fork(1) download
  1. import Control.Applicative
  2. import Control.Monad.Memo
  3. import Data.Function
  4. import qualified Data.List as L
  5. import qualified Data.Map as M
  7. sp :: Char
  8. sp = '_'
  10. alignColumn :: [String] -> [String]
  11. alignColumn = L.transpose . startEvalMemo . f . L.transpose . addsp
  12. where
  13. addsp xss = map ff xss
  14. where maxlen = foldr (\x a -> if length x > a then length x else a) 0 xss
  15. ff xs = xs ++ replicate (maxlen - length xs) sp
  16. f [] = return []
  17. f xss = g <$> mapM (\(ys:yss) -> (ys:) <$> memo f yss)
  18. [insertSP xss is | is <- groupOfIndex $ head xss]
  19. g [] = []
  20. g xs = L.minimumBy (compare `on` length) xs
  22. insertSP :: [String] -> [Int] -> [String]
  23. insertSP xss1 is = f xss1 pre
  24. where
  25. pre = zipWith (\k _ -> if elem k is then Nothing else Just sp) [0..] (head xss1)
  26. f [] cs
  27. | all (== Nothing) cs = []
  28. | otherwise = foldr (\x acc -> maybe sp id x : acc) [] cs : []
  29. f (xs:xss) cs = (map fst ys) : f xss (map snd ys)
  30. where
  31. ys = zipWith g xs cs
  32. where
  33. g x Nothing = (x, Nothing)
  34. g x (Just c) = (c, Just x)
  36. groupOfIndex :: String -> [[Int]]
  37. groupOfIndex xs = map (spi++) . M.elems . fst . foldl f (M.empty, 0) $ xs
  38. where
  39. spi = L.findIndices (==sp) xs
  40. f (acc,i) x
  41. | x == sp = (acc, i+1)
  42. | otherwise = (M.insertWith (++) x [i] acc, i+1)
  44. main :: IO ()
  45. main = do
  46. run ["1","1"]
  47. run ["1","2"]
  48. run ["12", "21"]
  49. run ["11", "12"]
  50. run ["113", "114"]
  51. run ["123", "134"]
  52. run ["1212", "1322", "1122"]
  53. run ["123", "113", "1323"]
  54. run ["1234", "4321", "1122"]
  55. run ["12121313432121233", "21322312443213443"]
  56. -- 121_21_31_34_3212123__3
  57. -- _2132_2312_44321___3443
  58. where
  59. run xs = do
  60. putStrLn . unlines $ alignColumn xs
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
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compilation info
    Could not find module `Control.Monad.Memo'
    Perhaps you meant
      Control.Monad.Fix (from base)
      Control.Monad.ST (from base)
      Control.Monad.Zip (from base)
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
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