#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/graph/grid_graph.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/detail/d_ary_heap.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
template <typename TGraph, typename TIndexInHeapMap>
static void OutputIndexHeapMap(TGraph g, TIndexInHeapMap indexHeapMap);
int main(int, char*[])
// Seed random number gererators
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
srand48((unsigned int)time(NULL));
// Create a graph
boost::array<std::size_t, 2> lengths = { { 2,2 } };
typedef boost::grid_graph<2> GraphType;
GraphType graph(lengths);
// Declare iterators that we will use
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphType>::vertex_iterator VertexIteratorType;
VertexIteratorType vertexIterator, vertexIteratorEnd;
// Setup the graph properties
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphType>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef boost::property_map<GraphType, boost::vertex_index_t>::const_type GridIndexMapType;
GridIndexMapType gridIndexMap(get(boost::vertex_index, graph));
typedef boost::vector_property_map<std::size_t, GridIndexMapType> IndexInHeapMap;
IndexInHeapMap index_in_heap(gridIndexMap);
// Initialize
for( tie(vertexIterator, vertexIteratorEnd) = vertices(graph); vertexIterator != vertexIteratorEnd; ++vertexIterator)
put(index_in_heap, *vertexIterator, (size_t)(-1));
std::cout << "Initial heap map" << std::endl;
OutputIndexHeapMap(graph, index_in_heap);
typedef boost::vector_property_map<float, GridIndexMapType> PriorityMapType;
PriorityMapType priorityMap(gridIndexMap);
// Setup the queue
typedef std::greater<float> ComparisonFunctor;
typedef boost::d_ary_heap_indirect<Vertex, 4, IndexInHeapMap,
PriorityMapType, ComparisonFunctor > MutableQueueType;
ComparisonFunctor comparisonFunctor;
MutableQueueType mutableQueue(priorityMap, index_in_heap, comparisonFunctor);
std::cout << "There are " << mutableQueue.size() << " items in the queue." << std::endl;
// Add random values to the vertices and add them to the queue
for( tie(vertexIterator, vertexIteratorEnd) = vertices(graph); vertexIterator != vertexIteratorEnd; ++vertexIterator)
float newPriority = rand() % 1000;
Vertex v = *vertexIterator;
std::cout << "Original priority for " << v[0] << ", " << v[1] << " " << newPriority << std::endl;
put(priorityMap, *vertexIterator, newPriority);
std::cout << "Heap map after initial pushes:" << std::endl;
OutputIndexHeapMap(graph, index_in_heap);
std::cout << "There are " << mutableQueue.size() << " items in the queue." << std::endl;
// Insert another set of random values for each vertex
for( tie(vertexIterator, vertexIteratorEnd) = vertices(graph); vertexIterator != vertexIteratorEnd; ++vertexIterator)
float newPriority = rand() % 1000;
Vertex v = *vertexIterator;
std::cout << "New priority for " << v[0] << ", " << v[1] << " " << newPriority << std::endl;
put(priorityMap, *vertexIterator, newPriority);
std::cout << "Heap map after updates:" << std::endl;
OutputIndexHeapMap(graph, index_in_heap);
std::cout << "There are " << mutableQueue.size() << " items in the queue." << std::endl;
// Output (and empty) the queue
while( ! mutableQueue.empty() )
// MutableQueueType::value_type u = mutableQueue.top();
Vertex u = mutableQueue.top();
// These two lines are equivalent
std::cout << "vertex: " << u[0] << " " << u[1]
<< " priority: " << get(mutableQueue.keys(), u)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Heap map at end:" << std::endl; // All (size_t)(-1)
OutputIndexHeapMap(graph, index_in_heap);
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
template <typename TGraph, typename TIndexInHeapMap>
static void OutputIndexHeapMap(TGraph g, TIndexInHeapMap indexHeapMap)
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TGraph>::vertex_iterator VertexIteratorType;
VertexIteratorType vertexIterator, vertexIteratorEnd;
for( tie(vertexIterator, vertexIteratorEnd) = vertices(g); vertexIterator != vertexIteratorEnd; ++vertexIterator)
std::cout << "Index: " << get(indexHeapMap, *vertexIterator) << std::endl;