fork(17) download
  1. # Kaggle Walmart recruiting competition 2014-02-20 to 2014-05-05.
  3. WORKING_DIRECTORY = "~/walmart"
  4. options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  7. library(Hmisc) # Hmisc is first so its summarize function does not mask plyr's
  8. library(plyr)
  9. library(testthat)
  10. library(lubridate)
  11. library(stringr)
  13. trend_sales <- function(v_sales, v_id, v_dt, id_num, trend_fctr) {
  15. # Apply a trend factor to the historical sales, moving them to the
  16. # beginning of the test period.
  17. #
  18. # Args:
  19. # v_sales: Vector of all sales in the test set.
  20. # v_id: Vector of all store or department ids in the test set.
  21. # v_dt: Vector of all dates in the test set.
  22. # id_num: The store or department for which sales are to be trended.
  23. # trend_fctr: The historical (not prospective) trend factor.
  24. #
  25. # Returns:
  26. # The revised sales vector with trend applied to the
  27. # components corresponding to id_num.
  29. ind <- which(v_id == id_num)
  30. wks_between <- as.integer(difftime(v_dt[ind], min(v_dt[ind]), units="weeks"))
  31. fctr <- trend_fctr^(1/52 * (52 - wks_between))
  32. v_sales[ind] <- round(v_sales[ind] * fctr, 2)
  33. return(v_sales)
  34. }
  36. blend_weeks <- function(next_yr_dt, coef1 = NULL, coef2 = NULL) {
  38. # Given a date from the test set, the week ending on the corresponding date
  39. # in the training set will usually straddle two training weeks. This function
  40. # calculates an appropriate weighted average of the train weeks for
  41. # predicting the test week.
  42. #
  43. # Args:
  44. # next_year_dt: An end of week date (must be a Friday) from the test set
  45. # coef1, coef2: Specify the weights rather than calculating them. Not used.
  46. #
  47. # Returns:
  48. # A data frame with the test set id and predicted sales for next_yr_dt.
  49. #
  50. # Note:
  51. # Dataframes test and train are used globally and are referenced within the
  52. # blend_weeks function, although not passed as arguments.
  54. stopifnot(wday(next_yr_dt) == 6) # End of week must be a Friday.
  55. dt <- next_yr_dt - years(1)
  56. stopifnot(wday(dt) != 6)
  57. days_to_friday <- (13 - wday(dt)) %% 7
  58. next_friday <- dt + days(days_to_friday)
  59. prev_friday <- next_friday - days(7)
  60. stopifnot(wday(next_friday) == 6)
  61. stopifnot(wday(prev_friday) == 6)
  63. df1 <- subset(train, dt == next_friday)
  64. df2 <- subset(train, dt == prev_friday)
  65. df_valid <- subset(test, dt == next_yr_dt)[, c("Store", "Dept")]
  67. df_both <- merge(df1[, 1:4], df2[, 1:4], by = c("Store", "Dept"),
  68. all = TRUE)
  69. df_both <- merge(df_valid, df_both, by = c("Store", "Dept"), all.x = T)
  70. df_both[, c("sales.x", "sales.y")] <-
  71. Hmisc::impute(df_both[, c("sales.x", "sales.y")], 0)
  73. if(is.null(coef1)) coef1 <- 1 - days_to_friday/7
  74. if(is.null(coef2)) coef2 <- days_to_friday/7
  75. blended_sales <- round(with(df_both, coef1 * sales.x +
  76. coef2 * sales.y), 0)
  77. Id <- with(df_both, paste(Store, Dept, next_yr_dt, sep = "_"))
  78. df_ans <- data.frame(Id = Id, sales = blended_sales)
  79. return(df_ans)
  80. }
  82. # Read and validate the data --------------------------------------------------
  83. train <- readRDS("train.rds") # Training data covers 2010-02-05 to 2012-11-01
  84. test <- readRDS("test.rds") # Test data covers 2012-11-02 to 2013-07-26
  85. expect_equal(nrow(train), 421570)
  86. expect_equal(nrow(test), 115064)
  87. expect_equal(with(train, length(unique(paste(Store, Dept, Date)))), nrow(train))
  88. expect_equal(with(test, length(unique(paste(Store, Dept, Date)))), nrow(test))
  90. # Create derived variables ----------------------------------------------------
  91. train <- mutate(train, dt = ymd(Date), yr = year(dt), wk = week(dt))
  92. train <- rename(train, replace = c("Weekly_Sales" = "sales"))
  93. test <- mutate(test, dt = ymd(Date), yr = year(dt), wk = week(dt),
  94. prior_yr = yr - 1)
  96. # Map weeks of test period to corresponding weeks in train period -------------
  97. # Week Mapping Adjustments:
  98. # Thanksgiving 2012 is in week 47, Thanksgiving 2011 in week 48,
  99. # thus 47 is replaced with 48 and 48 is replaced by 49.
  100. #
  101. # Easter 2013 is on March 31 (week 13).
  102. # Model week after Easter (14) by week after Easter (15).
  103. # For Easter week wound up just doing the same blending as for other weeks.
  104. test$wk <- plyr::mapvalues(test$wk, from = c(47, 48, 14), to = c(48, 49, 15))
  106. # Make initial predictions ----------------------------------------------------
  107. # Construct the initial test set predictions (just a merge with train, lagging
  108. # the test set by one year).
  109. ans <- merge(test, train, by.x = c("Store", "Dept", "prior_yr", "wk"),
  110. by.y = c("Store", "Dept", "yr", "wk"), all.x = TRUE)
  111. ans$sales[$sales)] <- 0
  112. ans <- ans[, c("Store", "Dept", "Date.x", "sales")]
  113. ans$Id <- with(ans, paste(Store, Dept, Date.x, sep = "_"))
  115. # Week blending adjustments ---------------------------------------------------
  116. # Remove records in the test set that will be replaced by records derived
  117. # from blending.
  118. UNBLENDED_DATES <- c("2012-11-23", "2012-11-30", "2013-04-05")
  119. BLEND_DATES <- setdiff(as.character(ymd("2012-11-02") + weeks(0:38)),
  121. ans <- subset(ans, !(Date.x %in% BLEND_DATES))
  122. sub <- ans[, c("Id", "sales")]
  124. # Calculate the blended weeks and add them back to sub using plyr::rbind.fill.
  125. blended_weeks <- plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(ymd(BLEND_DATES), blend_weeks))
  126. sub <- rbind(sub, blended_weeks)
  128. # Reconstruct date, store, and department from the submission -----------------
  129. # (awkward - could be cleaned up)
  130. dt <- ymd(str_extract(sub$Id, ".{10}$" ))
  131. store <- str_extract(sub$Id, "[0-9]+")
  132. dept <- substr(str_extract(sub$Id, "_[0-9]+"), 2, 3)
  134. # Make the trend adjustments (geometric mean of quarters). --------------------
  135. store_trend_data <- list(c(1, 1.01), c(2, 1.01), c(3, 1.07), c(4, 1.02),
  136. c(5, 1.05), c(6, 1.01), c(7, 1.03), c(8, 1.00),
  137. c(9, 1.01), c(10, 0.97), c(11, 1.00), c(12, 0.99),
  138. c(13, 1.01), c(14, 0.85), c(15, 0.95), c(16, 0.99),
  139. c(17, 1.04), c(18, 1.03), c(19, 0.96), c(20, 0.99),
  140. c(21, 0.90), c(22, 0.97), c(23, 1), c(24, 0.99),
  141. c(25, 1.00), c(26, 1.00), c(27, 0.94), c(28, 0.95),
  142. c(29, 0.98), c(30, 1.01), c(31, 0.96), c(32, 0.99),
  143. c(33, 1.04), c(34, 1.01), c(35, 1.00), c(36, 0.80),
  144. c(37, 0.97), c(38, 1.10), c(39, 1.07), c(40, 0.99),
  145. c(41, 1.04), c(42, 1.00), c(43, 0.97), c(44, 1.08),
  146. c(45, 0.97))
  147. for(v in store_trend_data) {
  148. sub$sales <- trend_sales(sub$sales, store, dt, v[1], v[2])
  149. }
  151. dept_trend_data <- list(c(1, 0.96), c(2, 0.98), c(3, 1.01), c(4, 1),
  152. c(5, 0.91), c(6, 0.79), c(7, 0.99), c(8, 0.99),
  153. c(9, 1.03), c(10, 0.99), c(11, 0.98), c(12, 0.98),
  154. c(13, 0.98), c(14, 1.02), c(16, 0.95), c(17, 0.97),
  155. c(18, 0.87), c(19, 1.06), c(20, 0.98), c(21, 0.94),
  156. c(22, 1.01), c(23, 1.02), c(24, 1), c(25, 0.96),
  157. c(26, 0.96), c(27, 1.02), c(28, 0.89), c(29, 1.02),
  158. c(30, 0.92), c(31, 0.9), c(32, 0.97), c(33, 0.99),
  159. c(34, 1.02), c(35, 0.92), c(36, 0.79), c(37, 0.97),
  160. c(38, 0.98), c(40, 1.01), c(41, 0.94), c(42, 1.01),
  161. c(44, 1.02), c(45, 0.53), c(46, 0.99), c(48, 1.96),
  162. c(49, 0.96), c(50, 0.97), c(52, 0.93), c(54, 0.54),
  163. c(55, 0.83), c(56, 0.93), c(58, 1.13), c(59, 0.7),
  164. c(60, 1.02), c(65, 1.09), c(67, 1.02), c(71, 0.98),
  165. c(72, 0.96), c(74, 0.97), c(79, 0.98), c(80, 0.96),
  166. c(81, 0.98), c(82, 1.02), c(83, 1.01), c(85, 0.9),
  167. c(87, 1.14), c(90, 0.98), c(91, 0.98), c(92, 1.04),
  168. c(93, 1.02), c(94, 0.96), c(95, 0.99), c(96, 1.04),
  169. c(97, 0.97), c(98, 0.95), c(99, 1.19))
  170. for(v in dept_trend_data) {
  171. sub$sales <- trend_sales(sub$sales, dept, dt, v[1], v[2])
  172. }
  174. # Save the submission ---------------------------------------------------------
  175. sub <- sub[, c("Id", "sales")]
  176. names(sub) <- c("Id", "Weekly_Sales")
  177. sub <- arrange(sub, Id)
  178. expect_equal(nrow(sub), 115064)
  179. z <- gzfile("submission.csv.gz")
  180. write.csv(sub, z, row.names = FALSE)
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.3s 22832KB
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Error in setwd(WORKING_DIRECTORY) : cannot change working directory
Execution halted