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  1. /**
  2.  * Solution to WF/2017/A/Airport.
  3.  * Find the longest line contained inside a polygon, allowing for lines touching
  4.  * vertices or the boundary.
  5.  *
  6.  * This solution uses Per's solution sketch approach to determine for any pair
  7.  * of vertices (a, b),
  8.  * (a) determine if a--b crosses the polygon boundary
  9.  * (b) extend the half lines outward until the polygon boundary is crossed.
  10.  *
  11.  * The results of certain boolean predicates must be computed exactly,
  12.  * particularly the test whether the intersection point lies on the line
  13.  * or does not.
  14.  *
  15.  */
  16. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  17. using namespace std;
  19. //typedef long coord_t; // overflows
  20. //typedef __int128 coord_t; // passes
  21. //typedef long double coord_t; // passes
  22. typedef double coord_t; // passes on Kattis, too.
  24. typedef std::tuple<coord_t, coord_t, coord_t> Hom;
  26. Hom makePoint(coord_t x, coord_t y) {
  27. return Hom { x, y, 1 };
  28. }
  30. static coord_t
  31. dot(const Hom &v, const Hom &w) {
  32. coord_t v0, v1, v2, w0, w1, w2;
  33. tie (v0, v1, v2) = v;
  34. tie (w0, w1, w2) = w;
  35. return v0*w0 + v1*w1 + v2*w2;
  36. }
  38. static Hom
  39. crossproduct(const Hom &u, const Hom &v) {
  40. coord_t v0, v1, v2, u0, u1, u2;
  41. tie (u0, u1, u2) = u;
  42. tie (v0, v1, v2) = v;
  43. return Hom { u1*v2 - u2*v1, u2*v0 - u0*v2, u0*v1 - u1*v0 };
  44. }
  46. static Hom connect(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1) { return crossproduct(p0, p1); }
  48. static Hom intersect(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1) { return crossproduct(p0, p1); }
  50. static coord_t
  51. signum(coord_t x) {
  52. return x > 0 ? 1 : x == 0 ? 0 : -1;
  53. // return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
  54. }
  56. static coord_t
  57. isCCW(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1, const Hom &p2) {
  58. const Hom l0 = connect(p0, p1);
  59. return dot(l0, p2);
  60. }
  62. static pair<double, double>
  63. getEuclidean(Hom &p) {
  64. coord_t x, y, w;
  65. tie (x, y, w) = p;
  66. return make_pair(x/(double)w, y/(double)w);
  67. }
  69. static coord_t
  70. isleft(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1) {
  71. coord_t x0, y0, w0, x1, y1, w1;
  72. tie (x0, y0, w0) = p0;
  73. tie (x1, y1, w1) = p1;
  74. // see Ghali 16.6
  75. return ((x0 * w1 - w0 * x1) * signum(w0 * w1));
  76. }
  78. static coord_t
  79. isbelow(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1) {
  80. coord_t x0, y0, w0, x1, y1, w1;
  81. tie (x0, y0, w0) = p0;
  82. tie (x1, y1, w1) = p1;
  83. return ((y0 * w1 - w0 * y1) * signum(w0 * w1));
  84. }
  86. static coord_t
  87. isleftorbelow(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1) {
  88. coord_t c = isleft(p0, p1);
  89. if (c == 0)
  90. c = isbelow(p0, p1);
  91. return signum(c);
  92. }
  94. // is p in the rectangle spanned by q0-q1?
  95. static bool
  96. inBounds(const Hom &q0, const Hom& q1, const Hom &p)
  97. {
  98. coord_t a = isleft(q0, p);
  99. coord_t b = isleft(p, q1);
  100. if (a * b < 0)
  101. return false;
  103. a = isbelow(q0, p);
  104. b = isbelow(p, q1);
  105. return a * b >= 0;
  106. }
  108. static bool
  109. pointOnSegment(const Hom& p0, const Hom& p1, const Hom& q) {
  110. return inBounds(p0, p1, q) && isCCW(p0, p1, q) == 0;
  111. }
  113. // standard winding number polygon contains
  114. static bool
  115. contains_wn(const vector<Hom> &points, const Hom &q) {
  116. int wn = 0;
  118. const int n = points.size();
  119. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  120. const Hom &p = points[i];
  121. const Hom &pn = points[(i+1)%n];
  122. if (isbelow(p, q) <= 0) {
  123. if (isbelow(pn, q) > 0)
  124. if (isCCW(p, pn, q) > 0)
  125. wn++;
  126. } else {
  127. if (isbelow(pn, q) <= 0)
  128. if (isCCW(p, pn, q) < 0)
  129. wn--;
  130. }
  131. }
  133. return wn != 0;
  134. }
  136. // contains: contains or on boundary.
  137. static bool
  138. contains(const vector<Hom> &points, Hom &q) {
  139. if (contains_wn(points, q))
  140. return true;
  142. const int n = points.size();
  143. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  144. const Hom &p = points[i];
  145. const Hom &pn = points[(i+1)%n];
  146. if (pointOnSegment(p, pn, q))
  147. return true;
  148. }
  149. return false;
  150. }
  154. static Hom
  155. midpoint(const Hom &p0, const Hom &p1)
  156. {
  157. coord_t x0, y0, w0, x1, y1, w1;
  158. tie (x0, y0, w0) = p0;
  159. tie (x1, y1, w1) = p1;
  160. return Hom { x0*w1+x1*w0, y0*w1+y1*w0, 2*w0*w1 };
  161. }
  163. struct sort_by_left_or_below
  164. {
  165. inline bool operator() (const pair<IntersectType, Hom>& a, const pair<IntersectType, Hom>& b)
  166. {
  167. return isleftorbelow(get<1>(a), get<1>(b)) < 0;
  168. }
  169. };
  171. static Hom
  172. extend_half_line(vector<Hom> &p, vector<pair<IntersectType, Hom>> &relevantPoints, int i, int d, int bound) {
  173. while (i + d != bound) {
  174. IntersectType kind1, kind2;
  175. Hom p1, p2;
  176. tie(kind1, p1) = relevantPoints[i];
  177. tie(kind2, p2) = relevantPoints[i+d];
  179. Hom mp = midpoint(p1, p2);
  180. if (!contains(p, mp))
  181. return p1;
  183. if (kind2 != INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX)
  184. return p2;
  186. i += d;
  187. }
  189. return get<1>(relevantPoints[i]);
  190. }
  192. static double
  193. landingstrip(vector<Hom> &p, int a, int b)
  194. {
  195. const int n = p.size();
  196. vector<pair<IntersectType, Hom>> relevantPoints;
  198. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  199. if (pointOnSegment(p[a], p[b], p[i])) {
  200. relevantPoints.push_back(make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX, p[i]));
  201. } else
  202. if (pointOnSegment(p[a], p[b], p[(i+1)%n])) {
  203. relevantPoints.push_back(make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX, p[(i+1)%n]));
  204. } else {
  205. Hom ls = connect(p[i], p[(i+1)%n]); // 42 bits
  206. Hom ab = connect(p[a], p[b]); // 42 bits
  207. Hom is = intersect(ab, ls); // 84 bits
  208. coord_t x, y, w;
  209. tie(x, y, w) = is;
  210. if (w == 0) { // parallel or coinciding
  211. if (x == 0 && y == 0) { // coinciding
  212. relevantPoints.push_back(make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX, p[i]));
  213. relevantPoints.push_back(make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX, p[(i+1)%n]));
  214. } // ignore if parallel
  215. } else {
  216. if (inBounds(p[i], p[(i+1)%n], is)) {
  217. relevantPoints.push_back(make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_POLYGON_BOUNDARY, is));
  218. }
  219. }
  220. }
  221. }
  223. std::sort(relevantPoints.begin(), relevantPoints.end(), sort_by_left_or_below());
  225. int ai = std::distance(relevantPoints.begin(), std::find(relevantPoints.begin(), relevantPoints.end(), make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX, p[a])));
  226. int bi = std::distance(relevantPoints.begin(), std::find(relevantPoints.begin(), relevantPoints.end(), make_pair(INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX, p[b])));
  227. int di = signum(bi-ai);
  229. // check that all points in [a, b] are inside polygon
  230. for (int i = ai; i != bi; i += di) {
  231. enum IntersectType kind;
  232. Hom rp;
  233. tie(kind, rp) = relevantPoints[i+di];
  235. if (kind != INTERSECT_AT_VERTEX)
  236. return -1;
  238. Hom mp = midpoint(get<1>(relevantPoints[i]), rp); // 42 bits since rp and relevantPoints[i] are vertices
  239. if (!contains(p, mp))
  240. return -1;
  241. }
  243. Hom pmin = extend_half_line(p, relevantPoints, ai, -di, -di == -1 ? -1 : relevantPoints.size());
  244. Hom pmax = extend_half_line(p, relevantPoints, bi, di, di == -1 ? -1 : relevantPoints.size());
  246. // now report distance as double
  247. double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
  248. tie(xmin, ymin) = getEuclidean(pmin);
  249. tie(xmax, ymax) = getEuclidean(pmax);
  251. return sqrt((double)(xmax-xmin)*(xmax-xmin) + (double)(ymax-ymin)*(ymax-ymin));
  252. }
  254. int main(int ac, char *av[])
  255. {
  256. int n;
  257. cin >> n;
  258. vector<Hom> p;
  259. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  260. long x, y;
  261. cin >> x >> y;
  262. p.push_back(makePoint(x, y));
  263. }
  264. double answer = -1.0;
  265. for (int a = 0; a < n; a++)
  266. for (int b = a+1; b < n; b++)
  267. answer = max(answer, landingstrip(p, a, b));
  269. cout.precision(17);
  270. cout << answer << endl;
  271. }
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