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  1. -- CountingPagedSoE.hs
  2. -- from
  3. -- but with very many improvements including a very fast count function
  4. -- applied as an answer to:
  6. {-# OPTIONS -O3 -rtsopts #-} -- -fllvm doesn't support LLVM
  8. import Data.Word
  9. import Data.Bits
  10. import Control.Monad
  11. import Control.Monad.ST
  12. import Data.Array.ST (runSTUArray)
  13. import Data.Array.Unboxed
  14. import Data.Array.Base
  16. pgSZBTS = (2^18) * 8 :: Int -- size of L2 data cache
  18. type PrimeType = Word32
  19. type Chunk = UArray PrimeType Bool
  21. -- makes a new page chunk and culls it
  22. -- if the base primes list provided is empty then
  23. -- it uses the current array as source (for zero page base primes)
  24. mkChnk :: Word32 -> [Chunk] -> Chunk
  25. mkChnk low bschnks = runSTUArray $ do
  26. let nxt = (fromIntegral low) + (fromIntegral pgSZBTS)
  27. buf <- nxt `seq` newArray (fromIntegral low, fromIntegral nxt - 1) True
  28. let cull ~(p:ps) =
  29. let bp = (fromIntegral p)
  30. i = (bp - 3) `shiftR` 1
  31. s = bp * (i + 1) + i in
  32. let cullp j = do
  33. if j >= pgSZBTS then cull ps
  34. else do
  35. unsafeWrite buf j False
  36. cullp (j + (fromIntegral p)) in
  37. when (s < nxt) $ do
  38. let strt = do
  39. if s >= low then fromIntegral (s - low)
  40. else do
  41. let b = (low - s) `rem` bp
  42. if b == 0 then 0 else fromIntegral (bp - b)
  43. cullp strt
  44. case bschnks of
  45. [] -> do bsbf <- unsafeFreezeSTUArray buf
  46. cull (listChnkPrms [bsbf])
  47. _ -> cull $ listChnkPrms bschnks
  48. return buf
  50. -- creates a page chunk list starting at the lw value
  51. chnksList :: Word32 -> [Chunk]
  52. chnksList lw =
  53. mkChnk lw basePrmChnks : chnksList (lw + fromIntegral pgSZBTS)
  55. -- converts a page chunk list to a list of primes
  56. listChnkPrms :: [Chunk] -> [PrimeType]
  57. listChnkPrms [] = []
  58. listChnkPrms ~(hdchnk@(UArray lw _ rng _):tlchnks) =
  59. let nxtp i =
  60. if i >= rng then [] else
  61. if unsafeAt hdchnk i then
  62. (case ((lw + fromIntegral i) `shiftL` 1) + 3 of
  63. np -> np) : nxtp (i + 1)
  64. else nxtp (i + 1) in
  65. (hdchnk `seq` lw `seq` nxtp 0) ++ listChnkPrms tlchnks
  67. -- the base page chunk list used to cull the higher order pages,
  68. -- note that it has special treatment for the zero page.
  69. -- It is more space efficient to store this as chunks rather than
  70. -- as a list of primes or even a list of deltas (gaps), with the
  71. -- extra processing to convert as needed not too much.
  72. basePrmChnks :: [Chunk]
  73. basePrmChnks = mkChnk 0 [] : chnksList (fromIntegral pgSZBTS)
  75. -- the full list of primes could be accessed with the following function.
  76. primes :: () -> [PrimeType]
  77. primes () = 2 : (listChnkPrms $ chnksList 0)
  79. -- a quite fast prime counting up to the given limit using
  80. -- chunk processing to avoid innermost list processing loops.
  81. countPrimesTo :: PrimeType -> Int
  82. countPrimesTo limit =
  83. let lmtb = (limit - 3) `div` 2 in
  84. let sumChnks acc chnks@(chnk@(UArray lo hi rng _):chnks') =
  85. let cnt :: UArray PrimeType Word32 -> Int
  86. cnt bfw =
  87. case if lmtb < hi then fromIntegral (lmtb - lo) else rng of
  88. crng -> case crng `shiftR` 5 of
  89. rngw ->
  90. let cnt' i ac =
  91. ac `seq` if i >= rngw then
  92. if (i `shiftL` 5) >= rng then ac else
  93. case (-2) `shiftL` fromIntegral (lmtb .&. 31) of
  94. msk -> msk `seq`
  95. case (unsafeAt bfw rngw) .&.
  96. (complement msk) of
  97. bts -> bts `seq` case popCount bts of
  98. c -> c `seq` case ac + c of nac -> nac
  99. else case ac + (popCount $ unsafeAt bfw i) of
  100. nacc -> nacc `seq` cnt' (i + 1) (nacc)
  101. in cnt' 0 0 in
  102. acc `seq` case runST $ do -- make UArray _ Bool into a UArray _ Word32
  103. stbuf <- unsafeThawSTUArray chnk
  104. stbufw <- castSTUArray stbuf
  105. bufw <- unsafeFreezeSTUArray stbufw
  106. return $ cnt bufw of
  107. c -> c `seq` case acc + c of
  108. nacc -> nacc `seq` if hi >= lmtb then nacc
  109. else sumChnks nacc chnks' in
  110. if limit < 2 then 0 else if limit < 3 then 1 else
  111. lmtb `seq` sumChnks 1 (chnksList 0)
  113. main = do
  114. x <- read `fmap` getLine -- 1mln 2mln 10mln 100mln 1000mln
  115. -- 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.45 4.60 seconds
  116. -- 7328 7328 8352 8352 9424 Kilobytes
  117. -- this takes 14.34 seconds and 9424 Kilobytes to 3 billion,
  118. -- and 9.12 seconds for 3 billion on an i7-2700K (3.5 GHz)
  119. -- The above ratio of about 1.6 is much better than usual due to
  120. -- the extremely low memory use of the page segmented algorithm.
  121. -- It seems thaat the Windows Native Code Generator (NCG) from GHC
  122. -- is particularly poor, as the Linux 32-bit version takes
  123. -- less than two thirds of the time for exactly the same program...
  124. print $ countPrimesTo x
  125. -- print $ length $ takeWhile ((>=) x) $ primes () -- the slow way to do this
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