fork download
  1. --
  2. import Control.Applicative
  3. import Data.Monoid
  4. import Data.Array (Array,array,assocs,(//),(!))
  5. import Data.Maybe (isJust)
  6. import Data.List (find,sortBy,transpose,(\\))
  7. import Data.Ord (comparing)
  8. import Debug.Trace
  10. type Loc = (Int, Int)
  11. type Mesh = Array Loc (Maybe Int)
  12. type Block = (Sum Int, [Loc])
  14. ans :: [Int]
  15. ans = [1..6]
  17. locations :: [Loc]
  18. locations = (,) <$> ans <*> ans
  20. blocks :: [Block]
  21. blocks = [
  22. (Sum 3, [(1,1),(1,2)])
  23. , (Sum 4, [(2,1)])
  24. , (Sum 13, [(3,1),(3,2),(3,3)])
  25. , (Sum 5, [(4,1),(5,1)])
  26. , (Sum 8, [(6,1),(6,2)])
  27. , (Sum 7, [(2,2),(2,3)])
  28. , (Sum 1, [(4,2)])
  29. , (Sum 7, [(5,2),(5,3)])
  30. , (Sum 11, [(1,3),(1,4)])
  31. , (Sum 7, [(4,3),(4,4)])
  32. , (Sum 6, [(6,3)])
  33. , (Sum 6, [(2,4),(3,4)])
  34. , (Sum 6, [(5,4),(6,4)])
  35. , (Sum 9, [(1,5),(2,5)])
  36. , (Sum 6, [(3,5),(4,5)])
  37. , (Sum 4, [(5,5)])
  38. , (Sum 3, [(6,5),(6,6)])
  39. , (Sum 4, [(1,6)])
  40. , (Sum 5, [(2,6),(3,6)])
  41. , (Sum 11, [(4,6),(5,6)])
  42. ]
  43. main :: IO ()
  44. main = case solve new_mesh of
  45. Nothing -> print "can't solve it."
  46. Just m -> mapM_ print $ showMesh m
  47. where new_mesh = array((1,1),(6,6)) [(l, Nothing) | l <- locations]
  49. solve :: Mesh -> Maybe Mesh
  50. solve m
  51. | completed m = Just m
  52. | otherwise = find completed [s | Just s <- spread]
  53. where
  54. completed = (all $ isJust . snd) . assocs
  55. emp_locs = [l | (l, Nothing) <- assocs m]
  56. easy_to_head = sortBy . comparing $ length . snd
  57. filling = easy_to_head $ zip emp_locs $ map (candidates m) emp_locs
  58. spread = spread' -- `debugMesh` m
  59. spread' = map solve [m // [(loc, Just x)] | (loc, xs) <- filling, x <- xs]
  61. candidates :: Mesh -> Loc -> [Int]
  62. candidates m loc@(x,y) = let
  63. block = [b | b@(_, ls) <- blocks, loc `elem` ls]
  64. block_avails = concat $ map (blockCandidates m) block
  65. row_constraint = fixedVals m $ (,) <$> [x] <*> ans
  66. col_constraint = fixedVals m $ (,) <$> ans <*> [y]
  67. ret = block_avails \\ (row_constraint ++ col_constraint)
  68. in ret -- `debug` (loc,block_avails,"row",row_constraint,"col",col_constraint,ret)
  70. blockCandidates :: Mesh -> Block -> [Int]
  71. blockCandidates m (Sum s, ls) = let
  72. rest_num = length ls - (length $ fixedVals m ls)
  73. rest_sum = s - (sum $ fixedVals m ls)
  74. ret = concat $ filter (\ xs -> sum xs == rest_sum) $ combinations rest_num ans
  75. in ret -- `debug` ((Sum s,ls),"fixed",fixedVals m ls,"rest_num",rest_num,"rest_sum",rest_sum,ret)
  77. fixedVals :: Mesh -> [Loc] -> [Int]
  78. fixedVals m ls = [ n | Just n <- [m ! l | l <- ls]]
  80. combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
  81. combinations 0 _ = [[]]
  82. combinations _ [] = []
  83. combinations n xs@(y:ys)
  84. | n < 0 = []
  85. | otherwise = case drop (n-1) xs of
  86. [] -> []
  87. [_] -> [xs]
  88. _ -> [y:c | c <- combinations (n-1) ys] ++ combinations n ys
  90. splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
  91. splitEvery _ [] = []
  92. splitEvery n list = first : (splitEvery n rest) where (first,rest) = splitAt n list
  94. showMesh :: Mesh -> [[String]]
  95. showMesh m = transpose $ splitEvery 6 [maybe " " show x | (_, x) <- assocs m]
  97. debugMesh :: a -> Mesh -> a
  98. debugMesh f m = foldr traceShow (trace "----" f) $ showMesh m
  100. debug :: Show a => c -> a -> c
  101. debug = flip traceShow
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