fork download
  1. #include <stdio.h> /* printf, scanf, NULL */
  2. #include <stdlib.h> /* calloc, exit, free */
  3. #include <time.h> /* clock_t, clock, CLOCKS_PER_SEC */
  5. #include <memory> // std::unique_ptr<>
  6. #include <array> // std::array<>
  7. #include <vector>
  8. #include <type_traits> // std::enable_if<>
  9. #include <algorithm>
  11. #include <iostream> // std::cout
  12. #include <map> // std::map<>
  14. const size_t c_array_size = 10000000;
  16. /* Row */
  17. struct T_cash_account_row {
  19. // Fields:
  20. enum T_field_enum { amount_of_money_e, gender_e, age_e, code_e, height_e, /*<<<<<- add fields here (with index) */
  21. last_e
  22. /*<<<<<- add included fields here (without index) */
  23. };
  24. static_assert(last_e > 0, "Number of indexed fields in enum of T_user_row must be greater than 0!");
  26. // int32_t code; // 0 - 1000000
  27. // int32_t amount_of_money;// 0 - 1000000
  28. // int16_t height; // 0 - 300
  29. // int16_t age:7; // 0 - 100
  30. // int16_t gender:1; // 0 - 1
  32. unsigned code:20; // 0 - 1000000
  33. unsigned gender:1; // 0 - 1
  34. unsigned age:7; // 0 - 100
  35. unsigned amount_of_money:20;// 0 - 1000000
  36. unsigned height:9; // 0 – 300
  38. // Get field value
  39. template<int field_enum> inline typename std::enable_if<field_enum == code_e, decltype(code)>::type get_field_value() const { return code; }
  40. template<int field_enum> inline typename std::enable_if<field_enum == gender_e, decltype(gender)>::type get_field_value() const { return gender; }
  41. template<int field_enum> inline typename std::enable_if<field_enum == age_e, decltype(age)>::type get_field_value() const { return age; }
  42. template<int field_enum> inline typename std::enable_if<field_enum == amount_of_money_e, decltype(amount_of_money)>::type get_field_value() const { return amount_of_money; }
  43. template<int field_enum> inline typename std::enable_if<field_enum == height_e, decltype(height)>::type get_field_value() const { return height; }
  45. template<int field_enum> inline typename std::enable_if<field_enum == last_e, bool>::type get_field_value() const { return true; }
  46. static_assert(5 == last_e, "Add/delete new field-case and correct this assert!");
  48. // Get cardinality
  49. template<int field_enum>
  50. // constexpr // not supported in the MSVS2012(MVCC11)
  51. static inline const unsigned int get_bitf_size() {
  52. return (field_enum == gender_e)?1:
  53. (field_enum == age_e)? 100:
  54. (field_enum == height_e)? 300:
  55. (field_enum == code_e)? 1000000:
  56. (field_enum == amount_of_money_e)?1000000:
  57. 0;
  58. static_assert(5 == last_e, "Add/delete new field-case and correct this assert!");
  59. }
  61. };
  62. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  64. /* Generate random data for the one row */
  65. static inline struct T_cash_account_row generate_row() {
  66. struct T_cash_account_row cash_account_row;
  67. cash_account_row.age = rand() % 100;
  68. cash_account_row.amount_of_money = (rand() % 1000)*(rand() % 1000);
  69. cash_account_row.code = (rand() % 1000)*(rand() % 1000);
  70. cash_account_row.gender = rand() % 2;
  71. cash_account_row.height = rand() % 300;
  72. return cash_account_row;
  73. }
  74. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  76. /* C-style filters */
  77. struct T_range_filters {
  78. struct T_cash_account_row begin, end;
  79. /* bytes array or bitset from */
  80. unsigned char use_filter[T_cash_account_row::last_e];
  81. };
  82. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  84. // Templated constructor of class unrolling (no return, mandatory call to the constructor, called once)
  85. template<unsigned unroll_count, template<unsigned> class T>
  86. struct T_unroll_constructor {
  87. T_unroll_constructor<unroll_count-1, T> next_unroll;
  88. T<unroll_count-1> functor;
  89. template<typename T1> inline T_unroll_constructor(T1 &val1) : next_unroll(val1), functor(val1) {}
  90. template<typename T1, typename T2> inline T_unroll_constructor(T1 *const __restrict val1, T2 *const __restrict val2) : next_unroll(val1, val2), functor(val1, val2) {}
  91. };
  92. // End of unroll
  93. template<template<unsigned> class T>
  94. struct T_unroll_constructor<0, T> {
  95. template<typename T1> inline T_unroll_constructor(T1 &) {}
  96. template<typename T1, typename T2> inline T_unroll_constructor(T1 *const __restrict, T2 *const __restrict) {}
  97. };
  98. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. // Templated functor unrolling (reusable)
  101. template<unsigned unroll_count, template<unsigned> class T>
  102. struct T_unroll_functor {
  103. T_unroll_functor<unroll_count-1, T> next_unroll;
  104. T<unroll_count-1> functor;
  105. template<typename T1, typename T2> inline bool operator()(T1 const& val1, T2 const& val2) {
  106. return next_unroll(val1, val2) && functor(val1, val2);
  107. }
  108. };
  109. // End of unroll
  110. template<template<unsigned> class T>
  111. struct T_unroll_functor<0, T> {
  112. template<typename T1, typename T2> inline bool operator()(T1 const&, T2 const&) { return true; }
  113. };
  114. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. // Abstract base class of filters for each search variant (range_filters)
  117. template<typename T_row>
  118. struct T_filter {
  119. // whether to use the filter for a given predicate? (strictly at compile time)
  120. template <unsigned index_pred, unsigned number_filter>
  121. struct T_get_use_filter : std::integral_constant<bool, !(index_pred & 1<<number_filter)> {};
  123. // Get index of T_test_pred version for current search range
  124. static inline const unsigned get_index_pred(T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters) {
  125. unsigned result = 0;
  126. for(size_t i = 0; i < T_row::last_e; ++i) result |= range_filters->use_filter[i]?(1<<i):0;
  127. return result;
  128. }
  129. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. // The unrolling filling of selectivity in a compile-time
  132. template<unsigned field_num>
  133. struct T_selectivity_fill {
  134. T_selectivity_fill(std::map<unsigned, unsigned> *const __restrict ordered_filters, T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters) {
  135. const auto begin = range_filters->begin.template get_field_value<field_num>(), end = range_filters->end.template get_field_value<field_num>();
  136. const auto delta = (begin > end)?0:(1 + end - begin);
  137. const unsigned selectivity = range_filters->use_filter[field_num]?
  138. (delta*c_array_size /
  139. T_row::template get_bitf_size<field_num>() // cardinality
  140. )
  141. :c_array_size;
  142. ordered_filters->insert(std::make_pair(field_num, selectivity)); // selectivity for each field-filter
  143. }
  144. };
  146. // Get index of T_test_pred version for current search range
  147. static inline const unsigned get_index_order(T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters) {
  148. unsigned result = 0;
  150. std::map<unsigned, unsigned> ordered_filters;
  151. T_unroll_constructor<T_row::last_e, T_selectivity_fill> selectivity_fill(&ordered_filters, range_filters);
  153. unsigned multiplexor = 1;
  154. for(size_t i = 0; i < T_row::last_e; ++i) {
  155. unsigned cur_index = 0, min_index = 0;
  156. unsigned field_num = ordered_filters.cbegin()->first, min = c_array_size;
  157. for(auto const& it : ordered_filters) {
  158. if (it.second < min) min = it.second, field_num = it.first, min_index = cur_index;
  159. ++cur_index;
  160. }
  161. ordered_filters.erase(field_num);
  162. result += min_index*multiplexor;
  163. multiplexor *= (T_row::last_e - i);
  164. }
  165. return result;
  166. }
  167. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. // Brute force permutations fields at compile-time
  170. // Get the sequence number the remaining field for the number_filter, after removal of all previous
  171. template <unsigned index_order, unsigned number_filter, unsigned index = T_row::last_e>
  172. struct T_number_remaining_field : std::integral_constant<unsigned, T_number_remaining_field<index_order / index, number_filter - 1, index - 1>::value> {};
  174. // End of unroll
  175. template <unsigned index_order, unsigned index>
  176. struct T_number_remaining_field<index_order, 0, index> : std::integral_constant<unsigned, index_order % index> {};
  177. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. // Get 1 or 0 offset if current_field (for number_filter) affect to number_field
  180. template <unsigned index_order, unsigned number_filter, unsigned number_field>
  181. struct T_offset {
  182. enum { current_field = T_number_remaining_field<index_order, number_filter>::value,
  183. value = (current_field <= number_field)?1:0 };
  184. };
  186. // Get offset of number_field (enum in row-type) for number_filter
  187. template <unsigned index_order, unsigned number_filter, unsigned number_field>
  188. struct T_offset_number_field {
  189. enum { offset = T_offset<index_order, number_filter-1, number_field>::value,
  190. value = T_offset_number_field<index_order, number_filter-1, number_field + offset>::value + offset };
  191. };
  193. // End of unroll
  194. template <unsigned index_order, unsigned number_field>
  195. struct T_offset_number_field<index_order, 0, number_field> : std::integral_constant<unsigned, 0> {};
  197. // (Main) Get number of field (enum in row-type) for number_filter
  198. template <unsigned index_order, unsigned number_filter>
  199. struct T_number_field {
  200. enum { remaining_field = T_number_remaining_field<index_order, number_filter>::value,
  201. value = remaining_field + T_offset_number_field<index_order, number_filter, remaining_field>::value };
  202. };
  203. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. // search
  206. virtual size_t search(T_row const*const __restrict array_ptr, const size_t c_array_size,
  207. T_row *const __restrict result_ptr, T_range_filters const*const __restrict filters) = 0;
  208. };
  209. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. // The filters for each search variant (range_filters)
  212. template<typename T_row, unsigned index_pred, unsigned index_order = 0>
  213. struct T_custom_filter : T_filter<T_row> {
  215. // Test predicates functor for unrolling
  216. template<unsigned field_num>
  217. struct T_test_pred {
  218. bool inline operator()(T_row const*const __restrict row, T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters) const
  219. {
  220. typedef typename T_row::T_field_enum T_field_enum;
  221. // Without fields where use_filter==0
  222. enum { ordered_field_number = T_filter<T_row>::template T_number_field<index_order, field_num>::value };
  223. return ( T_filter<T_row>::template T_get_use_filter<index_pred, ordered_field_number>::value ||
  224. (row->template get_field_value<static_cast<T_field_enum>(ordered_field_number)>() >=
  225. range_filters->begin.template get_field_value<static_cast<T_field_enum>(ordered_field_number)>() &&
  226. row->template get_field_value<static_cast<T_field_enum>(ordered_field_number)>() <=
  227. range_filters->end.template get_field_value<static_cast<T_field_enum>(ordered_field_number)>()) );
  228. }
  229. };
  230. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. // search
  233. virtual size_t search(T_row const*const __restrict array_ptr, const size_t c_array_size,
  234. T_row *const __restrict result_ptr, T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters) final
  235. {
  236. size_t result_size = 0;
  237. size_t i; // loop index
  238. T_unroll_functor<T_row::last_e, T_test_pred> test_predicate;
  239. for(i = 0; i < c_array_size; ++i) {
  240. if(test_predicate(array_ptr + i, range_filters))
  241. result_ptr[result_size] = array_ptr[i], ++result_size;
  242. }
  243. return result_size;
  244. }
  245. };
  246. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. template <unsigned N> struct factorial : std::integral_constant<unsigned, N * factorial<N-1>::value> {};
  249. template <> struct factorial<0> : std::integral_constant<unsigned, 1> {};
  251. template<typename T_row>
  252. class T_optimized_search {
  253. // unroll tamplates
  254. template<unsigned index_pred>
  255. struct T_unroll_find {
  256. template<unsigned index_order>
  257. struct T_unroll_order {
  258. template<typename T> T_unroll_order(T &filters) {
  259. filters[index_pred + index_order*(1<<T_row::last_e)].reset( new T_custom_filter<T_row, index_pred, index_order>() );
  260. }
  261. };
  262. T_unroll_constructor<factorial<T_row::last_e>::value, T_unroll_order> fill_ordered_filter;
  264. template<typename T> T_unroll_find(T &filters) : fill_ordered_filter(filters)
  265. {
  266. }
  267. };
  268. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. std::array<std::unique_ptr<T_filter<T_row>>, (1<<T_row::last_e)*factorial<T_row::last_e>::value> filters;
  271. T_unroll_constructor< 1<<T_row::last_e, T_unroll_find> fill_filter;
  272. public:
  273. T_optimized_search() : fill_filter(filters) {}
  275. // C++ optimized search
  276. inline size_t search(T_row const*const __restrict array_ptr, const size_t c_array_size,
  277. T_row *const __restrict result_ptr, T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters)
  278. {
  279. auto const& filter = filters[T_filter<T_row>::get_index_pred(range_filters) + T_filter<T_row>::get_index_order(range_filters)*(1<<T_row::last_e)];
  280. return filter->search(array_ptr, c_array_size, result_ptr, range_filters);
  281. }
  282. };
  283. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  285. /* Compare row with filters */
  286. static inline unsigned char test_predicate(struct T_cash_account_row const*const __restrict row,
  287. struct T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters)
  288. {
  289. return
  290. (!range_filters->use_filter[T_cash_account_row::amount_of_money_e] ||
  291. (row->amount_of_money >= range_filters->begin.amount_of_money &&
  292. row->amount_of_money <= range_filters->end.amount_of_money)) &&
  293. (!range_filters->use_filter[T_cash_account_row::gender_e] ||
  294. (row->gender >= range_filters->begin.gender && row->gender <= range_filters->end.gender)) &&
  295. (!range_filters->use_filter[T_cash_account_row::age_e] ||
  296. (row->age >= range_filters->begin.age && row->age <= range_filters->end.age)) &&
  297. (!range_filters->use_filter[T_cash_account_row::code_e] ||
  298. (row->code >= range_filters->begin.code && row->code <= range_filters->end.code)) &&
  299. (!range_filters->use_filter[T_cash_account_row::height_e] ||
  300. (row->height >= range_filters->begin.height && row->height <= range_filters->end.height));
  301. }
  302. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  304. /* search */
  305. static inline size_t search(struct T_cash_account_row const*const __restrict array_ptr, const size_t c_array_size,
  306. struct T_cash_account_row *const __restrict result_ptr, struct T_range_filters const*const __restrict range_filters)
  307. {
  308. size_t result_size = 0;
  309. size_t i; /* loop index */
  310. for(i = 0; i < c_array_size; ++i) {
  311. if(test_predicate(array_ptr + i, range_filters))
  312. result_ptr[result_size] = array_ptr[i], ++result_size;
  313. }
  314. return result_size;
  315. }
  316. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  318. struct Row {
  319. int32_t code; // 0 - 1000000
  320. int32_t amountOfMoney;// 0 - 1000000
  321. int16_t height; // 0 - 300
  322. int16_t age:7; // 0 - 100
  323. int16_t gender:1; // 0 - 1
  325. Row() : code(0), amountOfMoney(0), height(0), age(0), gender(0) {};
  327. Row(int32_t code_, int32_t money, int16_t height_, int16_t age_, int16_t gender_)
  328. : code(code_), amountOfMoney(money), height(height_), age(age_), gender(gender_){}
  329. };
  331. int main() {
  333. std::cout << "C++: " << sizeof(Row) << " | C: " << sizeof(T_cash_account_row) << std::endl;
  335. size_t i; /* loop index */
  336. struct T_cash_account_row *const array_ptr = ( struct T_cash_account_row *)calloc(c_array_size, sizeof(struct T_cash_account_row));
  337. if (array_ptr == NULL) {
  338. printf ("calloc error\n");
  339. exit(1);
  340. }
  342. /* initialize random seed: */
  343. /* srand (time(NULL)); */
  345. /* Fill table random data */
  346. for(i = 0; i < c_array_size; ++i)
  347. array_ptr[i] = generate_row();
  348. printf ("Generated rows: %zd \n", c_array_size);
  350. /* C-style range filters */
  351. struct T_range_filters range_filters = {};
  353. range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::amount_of_money_e] = rand()%1 + 0;
  354. range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::gender_e] = rand()%1 + 0;
  355. range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::height_e] = rand()%1 + 0;
  357. range_filters.begin.age = rand() % 100;
  358. range_filters.end.age = range_filters.begin.age + 5;
  359. range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::age_e] = rand()%1 + 1;
  361. range_filters.begin.code = rand() % 30000;
  362. range_filters.end.code = range_filters.begin.code + 5;
  363. range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::code_e] = rand()%1 + 1;
  365. size_t result_size;
  366. clock_t end, start;
  368. double cpp_took_time;
  369. double c_took_time;
  371. {
  372. struct T_cash_account_row *const result_ptr = ( struct T_cash_account_row *)calloc(c_array_size, sizeof(struct T_cash_account_row));
  373. start = clock();
  374. result_size = search(array_ptr, c_array_size, result_ptr, &range_filters);
  375. end = clock();
  376. c_took_time = static_cast<double>(end - start);
  377. printf ("C search took %f seconds.\n", c_took_time/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  378. printf ("Found rows: %zd \n", result_size);
  380. free(result_ptr);
  381. }
  383. {
  384. std::vector<Row> rows(c_array_size);
  385. for(size_t i = 0; i < c_array_size; ++i)
  386. {
  387. T_cash_account_row r = array_ptr[i];
  388. rows[i] = Row(r.code, r.amount_of_money, r.height, r.age, r.gender);
  389. }
  390. free(array_ptr);
  392. std::vector<Row> output;
  393. output.reserve(32);
  395. auto filter = [&](const Row& row)
  396. {
  397. return
  398. (!range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::amount_of_money_e] ||
  399. (row.amountOfMoney >= range_filters.begin.amount_of_money &&
  400. row.amountOfMoney <= range_filters.end.amount_of_money)) &&
  401. (!range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::gender_e] ||
  402. (row.gender >= range_filters.begin.gender && row.gender <= range_filters.end.gender)) &&
  403. (!range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::age_e] ||
  404. (row.age >= range_filters.begin.age && row.age <= range_filters.end.age)) &&
  405. (!range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::code_e] ||
  406. (row.code >= range_filters.begin.code && row.code <= range_filters.end.code)) &&
  407. (!range_filters.use_filter[T_cash_account_row::height_e] ||
  408. (row.height >= range_filters.begin.height && row.height <= range_filters.end.height));
  409. };
  411. start = clock();
  412. std::copy_if(rows.begin(), rows.end(), std::back_inserter(output), filter);
  413. end = clock();
  414. cpp_took_time = static_cast<double>(end - start);
  415. printf ("C++ search took %f seconds.\n", cpp_took_time/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  416. printf ("Found rows: %ld \n", output.size());
  417. }
  419. printf ("The C++ faster than C: %f times \n", c_took_time/cpp_took_time);
  421. return 0;
  422. }
Success #stdin #stdout 2.28s 3032KB
Standard input is empty
C++: 12 | C: 8
Generated rows: 10000000 
C search took 0.050000 seconds.
Found rows: 38 
C++ search took 0.080000 seconds.
Found rows: 38 
The C++ faster than C: 0.625000 times