//Following is the Haskell code from which this algorithm was adapted:
//from http://w...content-available-to-author-only...l.org/haskellwiki/Prime_numbers#Tree_merging_with_Wheel
//As a reference, here is the fastest pure functional sieve in Haskell produced to date:
//primesTMWE = 2:3:5:7: gapsW 11 wheel (joinT3 $ rollW 11 wheel primes')
// where
// primes' = 11: gapsW 13 (tail wheel) (joinT3 $ rollW 11 wheel primes')
//gapsW k ws@(w:t) cs@(c:u) | k==c = gapsW (k+w) t u
// | True = k : gapsW (k+w) t cs
//rollW k ws@(w:t) ps@(p:u) | k==p = scanl (\c d->c+p*d) (p*p) ws
// : rollW (k+w) t u
// | True = rollW (k+w) t ps
//joinT3 ((x:xs): ~(ys:zs:t)) = x : union xs (union ys zs) //NOTE: '~' means deferred evaluation
// `union` joinT3 (pairs t)
//wheel = 2:4:2:4:6:2:6:4:2:4:6:6:2:6:4:2:6:4:6:8:4:2:4:2:
// 4:8:6:4:6:2:4:6:2:6:6:4:2:4:6:2:6:4:2:4:2:10:2:10:wheel
//union (x:xs) (y:ys) = case (compare x y) of
// LT -> x : union xs (y:ys)
// EQ -> x : union xs ys
// GT -> y : union (x:xs) ys
//union xs [] = xs
//union [] ys = ys
//pairs ((x:xs):ys:t) = (x : union xs ys) : pairs t
type CIS<'T> = struct val v:'T val cont:unit->CIS<'T> new(v,cont) = { v=v;cont=cont } end //Co-Inductive Steam
let primesTFOWSE =
let WHLPRMS = [| 2u;3u;5u;7u |] in let FSTPRM = 11u in let WHLCRC = int (WHLPRMS |> Seq.fold (*) 1u) >>> 1
let WHLLMT = int (WHLPRMS |> Seq.fold (fun o n->o*(n-1u)) 1u) - 1
let wp = Array.zeroCreate (WHLLMT+1)
let gaps (a:int[]) = let rec gap i acc = if a.[i]=0 then gap (i+1) (acc+1uy) else acc
{0..WHLCRC-1} |> Seq.fold (fun s i->
let ns = if a.[i]<>0 then wp.[s]<-2uy*gap (i+1) 1uy;(s+1) else s in ns) 0 |> ignore
Array.init (WHLCRC+1) (fun i->if WHLPRMS |> Seq.forall (fun p->(FSTPRM+uint32(i<<<1))%p<>0u)
then 1 else 0) |> gaps;wp
let inline whladv i = if i < WHLLMT then i+1 else 0 in let inline advcnd c ci = c + uint32 WHLPTRN.[ci]
let inline advmltpl p (c,ci) = (c + uint32 WHLPTRN.[ci] * p,whladv ci)
let rec pmltpls p cs = CIS(cs,fun() -> pmltpls p (advmltpl p cs))
let rec allmltpls k wi (ps:CIS<_>) =
let nxt = advcnd k wi in let nxti = whladv wi
if k < ps.v then allmltpls nxt nxti ps
else CIS(pmltpls ps.v (ps.v*ps.v,wi),fun() -> allmltpls nxt nxti (ps.cont()))
let rec (^) (xs:CIS<uint32*_>) (ys:CIS<uint32*_>) =
match compare (fst xs.v) (fst ys.v) with //union op for composite CIS's (tuple of cmpst and wheel ndx)
| -1 -> CIS(xs.v,fun() -> xs.cont() ^ ys)
| 0 -> CIS(xs.v,fun() -> xs.cont() ^ ys.cont())
| _ -> CIS(ys.v,fun() -> xs ^ ys.cont()) //must be greater than
let rec pairs (xs:CIS<CIS<_>>) =
let ys = xs.cont() in CIS(CIS(xs.v.v,fun()->xs.v.cont()^ys.v),fun()->pairs (ys.cont()))
let rec joinT3 (xs:CIS<CIS<_>>) = CIS(xs.v.v,fun()->
let ys = xs.cont() in let zs = ys.cont() in (xs.v.cont()^(ys.v^zs.v))^joinT3 (pairs (zs.cont())))
let rec mkprm (cnd,cndi,(csd:CIS<uint32*_>)) =
let nxt = advcnd cnd cndi in let nxti = whladv cndi
if cnd >= fst csd.v then mkprm (nxt,nxti,csd.cont()) //minus function
else (cnd,cndi,(nxt,nxti,csd))
let rec pCIS p pi cont = CIS(p,fun()->let (np,npi,ncont)=mkprm cont in pCIS np npi ncont)
let rec baseprimes() = CIS(FSTPRM,fun()->let np,npi = advcnd FSTPRM 0,whladv 0
pCIS np npi (advcnd np npi,whladv npi,initcmpsts))
and initcmpsts = joinT3 (allmltpls FSTPRM 0 (baseprimes()))
let inline genseq sd = Seq.unfold (fun (p,pi,cont) -> Some(p,mkprm cont)) sd
seq { yield! WHLPRMS; yield! mkprm (FSTPRM,0,initcmpsts) |> genseq }
primesTFOWSE |> Seq.nth 1000000 |> printfn "%A"