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  1. ''''''
  3. from itertools import count,islice,groupby
  4. from timeit import Timer
  5. import collections
  6. from heapq import merge
  7. import __main__
  10. def consume(iterator, n):
  11. "Advance the iterator n-steps ahead. If n is none, consume entirely."
  12. # Use functions that consume iterators at C speed.
  13. if n is None:
  14. # feed the entire iterator into a zero-length deque
  15. collections.deque(iterator, maxlen=0)
  16. else:
  17. # advance to the empty slice starting at position n
  18. next(islice(iterator, n, n), None)
  21. def primes1():
  22. D = {}
  23. for q in count(2):
  24. p = D.pop(q, None)
  25. if p:
  26. x = p + q
  27. while x in D: x += p
  28. D[x] = p
  29. else:
  30. D[q*q] = q
  31. yield q
  34. def primes2():
  35. seq = count(2)
  36. while True:
  37. p = next(seq)
  38. seq = filter(p.__rmod__, seq) #get not multiples of p (as item % p == 0 for multiples)
  39. yield p
  43. def primes3():
  44. p = 2
  45. yield p
  46. sifter = count(p*p,p)
  47. s = next(sifter)
  48. for p in count(p+1):
  49. if p==s: # this p is sieved out
  50. #print('s: {}'.format(s))
  51. s = next(sifter)
  52. else:
  53. yield p # this is prime
  54. #print('p: {}'.format(p))
  55. sifter = (k for k, g in groupby(merge(sifter,count(p*p,p)))) #add this serie to the sifter: p*p, p*(p+1), p*(p+2), ...
  58. #--Debug for primes4--
  59. ##'''
  60. ##Unserstanding code from here:
  61. ##postponed sieve, by Will Ness
  62. ##See also:
  63. ##'''
  64. ##def primes4(debug=False,level=0):
  65. ## '''The space complexity is needlessly O(n). O(sqrt(n)) is enough indeed,
  66. ## achieved by postponing the addition of stepping information for a prime
  67. ## into the dict until that prime's square is seen amongst the candidates,
  68. ## and not a moment sooner.
  69. ## Having much smaller dict, performance and empirical time complexity improve too.
  70. ##'''
  71. ##
  72. ## name = '{0}'.format(level)
  73. ##
  74. ## print = __builtins__.print if debug else lambda *p: None
  75. ##
  76. ## print('{name}: yield 2'.format(name=name)); yield 2
  77. ## print('{name}: yield 3'.format(name=name)); yield 3
  78. ## print('{name}: yield 5'.format(name=name)); yield 5
  79. ## print('{name}: yield 7'.format(name=name)); yield 7
  80. ## D = {}
  81. ## c = 9; print('{name}: c = {c}'.format(name=name,c=c))
  82. ## ps = (p for p in primes4(debug=debug,level=level+1)); print('{name}: Creating subiterator'.format(name=name))
  83. ## temp = next(ps)
  84. ## print('{name}: skip {temp}'.format(name=name,temp=temp)) #skip 2
  85. ## p = next(ps); print('{name}: p = {p}'.format(name=name,p=p)) # 3
  86. ## q = p*p; print('{name}: q = {q}'.format(name=name,q=q)) # 9
  87. ## while True:
  88. ## print('{name}: D = {D}'.format(name=name,D=D))
  89. ## if c not in D:
  90. ## print('{name}: c not in D'.format(name=name))
  91. ## if c < q:
  92. ## print('{name}: c<q'.format(name=name))
  93. ## print('{name}: yield c = {c}'.format(name=name,c=c))
  94. ## yield c
  95. ## else:
  96. ## print('{name}: c=q'.format(name=name))
  97. ## x = add(D,c+2*p,2*p); print('{name}: D[{x}]={s}'.format(name=name,x=x,s=2*p))
  98. ## p = next(ps); print('{name}: p = {p}'.format(name=name,p=p))
  99. ## q = p*p; print('{name}: q = {q}'.format(name=name,q=q))
  100. ## else:
  101. ## print('{name}: c in D'.format(name=name))
  102. ## s = D.pop(c); print('{name}: popping from D: s = {s}'.format(name=name,s=s))
  103. ## x = add(D, c+s, s); print('{name}: adding to D[{x}]={s}'.format(name=name,x=x,s=c+s))
  104. ## c += 2; print('{name}: c+=2 -> c={c}'.format(name=name,c=c))
  107. '''
  108. Unserstanding code from here:
  109. postponed sieve, by Will Ness
  110. See also:
  111. '''
  112. def primes4():
  113. '''The space complexity is needlessly O(n). O(sqrt(n)) is enough indeed,
  114. achieved by postponing the addition of stepping information for a prime
  115. into the dict until that prime's square is seen amongst the candidates,
  116. and not a moment sooner.
  117. Having much smaller dict, performance and empirical time complexity improve too.
  120. yield 2
  121. yield 3
  122. yield 5
  123. yield 7
  124. D = {}
  125. c = 9
  126. ps = (p for p in primes4())
  127. next(ps) #skip 2
  128. p = next(ps) # 3
  129. q = p*p # 9
  130. while True:
  131. if c not in D:
  132. if c < q:
  133. yield c
  134. else:
  135. x = add(D,c+2*p,2*p)
  136. p = next(ps)
  137. q = p*p
  138. else:
  139. s = D.pop(c)
  140. x = add(D,c+s,s)
  141. c += 2;
  143. def add(D,x,s):
  144. while x in D:
  145. x += s
  146. D[x] = s
  147. return x
  150. def primes5():
  151. '''Save values instead of using recursive generator call'''
  152. primes = [] #values memory
  153. yield 2; primes.append(2)
  154. yield 3; primes.append(3)
  155. yield 5; primes.append(5)
  156. yield 7; primes.append(7)
  157. D = {}
  158. c = 9
  159. ps = (p for p in iter(primes)) #here we used memoized values
  160. next(ps) #skip 2
  161. p = next(ps) # 3
  162. q = p*p # 9
  163. while True:
  164. if c not in D:
  165. if c < q:
  166. yield c; primes.append(c)
  167. else:
  168. x = add(D,c+2*p,2*p)
  169. p = next(ps)
  170. q = p*p
  171. else:
  172. s = D.pop(c)
  173. x = add(D,c+s,s)
  174. c += 2;
  177. funcs = ['primes1','primes4','primes5']
  180. number = 1 #number of runs
  181. upper = 100000 #the upper limit for primes
  183. def main():
  184. '''Complexity comparison between different functions'''
  185. for func_name in funcs:
  186. f = getattr(__main__,func_name)
  187. print('---')
  188. print(f.__name__)
  189. print(list(islice(f(),20)))
  190. timer = Timer('consume(f(),{upper})'.format(upper=upper),
  191. 'from __main__ import {name} as f, consume'.format(name=func_name))
  192. result = timer.timeit(number=number)
  193. print('t: {}'.format(result/number))
  195. def main1():
  196. '''Just '''
  197. n = 20
  198. next(islice(primes4(debug=True), n, n), None) #consume n values
  202. if __name__=='__main__':
  203. main()
Success #stdin #stdout 4.92s 6032KB
Standard input is empty
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
t: 2.59932017326
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
t: 1.13969612122
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
t: 1.18516302109