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  1. /**
  2.  * A graph where the nodes are integers, and an implementation of the BFS algorithm
  3.  *
  4.  * Author: Erel Segal
  5.  * Date: 2010-10-17
  6.  */
  8. #include <iostream>
  9. #include <map>
  10. #include <set>
  11. #include <string>
  12. #include <queue>
  13. using namespace std;
  15. typedef unsigned int uint;
  16. typedef set<uint> AdjacencyList;
  17. const uint MAXINT = 999999999u;
  19. template <class Iterator> ostream& print (Iterator iFrom, Iterator iTo) {
  20. for (; iFrom!=iTo; ++iFrom) cout << *iFrom << " ";
  21. return (cout << endl);
  22. }
  24. template <class T> ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const vector<T>& theVector) {
  25. return print (theVector.begin(), theVector.end());
  26. }
  28. template <class T> ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const set<T>& theVector) {
  29. return print (theVector.begin(), theVector.end());
  30. }
  34. /**
  35.  * A graph where the vertices are integers; stores edges in adjacency list.
  36.  */
  37. class IntegerGraph {
  38. vector<AdjacencyList> myVertices;
  40. public:
  41. IntegerGraph (uint nVertices): myVertices(nVertices) {}
  42. uint size() const { return myVertices.size(); }
  44. IntegerGraph& addEdge (uint iFrom, uint iTo) {
  45. if (iFrom >= size()) {
  46. throw string("trying to add an edge from a nonexisting vertex index");
  47. }
  48. if (iTo >= size()) {
  49. throw string("trying to add an edge to a nonexisting vertex index");
  50. }
  51. myVertices[iFrom].insert(iTo);
  52. return *this;
  53. }
  55. void createClique() { // for testing
  56. for (uint iFrom=0; iFrom<size(); ++iFrom) {
  57. for (uint iTo=0; iTo<size(); ++iTo) {
  58. if (iFrom!=iTo)
  59. addEdge(iFrom,iTo);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. }
  64. void printOutgoingEdges(uint iFrom, ostream& out) const {
  65. out << iFrom << " -> ";
  66. const AdjacencyList& targets = myVertices[iFrom];
  67. AdjacencyList::const_iterator f;
  68. for (f=targets.begin(); f!=targets.end(); ++f) {
  69. out << " " << (*f);
  70. }
  71. out << endl;
  72. }
  74. void printIncomingEdges(uint iTo, ostream& out) {
  75. out << iTo << " <- ";
  76. for (uint iFrom=0; iFrom<myVertices.size(); ++iFrom) {
  77. const AdjacencyList& currentTargets = myVertices[iFrom];
  78. if (currentTargets.count(iTo)) {
  79. out << iFrom << " ";
  80. }
  81. }
  82. out << endl;
  83. }
  85. // Print the graph, using the vertex indices
  86. void printIndices(ostream& out) const {
  87. for (uint i=0; i<myVertices.size(); ++i)
  88. out << i << " -> " << myVertices[i];
  89. }
  91. friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const IntegerGraph& g) {
  92. g.printIndices(out);
  93. return out;
  94. }
  97. /// @see
  98. void breadth_first_search(uint source, vector<uint>& distances, vector<uint>& previous) const {
  99. typedef unsigned char color;
  100. const color white=0, gray=1, black=2;
  102. vector<color> vertexColor(size());
  103. distances.resize(size());
  104. previous.resize(size());
  105. queue<uint> vertexQueue;
  107. fill(vertexColor.begin(), vertexColor.end(), white);
  108. fill(distances.begin(), distances.end(), MAXINT);
  109. fill(previous.begin(), previous.end(), MAXINT);
  111. // Initlaize source:
  112. vertexColor[source] = gray;
  113. distances[source] = 0;
  114. previous[source] = MAXINT;
  115. vertexQueue.push(source);
  117. // Loop over all vertices:
  118. while (!vertexQueue.empty()) {
  119. uint current = vertexQueue.front(); // finish a vertex
  120. vertexQueue.pop();
  121. uint current_distance = distances[current];
  123. // Loop over all outgoing edges of the current vertex:
  124. const AdjacencyList& nextTargets = myVertices[current];
  125. AdjacencyList::const_iterator iNeighbour;
  126. for (iNeighbour=nextTargets.begin(); iNeighbour!=nextTargets.end(); ++iNeighbour) {
  127. uint neighbour = *iNeighbour;
  128. if (vertexColor[neighbour]==white) { // a tree edge
  129. vertexColor[neighbour] = gray;
  130. distances[neighbour] = current_distance+1;
  131. previous[neighbour] = current;
  132. vertexQueue.push(neighbour);
  133. }
  134. }
  135. vertexColor[current] = black; // finish a vertex
  136. }
  137. }
  140. void print_bfs_from(uint iFrom) {
  141. vector<uint> distances, previous;
  142. breadth_first_search(iFrom, distances, previous);
  143. cout << "BFS from " << iFrom << ": " << endl << "distances: " << distances << "previouses: " << previous << endl;
  144. }
  145. }; // end of class IntegerGraph
  148. int main() {
  149. IntegerGraph g(5);
  150. g.addEdge(0,1).addEdge(1,2).addEdge(2,3).addEdge(3,0).addEdge(0,2);
  151. cout << g << endl;
  152. g.printOutgoingEdges(0,cout);
  153. g.printOutgoingEdges(1,cout);
  154. g.printOutgoingEdges(2,cout);
  155. g.printOutgoingEdges(3,cout);
  156. g.printOutgoingEdges(4,cout);
  157. cout << endl;
  158. g.printIncomingEdges(0,cout);
  159. g.printIncomingEdges(1,cout);
  160. g.printIncomingEdges(2,cout);
  161. g.printIncomingEdges(3,cout);
  162. g.printIncomingEdges(4,cout);
  163. cout << endl;
  165. g.print_bfs_from(0);
  166. g.print_bfs_from(1);
  167. g.print_bfs_from(2);
  168. g.print_bfs_from(3);
  169. g.print_bfs_from(4);
  170. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 2868KB
Standard input is empty
0 -> 1 2 
1 -> 2 
2 -> 3 
3 -> 0 
4 -> 

0 ->  1 2
1 ->  2
2 ->  3
3 ->  0
4 -> 

0 <- 3 
1 <- 0 
2 <- 0 1 
3 <- 2 
4 <- 

BFS from 0: 
distances: 0 1 1 2 999999999 
previouses: 999999999 0 0 2 999999999 

BFS from 1: 
distances: 3 0 1 2 999999999 
previouses: 3 999999999 1 2 999999999 

BFS from 2: 
distances: 2 3 0 1 999999999 
previouses: 3 0 999999999 2 999999999 

BFS from 3: 
distances: 1 2 2 0 999999999 
previouses: 3 0 0 999999999 999999999 

BFS from 4: 
distances: 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 0 
previouses: 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999