. // of the pivot value. After the call, all values before
  20. // the pivot position should be <= to the pivot, and all values
  21. // after should be >= the pivot.
  22. let mutable i = a - 1
  23. let mutable j = b
  24. let pivot = data.[b]
  25. while i < j do
  26. i <- i + 1
  27. while data.[i] < pivot do
  28. i <- i + 1
  30. j <- j - 1
  31. while data.[j] > pivot do
  32. j <- j - 1
  34. if i < j then
  35. swap data i j
  36. // Now, i is >= j. data.[i] is >= pivot.
  37. // data.[j] <= pivot. So, move the pivot
  38. // to the middle where it belongs, and move
  39. // the value at i to the end of the array.
  40. swap data i b
  42. i
  44. let inline sort (data:'a[]) =
  45. let rec loop a b =
  46. if a >= b then ()
  47. elif a + 1 = b then
  48. if data.[a] > data.[b] then swap data a b
  49. else
  50. let c = (a+b)/2
  51. median_of_three data a b c
  52. let p = partition data a b
  53. loop a (p-1)
  54. loop (p+1) b
  55. loop 0 (data.Length - 1)
  58. let rand = new System.Random()
  60. let shuffle (data:'a[]) =
  61. let N = data.Length
  62. for i in 0 .. N - 2 do
  63. let j = rand.Next(N-i) + i
  64. swap data i j
  66. let isSorted (data:'a[]) =
  67. for i in 0 .. data.Length - 2 do
  68. if data.[i] > data.[i+1] then
  69. failwith "Not sorted"
  71. let testf data =
  72. printfn "before: %A" data
  73. sort data
  74. printfn "after : %A" data
  76. testf [|2;4;1;0|]
  77. testf [||]
  78. testf [|10 .. -1 .. 1 |]
  79. testf [|1;1;1;1;|]
  80. testf [|1..6|]
Success #stdin #stdout 0.17s 12640KB
Standard input is empty
before: [|2; 4; 1; 0|]
after : [|0; 1; 2; 4|]
before: [||]
after : [||]
before: [|10; 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1|]
after : [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10|]
before: [|1; 1; 1; 1|]
after : [|1; 1; 1; 1|]
before: [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6|]
after : [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6|]