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  1. # coins: A list with the values of the coins we're using
  2. # myCoins: Index into the coins list of the current coin
  3. # amountNeeded: Our current goal for number of cents
  4. # coinsUsed: A list of the number of each coin used thus far. Mostly
  5. # for sanity checking and printing all of the combinations.
  6. # check: If this is true, sanity checking is performed.
  7. def combinationsOfCoinsRec( coins, myCoin, amountNeeded, coinsUsed, check ):
  8. if amountNeeded == 0:
  9. # We've reached our desired value exactly, so return that this
  10. # combination is valid.
  12. # If check is true, perform sanity checking first and print coinsUsed
  13. if check:
  14. coinVal = 0
  15. for i in range(len(coinsUsed)):
  16. coinVal += coinsUsed[i] * coins[i]
  17. assert(coinVal == 100)
  19. print "{0} = {1}".format(coinsUsed, coinVal)
  21. return 1
  23. if amountNeeded < 0 or myCoin >= len(coins):
  24. # We don't have any more coin types or we went over our desired value,
  25. # so this is not a valid combination
  26. return 0
  28. # If we've gotten this far, we haven't met our desired amount yet, so
  29. # let's see how many combinations we can find that use various amounts
  30. # of our coin.
  31. combinations = 0
  33. # This is the maximum number of our coin that it makes sense to try
  34. maxNumOurCoin = amountNeeded / coins[myCoin]
  36. # Note: we add 1 to the range because the range function gives us all
  37. # values from 0 up to the value we specify, but not including it.
  38. for numCoins in range( maxNumOurCoin + 1 ):
  39. newNeeded = amountNeeded - (coins[myCoin] * numCoins)
  41. # Append the number of our coin we used for sanity checking.
  42. newCoinsUsed = list(coinsUsed)
  43. newCoinsUsed.append(numCoins)
  45. # Add the number of combinations of other coins we haven't used yet
  46. # that bring us to the desired value
  47. combinations += combinationsOfCoinsRec( coins, myCoin + 1, newNeeded, newCoinsUsed, check )
  49. return combinations
  51. # Just a helper function that initializes all of the extra stuff for the
  52. # recursive function
  53. def combinationsOfCoins( coins, amountDesired, check = False ):
  54. if amountDesired < 0:
  55. raise RuntimeError("You can't desire a negative number of coins, silly!")
  57. return combinationsOfCoinsRec( coins, 0, amountDesired, [], check )
  59. # Set up the coins we're going to use
  60. coinValues = [100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1]
  61. desiredCents = 100
  63. print combinationsOfCoins( coinValues, desiredCents )
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