// タンピン二盃口が成立しているかを判定する。
// 鳴き、カン、七対子形、国士形はタンピン二盃口と両立しないので最初から考慮しない。
// ツモピンフあり、大車輪ありとする。
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Collections.Generic
let input() =
printfn "Manzu:1m-9m Pinzu:1p-9p Souzu:1s-9s Jihai:1j-7j (The last input means 'Agari Hai')"
let inp = System.Console.ReadLine()
match Regex.Match(inp, @"\A\s*(?:([1-9][mps]|[1-7]j)\s*){14}\Z") with
| m when m.Success ->
let hais =
m.Groups.[1].Captures |> Seq.cast<Capture>
|> Seq.map (fun c -> c.Value.[1], int c.Value.[.. 0]) |> Seq.toList
let agariHai = hais |> List.rev |> List.head
let haiCountMap = hais |> Seq.countBy id |> Map.ofSeq
if haiCountMap |> Map.forall (fun _ -> (>=) 4) then Some(haiCountMap, agariHai) else None
| _ -> None
let getAllMentsu haiCountMap agariHai =
let tryRemoveCount n key map =
map |> Map.tryFind key |> Option.bind (function
| c when c > n -> map |> Map.add key (c - n) |> Some
| c when c
= n
-> map
|> Map.
remove key
|> Some
| _ -> None)
let tryTakeSame count haiCountMap (hai : char * int) =
tryRemoveCount count hai haiCountMap |> Option.map (fun m -> Map.ofList [hai, count], m)
let tryTakeShuntsu haiCountMap (suit, num) =
if suit = 'j' then None else
(Some haiCountMap, [num .. num + 2])
||> List.fold (fun m n -> m |> Option.bind (tryRemoveCount 1 (suit, n)))
|> Option.map (fun m -> Map.ofList [for n in num .. num + 2 -> (suit, n), 1], m)
let memo = HashSet(HashIdentity.Structural)
let rec getMentsu haiCountMap mentsus =
if memo.Add(haiCountMap, List.sort mentsus) |> not then Seq.empty
elif Map.isEmpty haiCountMap then
let mentsus = mentsus |> List.rev
mentsus |> Seq.mapi (fun i m -> i, m) |> Seq.choose (fun (i, mentsu) ->
tryRemoveCount 1 agariHai mentsu |> Option.map (fun m ->
mentsus |> List.mapi (fun j mentsu -> if j = i then m else mentsu)))
|> Seq.map (fun (jantou::rest) -> jantou::List.sortBy Seq.length rest)
elif List.isEmpty mentsus then
haiCountMap |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.choose (fst >> tryTakeSame 2 haiCountMap)
|> Seq.collect (fun (jantou, rest) -> getMentsu rest [jantou])
haiCountMap |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.collect (fun (hai, _) ->
[tryTakeSame 3; tryTakeShuntsu] |> Seq.choose (fun f-> f haiCountMap hai)
|> Seq.collect (fun (mentsu, rest) -> getMentsu rest (mentsu::mentsus)))
getMentsu haiCountMap []
let isYaochuu = function 'j', _ | _, 1 | _, 9 -> false | _ -> true
let isTanyao agariHai mentsus =
mentsus |> List.forall (Map.toSeq >> Seq.forall (fst >> isYaochuu)) && isYaochuu agariHai
let isPinfu agariHai (jantou::taatsu::rest) =
let isSequence count mentsu =
let hais = mentsu |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.toList
List.length hais = count
&& hais |> Seq.map (fst >> snd) |> Seq.sort |> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.map ((<||) (-)) |> Seq.forall ((=) -1)
jantou |> Map.forall (fun _ -> (=) 2) && taatsu |> isSequence 2
&& rest |> List.forall (isSequence 3)
let isRyanpeikou agariHai (jantou::taatsu::rest) =
let mentsus =
if jantou |> Map.forall (fun _ -> (=) 1) then taatsu::rest else
let c = Map.tryFind agariHai taatsu in Map.add agariHai (defaultArg c 0 + 1) taatsu::rest
let counts = mentsus |> Seq.countBy id |> Seq.toList
(List.length counts = 2 && counts |> List.forall (snd >> (=) 2))
|| (List.length counts = 1 && counts |> List.forall (snd >> (=) 4))
let isDaisharin agariHai =
List.collect (Map.toList >> List.collect (fun (hai, count) -> List.replicate count hai))
>> (fun hais -> agariHai::hais) >> Seq.countBy id >> Seq.toList >> List.unzip
>> fun (hais, counts) ->
let suits, nums = List.unzip hais
suits |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.length |> (=) 1 && Seq.head suits <> 'j'
&& nums |> List.forall (fun num -> 1 < num && num < 9)
&& counts |> List.forall ((=) 2)
let main() =
match input() with
| Some(haiCountMap, agariHai) ->
getAllMentsu haiCountMap agariHai |> Seq.exists (fun mentsus ->
[isTanyao agariHai; isPinfu agariHai; isRyanpeikou agariHai; isDaisharin agariHai >> not]
|> List.forall ((|>) mentsus))
|> printfn "%O"
| _ -> printfn "Illegal input"