Reallocation occured on pushing element 1.
Old capacity: 0
New capacity: 1 (inf% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 2.
Old capacity: 1
New capacity: 2 (100% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 3.
Old capacity: 2
New capacity: 4 (100% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 5.
Old capacity: 4
New capacity: 8 (100% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 9.
Old capacity: 8
New capacity: 16 (100% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 17.
Old capacity: 16
New capacity: 32 (100% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 33.
Old capacity: 32
New capacity: 64 (100% growth)
Reallocation occured on pushing element 65.
Old capacity: 64
New capacity: 128 (100% growth)
Total reallocations over 100 elements: 8
Testing the number of reallocations when push new elements on a vector.