fork(53) download
  1. import json
  2. import sys
  3. from pprint import pprint
  5. pprint(json.load(sys.stdin))
Success #stdin #stdout 0.06s 9792KB
{"description":"Script to check testtbeat of TEST 1 server.", "script":"#!/bin/bash\nset -e\n\nCOUNT=60   #number of 10 second timeouts in 10 minutes\nSUM_SYNCS=0\nSUM_SYNCS_BEHIND=0\nHOSTNAME=$hostname\n\nwhile [[ $COUNT -ge \"0\" ]]; do\n\necho $HOSTNAME\n\n#send the request, put response in variable\nDATA=$(wget -O - -q -t 1 http://$HOSTNAME:8080/heartbeat)\n\n#grep $DATA for syncs and syncs_behind\nSYNCS=$(echo $DATA | grep -oE 'num_syncs: [0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}')\nSYNCS_BEHIND=$(echo $DATA | grep -oE 'num_syncs_behind: [0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}')\n\necho $SYNCS\necho $SYNCS_BEHIND\n\n#verify conditionals\nif [[ $SYNCS -gt \"8\" && $SYNCS_BEHIND -eq \"0\" ]]; then exit 0; fi\n\n#decrement the counter\nlet COUNT-=1\n\n#wait another 10 seconds\nsleep 10\n\ndone\n"}
{'description': 'Script to check testtbeat of TEST 1 server.',
 'script': '#!/bin/bash\nset -e\n\nCOUNT=60   #number of 10 second timeouts in 10 minutes\nSUM_SYNCS=0\nSUM_SYNCS_BEHIND=0\nHOSTNAME=$hostname\n\nwhile [[ $COUNT -ge "0" ]]; do\n\necho $HOSTNAME\n\n#send the request, put response in variable\nDATA=$(wget -O - -q -t 1 http://$HOSTNAME:8080/heartbeat)\n\n#grep $DATA for syncs and syncs_behind\nSYNCS=$(echo $DATA | grep -oE \'num_syncs: [0-9]+\' | awk \'{print $2}\')\nSYNCS_BEHIND=$(echo $DATA | grep -oE \'num_syncs_behind: [0-9]+\' | awk \'{print $2}\')\n\necho $SYNCS\necho $SYNCS_BEHIND\n\n#verify conditionals\nif [[ $SYNCS -gt "8" && $SYNCS_BEHIND -eq "0" ]]; then exit 0; fi\n\n#decrement the counter\nlet COUNT-=1\n\n#wait another 10 seconds\nsleep 10\n\ndone\n'}