fork download
  2. local script = string.dump(
  3. function()
  4. --Content
  5. print("BeforeRequestHeaderSend  RequestHeaderReceived    ª  @@ E€ FÀÀ   €€ € €€ €Á‚@'€€ ÀA  B  !€ @B E€ F€Â À €€E F à € Á@  \€ …€ †ÀCÀ € œ€  DÀ€Å Æ@ BAA Ü€€Ú À€Å€ Á A A Ł Ɓ‚ A  É ‰Å€ ɀƌŀ ÉÀÆ‚À€Å Æ@ BAÁ Ü€€ C@€ Á  E FÀ€ÁA ‚ \ … †CÀ€‚ A‚ œ Á  AB ‚ À€Ã A C ՁƒÇÁ Ł ƁÉ ÜA Ł ÆÁÉ  A ÜA€Å ÆA‚ ‚BAB ܁€Ú À€Å  A B Å‚ Ƃƒ Aà  ‚ɉŁ ɁƌŁ ÉÁƂŁ ÆÊB
  6. ÜA 
  7. €Å  A B Å‚ Ƃƒ
  8. Aà  ‚ɉŁ ɁƌŁ ÉÁƂŁ ÆÊB
  9. ÜA  €€ ÀÊŒ€ Ë‚ @B E€ F€Â À €€E F à € Á@  \€ …€ †ÀIÀ € A œ@€ € .  re  match  hc  request_header  ^User\-Agent:\sHandyCache\r\n  monitor_string  hc_patch  cache_file_size   find  url  ^http://.*?/.*?(\?.*|$)  replace  ^(http://.*?/.*?)(\?.*|$)  \1  get_global  EXIST  ^.*\?.*  answer_header % HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Temporarily(HC)
  10.  Server: HandyCache
  11.  Location:  &hc_looping
  12.  Content-Length: 0
  13.  Connection: close
  15.  action 
  16. dont_save  skip  ^http://.*?(/.*?(\?.*|$))  ^http://(.*?)/.*?(\?.*|$)  ^(http://(.*?/.*?)(\?.*|$)  hdr  GET  HTTP/1.1
  17.  Host: 
  18.  User-Agent: HandyCache
  19.  Connection: Keep-Alive
  22. send_request  set_global  sleep  p§@ ?hc_looping
  23.  dont_update  HIT  ª                                                                                                                                                                            xurl  “  xchk  “  xcheck  “  xurl ? “  xget E “  xhost K “  xchk Q “  xurl ž ©  xchk ¤ © 
  24. '  @@ E€ FÀÀ   €€ @€ @A E€ FÀÀ   €€E F€Á € ÁÀ  \€ …€ Á€ Á A €€ ÁA ‚ A Õ@‚‰À€„…€ ‰@Dˆ…€ ‰ÀD‰…€ † EÁ@ œ@  €   re  match  hc  url  ^.*(\&|\?)hc\_looping  find  replace  (^.*)(\&|\?)hc\_looping  \1  answer_header % HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Temporarily(HC)
  25.  Server: HandyCache
  26.  Location: 
  27.  Content-Length: 0
  28.  Connection: close
  30.  action 
  31. dont_save  monitor_string  skip  sleep  p§@ '                                         prexurl  &  xurl  &     ")
  32. end)
  34. buff = ""
  35. for v = 1, string.len(script) do
  36. --Convert our string into a hex string.
  37. buff = buff..'\\'..string.byte(script, v)
  38. end
  40. -- Output after encode/obfuscate
  41. print(buff)
  43. --function to decode the above script
  44. function decodeme(encoded)
  45. encoded = encoded:gsub("\\", ",")
  46. encoded = string.sub (encoded, 2)
  47. source = ""
  49. for token in string.gmatch(encoded, "%d+") do
  50. source = source.. (string.char(token))
  51. end
  53. return source
  54. end
  56. -- Output after decode/deobfuscate
  57. print(loadstring(decodeme(buff))())
Compilation error #stdin #stdout 0s 2844KB
Standard input is empty
Standard output is empty