fork download
  1. $0 !~ "^@" && $0 !~ "^} *$" {
  2. print
  3. }
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  author =   {Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
  title =    {Semantic Knowledge Engineering. A Rule-Based Approach},
  publisher =    {Wydawnictwa AGH},
  year =     2011,
  address =  {Krak\'ow}

  Author =   {Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
  Journal =  {Journal of Universal Computer Science},
  Number =   7,
  Pages =    {1006-1023},
  Title =    {Collective Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Wikis},
  Volume =   16,
  Year =     2010
  author =   {Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
  title =    {Semantic Knowledge Engineering. A Rule-Based Approach},
  publisher =    {Wydawnictwa AGH},
  year =     2011,
  address =  {Krak\'ow}

  Author =   {Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
  Journal =  {Journal of Universal Computer Science},
  Number =   7,
  Pages =    {1006-1023},
  Title =    {Collective Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Wikis},
  Volume =   16,
  Year =     2010