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  1. //Incremental Sieve of Erotasthenes based on the DotNet hash based mutable Dictionary class
  2. //Similar to,guid,82535152-f7e2-4051-afd6-2330aea0bdf9.aspx#commentstart
  3. //but with opimizations of wheel factorization, delayed adding base primes, and a more efficient use of sequences
  5. //#time
  6. [<RequireQualifiedAccess>]
  7. module Dict =
  8. let empty = null
  9. let inline tryFind k (m:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>) =
  10. if m = null then None else let (found,v) = m.TryGetValue k in if found then Some v else None
  11. let inline add k v (m:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>) =
  12. let nm = if m = null then new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>() else m in nm.[k] <- v; nm
  13. let inline remove k (m:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>) = m.Remove k |> ignore; m
  15. type cullstate = struct val p:uint32 val pi:int new(p,pi) = { p=p;pi=pi } end
  16. type CIS<'T> = class val v:'T val cont:unit->CIS<'T> new(v,cont) = { v=v;cont=cont } end
  17. let primesDWSE() =
  18. let WHLPRMS = [| 2u;3u;5u;7u |] in let FSTPRM = 11u in let WHLCRC = int (WHLPRMS |> Seq.fold (*) 1u) >>> 1
  19. let WHLLMT = int (WHLPRMS |> Seq.fold (fun o n->o*(n-1u)) 1u) - 1
  20. let WHLPTRN =
  21. let wp = Array.zeroCreate (WHLLMT+1)
  22. let gaps (a:int[]) = let rec gap i acc = if a.[i]=0 then gap (i+1) (acc+1uy) else acc
  23. {0..WHLCRC-1} |> Seq.fold (fun s i->
  24. let ns = if a.[i]<>0 then wp.[s]<-2uy*gap (i+1) 1uy;(s+1) else s in ns) 0 |> ignore
  25. Array.init (WHLCRC+1) (fun i->if WHLPRMS |> Seq.forall (fun p->(FSTPRM+uint32(i<<<1))%p<>0u)
  26. then 1 else 0) |> gaps;wp
  27. let inline whladv i = if i < WHLLMT then i + 1 else 0 in let inline advcnd c ci = c + uint32 WHLPTRN.[ci]
  28. let inline advmltpl c p i = let n = c + uint32 WHLPTRN.[i] * p in if n < c then 0xFFFFFFFFu else n
  29. let inline reinsert oldcmpst mp (cs:cullstate) =
  30. let p,pi = cs.p,cs.pi in let cmpst,npi = advmltpl oldcmpst p pi,whladv pi
  31. match Dict.tryFind cmpst mp with
  32. | None -> mp |> Dict.add cmpst [cullstate(p,npi)]
  33. | Some(facts) -> mp |> Dict.add cmpst (cullstate(p,npi)::facts)
  34. let rec mkprm (n,wi,m,(psd:CIS<_>),q) =
  35. let nxt,nxti = advcnd n wi,whladv wi
  36. if nxt < n then (0u,0,(0xFFFFFFFFu,wi,m,psd,q))
  37. else match Dict.tryFind n m with
  38. | None -> if n < q then (n,wi,(nxt,nxti,m,psd,q))
  39. else let bp,bpi = psd.v in let nc,nci = advmltpl n bp bpi,whladv bpi
  40. let nsd = psd.cont() in let np,_ = nsd.v in let sqr = if np>65535u then 0xFFFFFFFFu else np*np
  41. mkprm (nxt,nxti,(Dict.add nc [cullstate(bp,nci)] m),nsd,sqr)
  42. | Some(skips) -> let adjdmap = skips |> List.fold (reinsert n) (m |> Dict.remove n)
  43. mkprm (nxt,nxti,adjdmap,psd,q)
  44. let rec pCIS p pi cont = let ap,api = advcnd p pi,whladv pi
  45. CIS((p,pi),fun()->let (np,npi,ncont)=mkprm cont in pCIS np npi ncont)
  46. let rec baseprimes() = CIS((FSTPRM,0),fun()->let np,npi = advcnd FSTPRM 0,whladv 0
  47. pCIS np npi (advcnd np npi,whladv npi,Dict.empty,baseprimes(),FSTPRM*FSTPRM))
  48. let inline genseq sd = Seq.unfold (fun (p,_,cont) -> Some(p,mkprm cont)) sd
  49. seq { yield! WHLPRMS; yield! mkprm (FSTPRM,0,Dict.empty,baseprimes(),(FSTPRM*FSTPRM)) |> genseq }
  51. primesDWSE() |> Seq.nth 1000000 |> printfn "%A"
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