fork download
  1. from collections import namedtuple
  2. from random import random
  3. from pprint import pprint as pp
  5. Grid = namedtuple('Grid', 'cell, hwall, vwall')
  7. M, N, t = 10, 10, 1000
  9. class PercolatedException(Exception): pass
  11. HVF = [(' .', ' _'), (':', '|'), (' ', '#')] # Horiz, vert, fill chars
  13. def newgrid(p):
  14. hwall = [[int(random() < p) for m in range(M)]
  15. for n in range(N+1)]
  16. vwall = [[(1 if m in (0, M) else int(random() < p)) for m in range(M+1)]
  17. for n in range(N)]
  18. cell = [[0 for m in range(M)]
  19. for n in range(N)]
  20. return Grid(cell, hwall, vwall)
  22. def pgrid(grid, percolated=None):
  23. cell, hwall, vwall = grid
  24. h, v, f = HVF
  25. for n in range(N):
  26. print(' ' + ''.join(h[hwall[n][m]] for m in range(M)))
  27. print('%i) ' % (n % 10) + ''.join(v[vwall[n][m]] + f[cell[n][m] if m < M else 0]
  28. for m in range(M+1))[:-1])
  29. n = N
  30. print(' ' + ''.join(h[hwall[n][m]] for m in range(M)))
  31. if percolated:
  32. where = percolated.args[0][0]
  33. print('!) ' + ' ' * where + ' ' + f[1])
  35. def pour_on_top(grid):
  36. cell, hwall, vwall = grid
  37. n = 0
  38. try:
  39. for m in range(M):
  40. if not hwall[n][m]:
  41. flood_fill(m, n, cell, hwall, vwall)
  42. except PercolatedException as ex:
  43. return ex
  44. return None
  47. def flood_fill(m, n, cell, hwall, vwall):
  48. # fill cell
  49. cell[n][m] = 1
  50. # bottom
  51. if n < N - 1 and not hwall[n + 1][m] and not cell[n+1][m]:
  52. flood_fill(m, n+1, cell, hwall, vwall)
  53. # THE bottom
  54. elif n == N - 1 and not hwall[n + 1][m]:
  55. raise PercolatedException((m, n+1))
  56. # left
  57. if m and not vwall[n][m] and not cell[n][m - 1]:
  58. flood_fill(m-1, n, cell, hwall, vwall)
  59. # right
  60. if m < M - 1 and not vwall[n][m + 1] and not cell[n][m + 1]:
  61. flood_fill(m+1, n, cell, hwall, vwall)
  62. # top
  63. if n and not hwall[n][m] and not cell[n-1][m]:
  64. flood_fill(m, n-1, cell, hwall, vwall)
  66. if __name__ == '__main__':
  67. sample_printed = False
  68. pcount = {}
  69. for p10 in range(11):
  70. p = (10 - p10) / 10.0 # count down so sample print is interesting
  71. pcount[p] = 0
  72. for tries in range(t):
  73. grid = newgrid(p)
  74. percolated = pour_on_top(grid)
  75. if percolated:
  76. pcount[p] += 1
  77. if not sample_printed:
  78. print('\nSample percolating %i x %i grid' % (M, N))
  79. pgrid(grid, percolated)
  80. sample_printed = True
  81. print('\n p: Fraction of %i tries that percolate through' % t )
  83. pp({p:c/float(t) for p, c in pcount.items()})
Success #stdin #stdout 2.07s 12248KB
Standard input is empty
Sample percolating 10 x 10 grid
     _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ .
0)  | | : |#| |#:#:#| |#|
     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
1)  | | | | | | : | |#:#|
     _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _
2)  | : | : | | | | |#: |
     _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _
3)  | : | : | | : : :#: |
     _ _ . . _ . _ . . .
4)  | | | | | : : | |#| |
     _ _ . _ . _ _ . . .
5)  | : | | | | : | :#| |
     _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _
6)  | | | : | : | | |#| |
     . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . .
7)  | : : | | | | | |#| |
     . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . .
8)  | | | : : : : | |#:#|
     _ . _ . _ . . _ _ .
9)  | | | : : | | | : |#|
     _ . . _ _ . _ _ . .
!)                     #

 p: Fraction of 1000 tries that percolate through
{0.0: 1.0,
 0.1: 1.0,
 0.2: 1.0,
 0.3: 0.999,
 0.4: 0.905,
 0.5: 0.427,
 0.6: 0.063,
 0.7: 0.002,
 0.8: 0.0,
 0.9: 0.0,
 1.0: 0.0}