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  1. // C++ program to find valid paranthesisations of length n
  2. // The majority of code is taken from method 3 of
  3. //
  4. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  5. using namespace std;
  7. // Returns value of Binomial Coefficient C(n, k)
  8. unsigned long int binomialCoeff(unsigned int n,
  9. unsigned int k)
  10. {
  11. unsigned long int res = 1;
  13. // Since C(n, k) = C(n, n-k)
  14. if (k > n - k)
  15. k = n - k;
  17. // Calculate value of [n*(n-1)*---*(n-k+1)] / [k*(k-1)*---*1]
  18. for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
  19. res *= (n - i);
  20. res /= (i + 1);
  21. }
  23. return res;
  24. }
  26. // A Binomial coefficient based function to
  27. // find nth catalan number in O(n) time
  28. unsigned long int catalan(unsigned int n)
  29. {
  30. // Calculate value of 2nCn
  31. unsigned long int c = binomialCoeff(2 * n, n);
  33. // return 2nCn/(n+1)
  34. return c / (n + 1);
  35. }
  37. // Function to find possible ways to put balanced
  38. // parenthesis in an expression of length n
  39. unsigned long int findWays(unsigned n)
  40. {
  41. // If n is odd, not possible to
  42. // create any valid parentheses
  43. if (n & 1)
  44. return 0;
  46. // Otherwise return n/2'th Catalan Number
  47. return catalan(n / 2);
  48. }
  50. // Driver program to test above functions
  51. int main()
  52. {
  53. int n = 30000;
  54. cout << "Total possible expressions of length "
  55. << n << " is " << findWays(30000);
  56. return 0;
  57. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 5300KB
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Total possible expressions of length 30000 is 2687542030