fork(7) download
  2. // First of many projects.
  3. //
  4. // A simple application intended to be used as a personal dictionary.
  5. // Works using maps, and simple text files. Maps are modified first
  6. // and then the changes are written onto the file.
  7. //
  8. // Started work on :- 28th September, 2011
  9. // Finished on :- 30th September, 2011
  10. //
  11. // Usage:- Personally this application should be quite useful since
  12. // I am looking to improve my vocabulary and I will use this to
  13. // store the words that I have learnt.
  14. //
  15. // This application can also be modified to be used as a config.
  16. // file editor
  17. //
  20. #include <iostream>
  21. #include <fstream>
  22. #include <map>
  23. #include <vector>
  24. #include <string>
  25. #include <utility>
  26. #include <algorithm>
  27. #include <iterator>
  28. #include <limits>
  30. using std::cout;
  31. using std::cin;
  32. using std::map;
  33. using std::vector;
  34. using std::string;
  35. using std::ofstream;
  36. using std::ifstream;
  37. using std::cerr;
  38. using std::endl;
  39. using std::pair;
  40. using std::fstream;
  42. class FileIO{
  43. public:
  46. void writeToMap();
  47. void writeToFile();
  48. void readFile();
  49. void printMap();
  50. void appMenu();
  51. void searchFile();
  52. void deleteFromMap();
  53. static void initFile(string&);
  56. private:
  57. pair<string,string> splitString(const string&,char);
  58. static map<string,string> file;
  59. static string nameOfTheFile;
  60. string name;
  61. string value;
  64. };
  65. map<string,string> FileIO::file;
  66. string FileIO::nameOfTheFile;
  69. // Initializes static variable nameOfTheFile to the name of file being processed
  70. // name: initFile
  71. // @param: name of the file being currently processed.
  72. // @return: none
  74. void FileIO::initFile(string& filename)
  75. {
  76. FileIO::nameOfTheFile=filename;
  78. }
  81. // Displays the menu from where various functions can be carried out
  82. // name: appMenu
  83. // @param: none
  84. // @return: none
  86. void FileIO::appMenu()
  87. {
  88. char choice;
  89. FileIO object;
  90. bool flag = true;
  91. while(flag)
  92. {
  94. cout<<endl;
  95. cout<<"Your wish is my command:"<<endl<<endl;
  96. cout<<"1. View Current File:"<<endl;
  97. cout<<"2. Write To Current File:"<<endl;
  98. cout<<"3. Search Current File:"<<endl;
  99. cout<<"4. Delete Entry from File:"<<endl;
  100. cout<<"5. Exit."<<endl;
  101. cin>>choice;
  102. switch(choice)
  103. {
  104. case '1':
  105. printMap();
  106. continue;
  107. case '2':
  108. writeToMap();
  109. continue;
  110. case '3':
  111. searchFile();
  112. continue;
  113. case '4':
  114. deleteFromMap();
  115. continue;
  116. case '5':
  117. writeToFile();
  118. flag=false;
  119. break;
  120. default:
  121. cout<<"Invalid Input Detected. Please try again, your Majesty."<<endl;
  122. continue;
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  127. // Reads the contents of the file into the map.
  128. // name: readFile()
  129. // @param: none
  130. // @return: none
  132. void FileIO::readFile()
  133. {
  135. ifstream ifile(FileIO::nameOfTheFile.c_str()); string line="o";
  136. pair<string,string> split;
  137. map<string,string>::iterator iter=file.begin();
  138. while(getline(ifile,line))
  139. {
  140. split= splitString(line,':');
  141. file.insert(split);
  142. }
  144. }
  146. // Carries out changes to the map.
  147. // name: writeToMap()
  148. // @param: none
  149. // @return: none
  151. void FileIO::writeToMap()
  152. {
  153. cin.ignore();
  154. char ans;
  155. do{
  156. cout<<"Enter the name of the entry; ";
  157. getline(cin,name);
  159. cout<<"Enter the value for the name; ";
  160. getline(cin,value);
  162. if(!file.insert(make_pair(name,value)).second)
  163. {
  164. cout<<"Error! Entry already present in file. Please try again, sire."<<endl;
  165. continue;
  166. }
  167. cout<<"The entry has been added, your majesty."<<endl;
  168. cout<<"Would thy majesty like to add another entry? (Y/N) ";
  169. cin>>ans;
  170. cin.ignore();
  171. cout<<endl;
  172. }while(ans=='y'||ans=='Y');
  173. }
  175. // Writes the contents in the map to the file being processed
  176. // name: writeToFile()
  177. // @param: none
  178. // @return: none
  181. void FileIO::writeToFile()
  182. {
  183. ofstream ofile(FileIO::nameOfTheFile.c_str());
  184. for(map<string,string>::iterator iter=file.begin();iter!=file.end();++iter)
  185. {
  186. ofile<<iter->first<<":"<<iter->second<<endl;
  187. }
  188. ofile.close();
  189. }
  191. // Splits a string on ":". Used by the readFile() to read the file into map.
  192. // name: splitString
  193. // @param: string to be split, and character at which to split the string
  194. // @return: pair containing the two strings obtained by splitting
  197. pair<string,string> FileIO::splitString(const string& input, char ch)
  198. {
  199. string::const_iterator symbol=find(input.begin(),input.end(),ch);
  200. name=string(input.begin(),symbol);
  202. string::const_reverse_iterator rsymbol=find(input.rbegin(),input.rend(),ch);
  203. value=string(rsymbol.base(),input.end());
  205. return make_pair(name,value);
  206. }
  208. // Prints the map to the console.
  209. // name: printMap()
  210. // @param: none
  211. // @return: none
  214. void FileIO::printMap()
  215. {
  216. map<string,string>::iterator iter=file.begin();
  217. while(iter!=file.end())
  218. {
  219. cout<<iter->first<<" : "<<iter->second<<endl;
  220. ++iter;
  221. }
  222. cout<<"Press ENTER to continue ...";
  223. cin.get();
  224. cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(),'\n');
  225. }
  227. // Checks whether the file specified by the filename exists.
  228. // name: fileExists
  229. // @param: File name entered by the user.
  230. // @return: bool value indicating whether file could be opened or not.
  233. bool fileExists(string& file)
  234. {
  235. bool b=false;
  236. ifstream check(file.c_str());
  237. if(check)
  238. b=true;
  239. check.close();
  240. return b;
  241. }
  243. // Used to search the contents of the map.
  244. // name: searchFile()
  245. // @param: none
  246. // @return: none
  249. void FileIO::searchFile()
  250. {
  251. cin.ignore();
  252. char ans='y',ans1;
  253. do{
  255. string search;
  256. cout<<"Enter the NAME of the entry to be searched OR exit/quit to go back to the Menu:";
  257. getline(cin,search);
  258. if(search=="quit" || search=="exit")
  259. appMenu();
  260. map<string,string>::iterator iter=file.find(search);
  262. if(iter==FileIO::file.end())
  263. {
  264. cout<<"The entry does not exist in the file."<<endl;
  265. cout<<"Would you like to add the entry?(Y/N)"<<endl;
  266. cin>>ans1;
  267. cin.ignore();
  268. if(ans1=='y'|| ans1=='Y')
  269. writeToMap();
  270. continue;
  271. }
  272. cout<<iter->first<<":"<<iter->second<<endl;
  273. cout<<"Would you like to do another search?(Y/N)";
  274. cin>>ans;
  275. cin.ignore();
  276. }while(ans=='y'||ans=='Y');
  277. }
  279. // Delete an entry from the map.
  280. // name: deleteFromMap()
  281. // @param: none
  282. // @return: none
  285. void FileIO::deleteFromMap()
  286. {
  287. cin.ignore();
  288. string del;
  289. char ans;
  290. do{
  291. cout<<"Please enter the name of the entry you wish to delete: ";
  292. getline(cin,del);
  293. if(file.erase(del))
  294. cout<<"Word Removed."<<endl;
  295. else
  296. cout<<"Word "<<del<<" not found."<<endl;
  297. cout<<"Delete another word?(Y/N)";
  298. cin>>ans;
  299. cin.ignore();
  300. }while(ans=='y'||ans=='Y');
  301. }
  302. int main()
  303. {
  304. string filename;
  305. bool quit=true;
  306. FileIO obj;
  307. do{
  309. cout<<"Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: ";
  310. cin>>filename;
  311. if(filename=="quit"||filename=="exit")
  312. break;
  313. char ans;
  314. if(!fileExists(filename))
  315. {
  316. cout<<"File does not exist..."<<endl;
  317. cout<<"Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)";
  318. cin>>ans;
  319. if((ans=='y')||(ans=='Y'))
  320. {
  321. ofstream createfile(filename.c_str());
  322. obj.initFile(filename);
  323. obj.readFile();
  324. obj.appMenu();
  325. continue;
  326. }
  327. else
  328. continue;
  331. }
  332. obj.initFile(filename);
  333. obj.readFile();
  334. obj.appMenu();
  335. }while(quit);
  338. return 0;
  339. }
Runtime error #stdin #stdout 0s 2880KB
Standard input is empty
Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the application: File does not exist...
Do you want to create the file?(Y/N)Enter the path to the file OR type exit or quit to exit the appl