fork(3) download
  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. #define gc getchar_unlocked
  5. #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
  6. #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
  7. #include <ext/pb_ds/detail/standard_policies.hpp>
  8. using namespace __gnu_pbds;
  9. using namespace std;
  10. #define pii pair<int, int>
  11. #define fo(i, n) for(i=0; i<n; i++)
  12. typedef tree< pii, null_type, less<pii>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update> mset;
  13. struct os{
  14. mset A;
  15. int T;
  16. #define ook order_of_key
  17. #define fbo find_by_order
  18. #define INF INT_MAX
  19. #define var int
  20. os(){
  21. T = 0;
  22. }
  23. //add x to set
  24. void add(var x){
  25. A.insert({x, ++T});
  26. }
  28. //no of elements in set between [l,r]
  29. int count(int l, int r){
  30. int no = A.ook({r, INF});
  31. no -= A.ook({l, 0});
  32. return no;
  33. }
  34. //erase x from set
  35. void erase(var x){
  36. A.erase(A.lower_bound({x, 0}));
  37. }
  38. //get random element from set
  39. var rnd(int del = 0){
  40. int n = A.size();
  41. int pos = rand()%n;
  42. pair<var,int> x = *(A.fbo(pos));
  43. if(del) erase(x.first);
  44. return x.first;
  45. }
  46. };
  47. #define Fo(i,k,n) for(i=k;k<n?i<n:i>n;k<n?i+=1:i-=1)
  48. #define ll long long
  49. #define si(x) scanf("%d",&x)
  50. #define sl(x) scanf("%lld",&x)
  51. #define ss(s) scanf("%s",s)
  52. #define pi(x) printf("%d\n",x)
  53. #define pl(x) printf("%lld\n",x)
  54. #define ps(s) printf("%s\n",s)
  55. #define pb push_back
  56. #define mp make_pair
  57. #define F first
  58. #define S second
  59. #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
  60. #define clr(x) memset(x, 0, sizeof(x))
  61. #define sortall(x) sort(all(x))
  62. #define tr(it, a) for(auto it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++)
  63. #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626
  64. typedef pair<ll, ll> pl;
  65. typedef vector<int> vi;
  66. typedef vector<ll> vl;
  67. typedef vector<pii> vpii;
  68. typedef vector<pl> vpl;
  69. typedef vector<vi> vvi;
  70. typedef vector<vl> vvl;
  71. int mpow(int base, int exp);
  72. void ipgraph(int m);
  73. void dfs(int u, int par);
  74. const ll mod = 1000000007;
  75. const ll mod2 = 1000000007 * 1LL * 1000000007;
  76. const int N = 3e5, M = N;
  77. void MOD2(ll &x){
  78. if(x >= mod2) x-=mod2;
  79. if(x<0) x+=mod2;
  80. }
  81. //=======================
  83. vi g[N];
  84. int a[N], A[N], n;
  85. ll sum[N];
  86. int bit[20][N], pre[N];
  87. map<ll, ll> h, rev;
  88. set<int> pos[N];
  89. os my[N];
  90. int hai(int no, int x, int y){
  91. if(pos[no].empty()) return 0;
  92. auto it = pos[no].lower_bound(x);
  93. if(it == pos[no].end()) return 0;
  94. int at = *it;
  95. if(at <= y) return 1;
  96. return 0;
  97. }
  98. ll r(){
  99. return rand()*32000LL+rand();
  100. }
  101. void add(int pos, int val){
  102. while(pos<N){
  103. my[pos].add(val);
  104. pos += pos&(-pos);
  105. }
  106. }
  107. int query(int pos, int val){
  108. int ans = 0;
  109. while(pos){
  110. ans += my[pos].count(0, val);
  111. pos -= pos&(-pos);
  112. }
  113. return ans;
  114. }
  115. int renk(int x, int l, int r){
  116. return query(r, x) - query(l-1, x);
  117. }
  118. void precompute(){
  119. int i, j;
  120. Fo(i, 1, n+1) {
  121. add(i, A[i]);
  122. pos[A[i]].insert(i);
  123. if(h[A[i]]) continue;
  124. h[A[i]] = (r()*3200LL+r())%mod2;
  125. rev[h[A[i]]] = A[i];
  127. }
  128. sum[0] = pre[0] = 0;
  129. Fo(i, 1, n+1){
  130. MOD2(sum[i] = h[A[i]]+sum[i-1]);
  131. pre[i] = pre[i-1]^A[i];
  132. int no = A[i];
  133. Fo(j, 0, 20){
  134. if( (1<<j) & no ){
  135. bit[j][i] = no;
  136. }
  137. }
  138. }
  139. Fo(j, 0, 20)
  140. Fo(i, 1, n+1) bit[j][i] ^= bit[j][i-1];
  142. }
  144. #define deb(x) cout << #x << "=" << x << endl
  145. #define deb2(x, y) cout << #x << "=" << x <<", " <<#y << "="<< y << endl
  146. void solve(){
  147. int i, q, a, b, c, d, k, j;
  148. cin >> n >> q;
  149. Fo(i, 1, n+1) cin >> A[i], pos[A[i]].clear(), my[i].A.clear(), my[i].T = 0, sum[i] = 0;
  150. fo(j, 20)
  151. Fo(i, 1, n+1) bit[j][i] = 0;
  152. h.clear();
  153. rev.clear();
  154. precompute();
  156. // Fo(i, 1, n+1) cout << h[A[i]] << " "; cout << endl;
  158. while(q--){
  159. cin >> a >> b >> c >> d;
  160. ll h1, h2;
  161. MOD2(h1 = sum[b] - sum[a-1]);
  162. MOD2(h2 = sum[d] - sum[c-1]);
  163. // deb2(h1, h2);
  164. if(h1 == h2){
  165. cout << "YES\n";
  166. continue;
  167. }
  169. int x1 = pre[b] ^ pre[a-1];
  170. int x2 = pre[d] ^ pre[c-1];
  171. int xy = x1 ^ x2;
  172. // deb2(x1,x2);
  173. // deb(xy);
  174. if(xy == 0){
  175. cout << "NO\n";
  176. continue;
  177. }
  178. Fo(k, 0, 30){
  179. if( xy & (1<<k) ) break;
  180. }
  181. int p1 = bit[k][b] ^ bit[k][a-1];
  182. int p2 = bit[k][d] ^ bit[k][c-1];
  183. // deb(k);
  184. // deb2(p1, p2);
  186. int no = p1^p2;
  187. if(no == 0) {
  188. cout << "NO\n";
  189. continue;
  190. }
  191. // deb(no);
  192. int f1 = hai(no, a, b);
  193. int f2 = hai(no, c, d);
  194. int check = f1 + f2;
  195. if(check == 0) {
  196. cout << "NO\n";
  197. continue;
  198. }
  199. int poss = 1;
  201. // deb2(f1,f2);
  202. if(!f1) swap(a, c), swap(b, d), swap(h1, h2);
  204. //YAHA SE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  205. //a,b mei hai
  206. ll com;
  207. MOD2(com = h1 - h[no]);
  209. ll other_ki_hash ;
  210. MOD2(other_ki_hash = h2 - com);
  211. // deb2(com, other_ki_hash);
  212. int other_no = rev[other_ki_hash];
  213. // deb(other_no);
  214. if(other_no == 0){
  215. poss = 0;
  216. // cout <<"NO\n";
  217. // continue;
  218. }
  219. int ff = other_no^no;
  220. // deb(ff);
  221. if(ff != xy){
  222. poss = 0;
  223. // cout <<"NO\n";
  224. // continue;
  225. }
  226. // deb(other_no);
  227. if(hai(other_no, c, d)){
  228. //so we solved some other variant of problem
  229. //for current problem,
  230. // check for renk
  231. int e1 = 0, e2 = 0;
  232. // deb2(no, other_no);
  233. int jno = no, jother = other_no;
  234. if(no>other_no) jno--, e1 = 1;
  235. else if(no<other_no) jother--, e2 = 1;
  236. int r1 = e1+renk(jno, a, b);
  237. int r2 = e2+renk(jother, c, d);
  238. // deb2(e1,e2);
  239. // deb2(r1,r2);
  240. if(r1==r2){
  241. poss = 1;
  242. // cout << "YES\n";
  243. }
  244. else{
  245. poss = 0;
  246. // cout <<"NO\n";
  247. }
  248. }
  249. else{
  250. poss = 0;
  251. // cout <<"NO\n";
  252. }
  253. //YAHA TAK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  254. //MAINE DALA <<<<<<<<<<
  255. if(check == 2 and poss == 0){
  256. swap(a, c), swap(b, d), swap(h1, h2);
  257. ll com;
  258. MOD2(com = h1 - h[no]);
  260. ll other_ki_hash ;
  261. MOD2(other_ki_hash = h2 - com);
  262. // deb2(com, other_ki_hash);
  263. int other_no = rev[other_ki_hash];
  264. // deb(other_no);
  265. if(other_no == 0){
  266. poss = 0;
  267. // cout <<"NO\n";
  268. // continue;
  269. }
  270. int ff = other_no^no;
  271. // deb(ff);
  272. if(ff != xy){
  273. poss = 0;
  274. // cout <<"NO\n";
  275. // continue;
  276. }
  277. // deb(other_no);
  278. if(hai(other_no, c, d)){
  279. //so we solved some other variant of problem
  280. //for current problem,
  281. // check for renk
  282. int e1 = 0, e2 = 0;
  283. // deb2(no, other_no);
  284. int jno = no, jother = other_no;
  285. if(no>other_no) jno--, e1 = 1;
  286. else if(no<other_no) jother--, e2 = 1;
  287. int r1 = e1+renk(jno, a, b);
  288. int r2 = e2+renk(jother, c, d);
  289. // deb2(e1,e2);
  290. // deb2(r1,r2);
  291. if(r1==r2){
  292. poss = 1;
  293. // cout << "YES\n";
  294. }
  295. else{
  296. poss = 0;
  297. // cout <<"NO\n";
  298. }
  299. }
  300. else{
  301. poss = 0;
  302. // cout <<"NO\n";
  303. }
  304. }
  306. cout << (poss?"YES\n":"NO\n");
  307. //overrr
  308. }
  309. }
  310. int main()
  311. {
  312. ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
  313. cin.tie(NULL);
  314. srand(time(NULL));
  315. int i,n,k,j,t;
  316. cin >> t;
  317. while(t--) solve();
  319. return 0;
  320. }
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