fork download
  1. #include <algorithm>
  2. #include <cassert>
  3. #include <chrono>
  4. #include <cstdlib>
  5. #include <ctime>
  6. #include <iostream>
  7. #include <map>
  8. #include <random>
  9. #include <unordered_map>
  10. #include <vector>
  12. #define BENCHMARK 1
  15. template<class PairMap>
  16. inline float DotPairsMapped(const PairMap& lhs, const PairMap& rhs) {
  17. float dot = 0;
  18. for(auto& pair : lhs) {
  19. auto pos = rhs.find(pair.first);
  20. if(pos != rhs.end())
  21. dot += pair.second * pos->second;
  22. }
  23. return dot;
  24. }
  26. template<class PairContainerSorted>
  27. inline float DotPairsSorted(const PairContainerSorted& lhs, const PairContainerSorted& rhs) {
  28. float dot = 0;
  29. for(auto pLhs = lhs.begin(), pRhs = rhs.begin(), endLhs = lhs.end(), endRhs = rhs.end(); pRhs != endRhs;) {
  30. for(; pLhs != endLhs && pLhs->first < pRhs->first; ++pLhs);
  31. if(pLhs == endLhs)
  32. break;
  33. for(; pRhs != endRhs && pRhs->first < pLhs->first; ++pRhs);
  34. if(pRhs == endRhs)
  35. break;
  36. if(pLhs->first == pRhs->first) {
  37. dot += pLhs->second * pRhs->second;
  38. ++pLhs;
  39. ++pRhs;
  40. }
  41. }
  42. return dot;
  43. }
  45. template<class PairContainer>
  46. inline float LenSqrPairs(const PairContainer& vec) {
  47. float dot = 0;
  48. for(auto& pair : vec)
  49. dot += pair.second * pair.second;
  50. return dot;
  51. }
  53. struct SparseVector {
  54. explicit SparseVector(size_t d, const std::pair<size_t, float>* begin, const std::pair<size_t, float>* end) : d(d) {
  55. size_t k(end - begin);
  56. idx.resize(k);
  57. val.resize(k);
  58. for(size_t i = 0; begin != end; ++i, ++begin) {
  59. idx[i] = begin->first;
  60. val[i] = begin->second;
  61. }
  62. }
  64. bool IsValid() const {
  65. if(idx.size() != val.size())
  66. return false;
  67. for(size_t i = 1; i < idx.size(); ++i) {
  68. if(idx[i - 1] >= idx[i])
  69. return false;
  70. }
  71. return true;
  72. }
  74. static float CosineDistance(const SparseVector& lhs, const SparseVector& rhs);
  76. size_t d;
  77. std::vector<size_t> idx;
  78. std::vector<float> val;
  79. };
  81. inline float Dot(const std::map<size_t, float>& lhs, const std::map<size_t, float>& rhs) { return DotPairsSorted(lhs, rhs); }
  82. inline float LenSqr(const std::map<size_t, float>& vec) { return LenSqrPairs(vec); }
  83. inline float Dot(const std::unordered_map<size_t, float>& lhs, const std::unordered_map<size_t, float>& rhs) { return DotPairsMapped(lhs, rhs); }
  84. inline float LenSqr(const std::unordered_map<size_t, float>& vec) { return LenSqrPairs(vec); }
  85. inline float Dot(const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>>& lhs, const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>>& rhs) { return DotPairsSorted(lhs, rhs); }
  86. inline float LenSqr(const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>>& vec) { return LenSqrPairs(vec); }
  88. inline float Dot(const SparseVector& lhs, const SparseVector& rhs) {
  89. float dot = 0;
  90. if(!lhs.idx.empty() && !rhs.idx.empty()) {
  91. const size_t *itIdxLhs = &lhs.idx[0], *endIdxLhs = &lhs.idx[0] + lhs.idx.size();
  92. const float *itValLhs = &lhs.val[0], *endValLhs = &lhs.val[0] + lhs.val.size();
  93. const size_t *itIdxRhs = &rhs.idx[0], *endIdxRhs = &rhs.idx[0] + rhs.idx.size();
  94. const float *itValRhs = &rhs.val[0], *endValRhs = &rhs.val[0] + rhs.val.size();
  95. while(itIdxRhs != endIdxRhs) {
  96. for(; itIdxLhs < endIdxLhs && *itIdxLhs < *itIdxRhs; ++itIdxLhs, ++itValLhs);
  97. if(itIdxLhs == endIdxLhs)
  98. break;
  99. for(; itIdxRhs < endIdxRhs && *itIdxRhs < *itIdxLhs; ++itIdxRhs, ++itValRhs);
  100. if(itIdxRhs == endIdxRhs)
  101. break;
  102. if(*itIdxLhs == *itIdxRhs) {
  103. dot += (*itValLhs) * (*itValRhs);
  104. ++itIdxLhs;
  105. ++itValLhs;
  106. ++itIdxRhs;
  107. ++itValRhs;
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. return dot;
  112. }
  114. inline float LenSqr(const SparseVector& vec) {
  115. float dot = 0;
  116. for(float v : vec.val)
  117. dot += v * v;
  118. return dot;
  119. }
  121. template<class Vector>
  122. inline float CosineDistance(const Vector& lhs, const Vector& rhs) {
  123. return Dot(lhs, rhs) / std::sqrt(LenSqr(lhs) * LenSqr(rhs));
  124. }
  126. inline float SparseVector::CosineDistance(const SparseVector& lhs, const SparseVector& rhs) {
  127. float dotLR = 0, dotLL = 0, dotRR = 0;
  128. if(!lhs.idx.empty() && !rhs.idx.empty()) {
  129. const size_t *itIdxLhs = &lhs.idx[0], *endIdxLhs = &lhs.idx[0] + lhs.idx.size();
  130. const float *itValLhs = &lhs.val[0], *endValLhs = &lhs.val[0] + lhs.val.size();
  131. const size_t *itIdxRhs = &rhs.idx[0], *endIdxRhs = &rhs.idx[0] + rhs.idx.size();
  132. const float *itValRhs = &rhs.val[0], *endValRhs = &rhs.val[0] + rhs.val.size();
  133. while(itIdxRhs != endIdxRhs) {
  134. for(; itIdxLhs < endIdxLhs && *itIdxLhs < *itIdxRhs; ++itIdxLhs, ++itValLhs)
  135. dotLL += (*itValLhs) * (*itValLhs);
  136. if(itIdxLhs == endIdxLhs) {
  137. for(; itIdxRhs < endIdxRhs; ++itIdxRhs, ++itValRhs)
  138. dotRR += (*itValRhs) * (*itValRhs);
  139. break;
  140. }
  141. for(; itIdxRhs < endIdxRhs && *itIdxRhs < *itIdxLhs; ++itIdxRhs, ++itValRhs)
  142. dotRR += (*itValRhs) * (*itValRhs);
  143. if(itIdxRhs == endIdxRhs) {
  144. for(; itIdxLhs < endIdxLhs; ++itIdxLhs, ++itValLhs)
  145. dotLL += (*itValLhs) * (*itValLhs);
  146. break;
  147. }
  148. if(*itIdxLhs == *itIdxRhs) {
  149. dotLR += (*itValLhs) * (*itValRhs);
  150. dotLL += (*itValLhs) * (*itValLhs);
  151. dotRR += (*itValRhs) * (*itValRhs);
  152. ++itIdxLhs;
  153. ++itValLhs;
  154. ++itIdxRhs;
  155. ++itValRhs;
  156. }
  157. }
  158. }
  159. float lenSqrL = LenSqr(lhs), lenSqrR = LenSqr(rhs);
  160. return dotLR / std::sqrt(dotLL * dotRR);
  161. }
  163. template<class RandomIt, class UniformRandomNumberGenerator>
  164. void shuffleK(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIt>::difference_type k, UniformRandomNumberGenerator&& g) {
  165. typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIt>::difference_type diff_t;
  166. typedef typename std::make_unsigned<diff_t>::type udiff_t;
  167. typedef typename std::uniform_int_distribution<udiff_t> distr_t;
  168. typedef typename distr_t::param_type param_t;
  170. distr_t D;
  171. diff_t n = std::min(k, last - first);
  172. for(diff_t i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
  173. using std::swap;
  174. swap(first[i], first[D(g, param_t(0, i))]);
  175. }
  176. }
  178. #if BENCHMARK
  179. struct Benchmark {
  180. double vectorDot, vectorLen, vectorCos;
  181. double mapDot, mapLen, mapCos;
  182. double unorderedDot, unorderedLen, unorderedCos;
  183. double classDot, classLen, classCos;
  185. void min(Benchmark other) {
  186. vectorDot = std::min(vectorDot, other.vectorDot);
  187. vectorLen = std::min(vectorLen, other.vectorLen);
  188. vectorCos = std::min(vectorCos, other.vectorCos);
  189. mapDot = std::min(mapDot, other.mapDot);
  190. mapLen = std::min(mapLen, other.mapLen);
  191. mapCos = std::min(mapCos, other.mapCos);
  192. unorderedDot = std::min(unorderedDot, other.unorderedDot);
  193. unorderedLen = std::min(unorderedLen, other.unorderedLen);
  194. unorderedCos = std::min(unorderedCos, other.unorderedCos);
  195. classDot = std::min(classDot, other.classDot);
  196. classLen = std::min(classLen, other.classLen);
  197. classCos = std::min(classCos, other.classCos);
  198. }
  199. void max(Benchmark other) {
  200. vectorDot = std::max(vectorDot, other.vectorDot);
  201. vectorLen = std::max(vectorLen, other.vectorLen);
  202. vectorCos = std::max(vectorCos, other.vectorCos);
  203. mapDot = std::max(mapDot, other.mapDot);
  204. mapLen = std::max(mapLen, other.mapLen);
  205. mapCos = std::max(mapCos, other.mapCos);
  206. unorderedDot = std::max(unorderedDot, other.unorderedDot);
  207. unorderedLen = std::max(unorderedLen, other.unorderedLen);
  208. unorderedCos = std::max(unorderedCos, other.unorderedCos);
  209. classDot = std::max(classDot, other.classDot);
  210. classLen = std::max(classLen, other.classLen);
  211. classCos = std::max(classCos, other.classCos);
  212. }
  213. void add(Benchmark other) {
  214. vectorDot += other.vectorDot;
  215. vectorLen += other.vectorLen;
  216. vectorCos += other.vectorCos;
  217. mapDot += other.mapDot;
  218. mapLen += other.mapLen;
  219. mapCos += other.mapCos;
  220. unorderedDot += other.unorderedDot;
  221. unorderedLen += other.unorderedLen;
  222. unorderedCos += other.unorderedCos;
  223. classDot += other.classDot;
  224. classLen += other.classLen;
  225. classCos += other.classCos;
  226. }
  227. void sub(Benchmark other) {
  228. vectorDot -= other.vectorDot;
  229. vectorLen -= other.vectorLen;
  230. vectorCos -= other.vectorCos;
  231. mapDot -= other.mapDot;
  232. mapLen -= other.mapLen;
  233. mapCos -= other.mapCos;
  234. unorderedDot -= other.unorderedDot;
  235. unorderedLen -= other.unorderedLen;
  236. unorderedCos -= other.unorderedCos;
  237. classDot -= other.classDot;
  238. classLen -= other.classLen;
  239. classCos -= other.classCos;
  240. }
  241. void mul(double factor) {
  242. vectorDot *= factor;
  243. vectorLen *= factor;
  244. vectorCos *= factor;
  245. mapDot *= factor;
  246. mapLen *= factor;
  247. mapCos *= factor;
  248. unorderedDot *= factor;
  249. unorderedLen *= factor;
  250. unorderedCos *= factor;
  251. classDot *= factor;
  252. classLen *= factor;
  253. classCos *= factor;
  254. }
  256. template<class OStream>
  257. friend OStream& operator<< (OStream& os, const Benchmark& o) {
  258. os << " pairs t(dot): " << o.vectorDot << ", t(len2): " << o.vectorLen << ", t(cos): " << o.vectorCos << std::endl;
  259. os << " map'd / pairs dot: " << o.mapDot / o.vectorDot << ", len2: " << o.mapLen / o.vectorLen << ", cos: " << o.mapCos / o.vectorCos << std::endl;
  260. os << " hashm / pairs dot: " << o.unorderedDot / o.vectorDot << ", len2: " << o.unorderedLen / o.vectorLen << ", cos: " << o.unorderedCos / o.vectorCos << std::endl;
  261. os << " class / pairs dot: " << o.classDot / o.vectorDot << ", len2: " << o.classLen / o.vectorLen << ", cos: " << o.classCos / o.vectorCos << std::endl;
  262. return os;
  263. }
  264. };
  265. #endif
  267. void RunBenchmark(size_t D, float Ratio, size_t RunCount, std::mt19937& g);
  269. int main() {
  270. const size_t D = 169647;
  271. const float Ratio = 0.05f;
  272. const size_t RunCount = 10;
  274. //std::random_device rd;
  275. //std::mt19937 g(rd());
  276. std::mt19937 g(0xC0FFEE);
  278. for(int last = 1, cur = 1; cur <= 5; last += cur, std::swap(last, cur))
  279. RunBenchmark(D, Ratio * cur, RunCount, g);
  281. return 0;
  282. }
  284. volatile float sideEffectOnly = 0;
  285. void RunBenchmark(size_t D, float Ratio, size_t RunCount, std::mt19937& g) {
  286. std::vector<size_t> indices;
  287. {
  288. indices.resize(D);
  289. for(size_t i = 0; i < D; ++i)
  290. indices[i] = i;
  291. }
  292. // Generates two sparse random vectors with on average ratio * D entries
  293. auto GenerateInput = [&indices, &g](float ratio, std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>>& a, std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>>& b) {
  294. if(indices.size() == 0) {
  295. a.resize(0);
  296. b.resize(0);
  297. return;
  298. }
  300. // determine number of entries
  301. typedef std::normal_distribution<float> norm_t;
  302. norm_t nrand;
  303. norm_t::param_type nparam(ratio * (float)indices.size(), 3.0f);
  304. float sizeA = std::min((float)indices.size(), std::max(1.0f, nrand(g, nparam)));
  305. float sizeB = std::min((float)indices.size(), std::max(1.0f, nrand(g, nparam)));
  306. a.resize((size_t)sizeA);
  307. b.resize((size_t)sizeB);
  309. // determine values of entries
  310. typedef std::uniform_real_distribution<float> uniform_t;
  311. uniform_t urand;
  312. shuffleK(&indices[0], &indices[0] + indices.size(), indices.size(), g);
  313. for(size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
  314. a[i] = std::make_pair(indices[i], urand(g, uniform_t::param_type(-13.37f, 13.37f)));
  315. shuffleK(&indices[0], &indices[0] + indices.size(), indices.size(), g);
  316. for(size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i)
  317. b[i] = std::make_pair(indices[i], urand(g, uniform_t::param_type(-13.37f, 13.37f)));
  319. auto pred = [](std::pair<size_t, float> lhs, std::pair<size_t, float> rhs) -> bool { return lhs.first < rhs.first; };
  320. std::sort(&a[0], &a[0] + a.size(), pred);
  321. std::sort(&b[0], &b[0] + b.size(), pred);
  322. };
  324. #if BENCHMARK
  325. const size_t BenchmarkDot = 3, BenchmarkLen = 10, BenchmarkCos = 3;
  326. std::vector<Benchmark> benchmarks;
  327. typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;
  328. auto intervalAsSeconds = [](Clock::time_point t0, Clock::time_point t1) -> double { return 1e-9 * std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t1 - t0).count(); };
  329. double tMapDotSpecialMin = 0, tMapDotSpecialAvg = 0, tMapDotSpecialMax = 0;
  330. double tClassCosSpecialMin = 0, tClassCosSpecialAvg = 0, tClassCosSpecialMax = 0;
  331. #endif
  332. std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>> a, b;
  333. a.reserve(indices.size());
  334. b.reserve(indices.size());
  335. for(size_t run = 0; run < RunCount; ++run) {
  336. GenerateInput(Ratio, a, b);
  338. // ============= MAP ==============
  339. std::map<size_t, float> mA, mB;
  340. for(auto pair : a) mA.insert(pair);
  341. for(auto pair : b) mB.insert(pair);
  342. assert(mA.size() == a.size() && mB.size() == b.size());
  343. // warm-up
  344. const float mapDot = Dot(mA, mB);
  345. const float mapCos = CosineDistance(mA, mB);
  346. #if BENCHMARK
  347. std::chrono::time_point<Clock> t0, t1;
  348. Benchmark benchmark = {};
  349. t0 = Clock::now();
  350. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkDot; ++i)
  351. sideEffectOnly += Dot(mA, mB);
  352. t1 = Clock::now();
  353. benchmark.mapDot = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  354. t0 = Clock::now();
  355. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkLen; ++i) {
  356. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(mA);
  357. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(mB);
  358. }
  359. t1 = Clock::now();
  360. benchmark.mapLen = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  361. t0 = Clock::now();
  362. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkCos; ++i)
  363. sideEffectOnly += CosineDistance(mA, mB);
  364. t1 = Clock::now();
  365. benchmark.mapCos = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  366. #endif
  368. // ============= UNORDERED MAP ==============
  369. std::unordered_map<size_t, float> uA, uB;
  370. for(auto pair : a) uA.insert(pair);
  371. for(auto pair : b) uB.insert(pair);
  372. assert(uA.size() == a.size() && uB.size() == b.size());
  373. const float unorderedDot = Dot(uA, uB);
  374. const float unorderedCos = CosineDistance(uA, uB);
  375. #if BENCHMARK
  376. t0 = Clock::now();
  377. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkDot; ++i)
  378. sideEffectOnly += Dot(uA, uB);
  379. t1 = Clock::now();
  380. benchmark.unorderedDot = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  381. t0 = Clock::now();
  382. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkLen; ++i) {
  383. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(uA);
  384. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(uB);
  385. }
  386. t1 = Clock::now();
  387. benchmark.unorderedLen = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  388. t0 = Clock::now();
  389. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkCos; ++i)
  390. sideEffectOnly += CosineDistance(uA, uB);
  391. t1 = Clock::now();
  392. benchmark.unorderedCos = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  393. #endif
  395. // ============= VECTOR OF PAIRS ==============
  396. const float vectorDot = Dot(a, b);
  397. const float vectorCos = CosineDistance(a, b);
  398. #if BENCHMARK
  399. t0 = Clock::now();
  400. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkDot; ++i)
  401. sideEffectOnly += Dot(a, b);
  402. t1 = Clock::now();
  403. benchmark.vectorDot = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  404. t0 = Clock::now();
  405. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkLen; ++i) {
  406. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(a);
  407. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(b);
  408. }
  409. t1 = Clock::now();
  410. benchmark.vectorLen = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  411. t0 = Clock::now();
  412. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkCos; ++i)
  413. sideEffectOnly += CosineDistance(a, b);
  414. t1 = Clock::now();
  415. benchmark.vectorCos = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  416. #endif
  418. // ============= PAIRS OF VECTORS ==============
  419. SparseVector vA(indices.size(), &a[0], &a[0] + a.size());
  420. SparseVector vB(indices.size(), &b[0], &b[0] + b.size());
  421. const float classDot = Dot(vA, vB);
  422. const float classCos = CosineDistance(vA, vB);
  423. #if BENCHMARK
  424. t0 = Clock::now();
  425. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkDot; ++i)
  426. sideEffectOnly += Dot(vA, vB);
  427. t1 = Clock::now();
  428. benchmark.classDot = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  429. t0 = Clock::now();
  430. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkLen; ++i) {
  431. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(vA);
  432. sideEffectOnly += LenSqr(vB);
  433. }
  434. t1 = Clock::now();
  435. benchmark.classLen = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  436. t0 = Clock::now();
  437. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkCos; ++i)
  438. sideEffectOnly += CosineDistance(vA, vB);
  439. t1 = Clock::now();
  440. benchmark.classCos = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  441. #endif
  443. // ============= NAIVE MAP ==============
  444. const float mapDotSpecial = DotPairsMapped(mA, mB);
  445. // ======== DON'T TOUCH IT TWICE ========
  446. const float classCosSpecial = SparseVector::CosineDistance(vA, vB);
  447. #if BENCHMARK
  448. // naive dot product with map
  449. t0 = Clock::now();
  450. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkDot; ++i)
  451. sideEffectOnly += DotPairsMapped(mA, mB);
  452. t1 = Clock::now();
  453. double tMapDotSpecial = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  454. // cosine distance computation touching each element just once
  455. t0 = Clock::now();
  456. for(size_t i = 0; i < BenchmarkCos; ++i)
  457. sideEffectOnly += SparseVector::CosineDistance(vA, vB);
  458. t1 = Clock::now();
  459. double tClassCosSpecial = intervalAsSeconds(t0, t1);
  460. // accumulate specials
  461. if(run == 0) {
  462. tMapDotSpecialMin = tMapDotSpecial;
  463. tMapDotSpecialAvg = tMapDotSpecial;
  464. tMapDotSpecialMax = tMapDotSpecial;
  465. tClassCosSpecialMin = tClassCosSpecial;
  466. tClassCosSpecialAvg = tClassCosSpecial;
  467. tClassCosSpecialMax = tClassCosSpecial;
  468. } else {
  469. tMapDotSpecialMin = std::min(tMapDotSpecialMin, tMapDotSpecial);
  470. tMapDotSpecialAvg += tMapDotSpecial;
  471. tMapDotSpecialMax = std::max(tMapDotSpecialMax, tMapDotSpecial);
  472. tClassCosSpecialMin = std::min(tClassCosSpecialMin, tClassCosSpecial);
  473. tClassCosSpecialAvg += tClassCosSpecial;
  474. tClassCosSpecialMax = std::max(tClassCosSpecialMax, tClassCosSpecial);
  475. }
  476. #endif
  478. auto equal = [](float lhs, float rhs) -> bool { return (rhs - lhs) * (rhs - lhs) < 1e-4f * std::max(std::abs(lhs), std::abs(rhs)); };
  479. if(!equal(vectorDot, mapDot) || !equal(vectorCos, mapCos) ||
  480. !equal(vectorDot, unorderedDot) || !equal(vectorCos, unorderedCos) ||
  481. !equal(vectorDot, classDot) || !equal(vectorCos, classCos) ||
  482. !equal(vectorDot, mapDotSpecial) ||
  483. !equal(vectorCos, classCosSpecial)) {
  484. std::cout << "Validation failure on run " << run << std::endl;
  485. std::cout << " pairs: dot(a, b): " << Dot(a, b) << ", cos(a, b): " << CosineDistance(a, b) << std::endl;
  486. std::cout << " map'd: dot(a, b): " << Dot(mA, mB) << ", cos(a, b): " << CosineDistance(mA, mB) << std::endl;
  487. std::cout << " hashm: dot(a, b): " << Dot(uA, uB) << ", cos(a, b): " << CosineDistance(uA, uB) << std::endl;
  488. std::cout << " class: dot(a, b): " << Dot(vA, vB) << ", cos(a, b): " << CosineDistance(vA, vB) << std::endl;
  489. std::cout << " specl map'd: dot(a, b): " << mapDotSpecial << std::endl;
  490. std::cout << " specl class: cos(a, b): " << classCosSpecial << std::endl;
  491. #if BENCHMARK
  492. } else {
  493. benchmarks.push_back(benchmark);
  494. #endif
  495. }
  496. }
  498. #if BENCHMARK
  499. if(RunCount > 0 && !benchmarks.empty()) {
  500. Benchmark min = benchmarks[0], avg = min, max = min;
  501. for(size_t i = 1; i < benchmarks.size(); ++i) {
  502. min.min(benchmarks[i]);
  503. avg.add(benchmarks[i]);
  504. max.max(benchmarks[i]);
  505. }
  506. if(RunCount <= 2) {
  507. avg.mul(1.0 / RunCount);
  508. tClassCosSpecialAvg /= RunCount;
  509. } else {
  510. avg.sub(min);
  511. avg.sub(max);
  512. avg.mul(1.0 / (RunCount - 2));
  513. tMapDotSpecialAvg = (tMapDotSpecialAvg - tMapDotSpecialMin - tMapDotSpecialMax) / (RunCount - 2);
  514. tClassCosSpecialAvg = (tClassCosSpecialAvg - tClassCosSpecialMin - tClassCosSpecialMax) / (RunCount - 2);
  515. }
  517. std::cout << " *** BENCHMARK *** " << std::endl;
  518. std::cout << "number of runs: " << RunCount << ", dimensions: " << D << " and non-zero ratio: " << Ratio << std::endl;
  519. std::cout << "number of dot products per run: " << BenchmarkDot << std::endl;
  520. std::cout << "number of lengthsqares per run: " << BenchmarkLen << std::endl;
  521. std::cout << "number of cosine dists per run: " << BenchmarkCos << std::endl;
  522. std::cout << std::endl;
  523. #if 0
  524. // min(x) / min(base) is not a good measure...
  525. std::cout << "min" << std::endl;
  526. std::cout << min;
  527. std::cout << " specl / pairs dot (naive map): " << (tMapDotSpecialMin / min.vectorDot) << std::endl;
  528. std::cout << " specl / pairs cos (optimised): " << (tClassCosSpecialMin / min.vectorCos) << std::endl;
  529. std::cout << std::endl;
  530. #endif
  531. // avg(x) / avg(base)
  532. std::cout << "avg" << std::endl;
  533. std::cout << avg;
  534. std::cout << " specl / pairs dot (naive map): " << (tMapDotSpecialAvg / avg.vectorDot) << std::endl;
  535. std::cout << " specl / pairs cos (optimised): " << (tClassCosSpecialAvg / avg.vectorCos) << std::endl;
  536. std::cout << std::endl;
  537. #if 0
  538. // max(x) / max(base) is not a good measure...
  539. std::cout << "max" << std::endl;
  540. std::cout << max;
  541. std::cout << " specl / pairs dot (naive map): " << (tMapDotSpecialMax / max.vectorDot) << std::endl;
  542. std::cout << " specl / pairs cos (optimised): " << (tClassCosSpecialMax / max.vectorCos) << std::endl;
  543. std::cout << std::endl;
  544. #endif
  545. }
  546. #endif
  547. }
Success #stdin #stdout 4.57s 3440KB
Standard input is empty
 *** BENCHMARK *** 
number of runs: 10, dimensions: 169647 and non-zero ratio: 0.05
number of dot products per run: 3
number of lengthsqares per run: 10
number of cosine dists per run: 3

  pairs t(dot): 0.000327096, t(len2): 0.000311987, t(cos): 0.000407925
  map'd / pairs dot: 3.31911, len2: 7.33166, cos: 4.17641
  hashm / pairs dot: 3.50114, len2: 2.28485, cos: 3.32586
  class / pairs dot: 1.03311, len2: 0.993495, cos: 1.06469
  specl / pairs dot (naive map): 8.52663
  specl / pairs cos (optimised): 0.960054

 *** BENCHMARK *** 
number of runs: 10, dimensions: 169647 and non-zero ratio: 0.1
number of dot products per run: 3
number of lengthsqares per run: 10
number of cosine dists per run: 3

  pairs t(dot): 0.000665155, t(len2): 0.000643923, t(cos): 0.000826484
  map'd / pairs dot: 3.61124, len2: 7.90967, cos: 4.60001
  hashm / pairs dot: 4.02014, len2: 3.5281, cos: 4.08672
  class / pairs dot: 1.02877, len2: 0.965892, cos: 1.10754
  specl / pairs dot (naive map): 10.1952
  specl / pairs cos (optimised): 0.946074

 *** BENCHMARK *** 
number of runs: 10, dimensions: 169647 and non-zero ratio: 0.15
number of dot products per run: 3
number of lengthsqares per run: 10
number of cosine dists per run: 3

  pairs t(dot): 0.00103057, t(len2): 0.000990735, t(cos): 0.00126902
  map'd / pairs dot: 3.52397, len2: 8.30844, cos: 4.82504
  hashm / pairs dot: 4.93329, len2: 4.31091, cos: 5.00829
  class / pairs dot: 1.01788, len2: 0.937355, cos: 1.05164
  specl / pairs dot (naive map): 10.0939
  specl / pairs cos (optimised): 0.948841

 *** BENCHMARK *** 
number of runs: 10, dimensions: 169647 and non-zero ratio: 0.25
number of dot products per run: 3
number of lengthsqares per run: 10
number of cosine dists per run: 3

  pairs t(dot): 0.00178728, t(len2): 0.00205486, t(cos): 0.00232333
  map'd / pairs dot: 3.69081, len2: 7.66045, cos: 4.8268
  hashm / pairs dot: 5.75653, len2: 5.47987, cos: 6.4527
  class / pairs dot: 1.0306, len2: 0.755855, cos: 1.00221
  specl / pairs dot (naive map): 10.461
  specl / pairs cos (optimised): 0.932331