fork download
  1. (defun make-long-list (x)
  2. (do* ((y (make-list x))
  3. (i y (cdr i)))
  4. (nil)
  5. (when (null i) (return y))
  6. (rplaca i (random 1000))))
  8. (defun make-long-array (x)
  9. (do* ((y (make-array x :element-type 'fixnum))
  10. (i 0 (1+ i)))
  11. (nil)
  12. (when (= x i) (return y))
  13. (setf (aref y i) (random 1000))))
  15. (defun count-inversions (lst)
  16. (if (or (null lst) (null (cdr lst)))
  17. 0
  18. (let* ((half (ceiling (/ (length lst) 2)))
  19. (left-list (subseq lst 0 half))
  20. (right-list (subseq lst half)))
  21. (+ (loop for a in left-list
  22. summing (loop for b in right-list
  23. counting (not (< a b))))
  24. (count-inversions left-list)
  25. (count-inversions right-list)))))
  27. (defun count-inversions-6 (x)
  28. (declare (optimize (speed 3)
  29. (compilation-speed 0)
  30. (debug 0)
  31. (safety 0))
  32. (ftype (function ((simple-array fixnum (*)))
  33. (unsigned-byte 32))
  34. count-inversions-6)
  35. (type (simple-array fixnum (*)) x))
  36. (if (< (length x) 2)
  37. 0
  38. (let* ((half-a (ash (length x) -1))
  39. (left-array (subseq x 0 half-a))
  40. (half-b (- (length x) half-a))
  41. (right-array (subseq x half-a))
  42. (current 0)
  43. (total 0))
  44. (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) half-a)
  45. (type (unsigned-byte 32) half-b)
  46. (type fixnum current)
  47. (type (simple-array fixnum (*)) right-array)
  48. (type (simple-array fixnum (*)) left-array)
  49. (type (unsigned-byte 32) total))
  50. (the (unsigned-byte 32)
  51. (+
  52. (dotimes (i half-a total)
  53. (setq current (aref left-array i))
  54. (dotimes (j half-b)
  55. (when (>= current
  56. (the fixnum (aref right-array j)))
  57. (setq total (the (unsigned-byte 32) (+ total 1))))))
  58. (count-inversions-6 left-array)
  59. (count-inversions-6 right-array))))))
  61. (time (make-long-list 1000))
  63. ;; Evaluation took:
  64. ;; 0.000 seconds of real time
  65. ;; 0.000000 seconds of total run time (0.000000 user, 0.000000 system)
  66. ;; 100.00% CPU
  67. ;; 881,214 processor cycles
  68. ;; 159,744 bytes consed
  70. (time (make-long-array 1000))
  72. ;; Evaluation took:
  73. ;; 0.000 seconds of real time
  74. ;; 0.000000 seconds of total run time (0.000000 user, 0.000000 system)
  75. ;; 100.00% CPU
  76. ;; 806,562 processor cycles
  77. ;; 80,016 bytes consed
  79. (time (count-inversions (make-long-list 1000)))
  81. ;; Evaluation took:
  82. ;; 0.313 seconds of real time
  83. ;; 0.312019 seconds of total run time (0.308019 user, 0.004000 system)
  84. ;; [ Run times consist of 0.008 seconds GC time, and 0.305 seconds non-GC time. ]
  85. ;; 99.68% CPU
  86. ;; 875,653,434 processor cycles
  87. ;; 3,038,576 bytes consed
  89. (time (count-inversions-6 (make-long-array 1000)))
  91. ;; Evaluation took:
  92. ;; 0.178 seconds of real time
  93. ;; 0.180011 seconds of total run time (0.180011 user, 0.000000 system)
  94. ;; 101.12% CPU
  95. ;; 500,373,921 processor cycles
  96. ;; 1,586,080 bytes consed
Success #stdin #stdout 2.24s 10576KB
Standard input is empty
Real time: 0.001355 sec.
Run time: 0.002 sec.
Space: 8000 Bytes
Real time: 0.001917 sec.
Run time: 0.002 sec.
Space: 4176 Bytes
Real time: 0.854696 sec.
Run time: 0.85387 sec.
Space: 91392 Bytes
Real time: 1.362522 sec.
Run time: 1.358793 sec.
Space: 6170416 Bytes
GC: 12, GC time: 0.031996 sec.