fork download
  1. if ((startIsAM && futureIsAM) && ( future < start)){ //If they're both AM times and the future one is "behind" the start time
  2. return (720 - start + 720 + future);
  3. }
  4. /*else if ((startIsAM && futureIsAM) || (startIsAM != true && futureIsAM != true) && (future = 720)){ //When a future time is 12 with a matching meridiem
  5.   return (720 - start + 720);
  6.   }*/
  7. else if ((startIsAM != true && futureIsAM != true) && (future < start));{
  8. return (720 - start + 720 + future);
  9. }
  10. else {
  11. return abs(future - start);
  12. }
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