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  1. //This work improves on the ideas of Jon Harrop as of
  2. //
  3. //which fails in terms of high memory use (saves all generated primes instead of
  4. //just the primes to the square root of the highest candidate prime, and continuously
  5. //regenerating buffer arrays of ever increasing huge size irrespective of the CPU cache sizes)
  6. //as well not including a generating sequence and not having the optimizations to
  7. //only deal with odd numbers let alone using wheel factorization
  9. (*let primesJH() =
  10. let primes =
  11. let a = ResizeArray[2]
  12. let grow() =
  13. let p0 = a.[a.Count-1]+1
  14. let b = Array.create p0 true
  15. for di in a do
  16. let rec loop i =
  17. if i<b.Length then
  18. b.[i] <- false
  19. loop(i+di)
  20. let i0 = p0/di*di
  21. loop(if i0<p0 then i0+di-p0 else i0-p0)
  22. for i=0 to b.Length-1 do
  23. if b.[i] then a.Add(p0+i)
  24. fun n ->
  25. while n >= a.Count do
  26. grow()
  27. a.[n]
  28. Seq.initInfinite id |> primes
  30. primesJH() |> Seq.nth 10000000 *)
  32. //#time
  34. let primesAPF() =
  35. let rec oddprimes() =
  36. let BUFSZ = 1<<<17 in let buf = Array.zeroCreate (BUFSZ>>>5) in let BUFRNG = uint32 BUFSZ<<<1
  37. let inline testbit i = (buf.[i >>> 5] &&& (1u <<< (i &&& 0x1F))) = 0u
  38. let inline cullbit i = let w = i >>> 5 in buf.[w] <- buf.[w] ||| (1u <<< (i &&& 0x1F))
  39. let inline cullp p s low = let rec cull' i = if i < BUFSZ then cullbit i; cull' (i + int p)
  40. cull' (if s >= low then int((s - low) >>> 1)
  41. else let r = ((low - s) >>> 1) % p in if r = 0u then 0 else int(p - r))
  42. let inline cullpg low = //cull composites from whole buffer page for efficiency
  43. let max = low + BUFRNG - 1u in let max = if max < low then uint32(-1) else max
  44. let sqrtlm = uint32(sqrt(float max)) in let sqrtlmndx = int((sqrtlm - 3u) >>> 1)
  45. if low <= 3u then for i = 0 to sqrtlmndx do if testbit i then let p = uint32(i + i + 3) in cullp p (p * p) 3u
  46. else baseprimes |> Seq.skipWhile (fun p -> //force side effect of culling to limit of buffer
  47. let s = p * p in if p > 0xFFFFu || s > max then false else cullp p s low; true) |> Seq.nth 0 |> ignore
  48. let rec mkpi i low =
  49. if i >= BUFSZ then let nlow = low + BUFRNG in Array.fill buf 0 buf.Length 0u; cullpg nlow; mkpi 0 nlow
  50. else (if testbit i then i,low else mkpi (i + 1) low)
  51. cullpg 3u; Seq.unfold (fun (i,lw) -> //force cull the first buffer page then doit
  52. let ni,nlw = mkpi i lw in let p = nlw + (uint32 ni <<< 1)
  53. if p < lw then None else Some(p,(ni+1,nlw))) (0,3u)
  54. and baseprimes = oddprimes() |> Seq.cache
  55. seq { yield 2u; yield! oddprimes() }
  57. primesAPF() |> Seq.nth 10000000 |> printfn "%A"
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